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10 Tips for Surviving and Thriving in Your First Year Teaching - Edutopia Dear New Teachers, This blog post is for you. Perhaps you’ve heard that your first year will be “sooo hard.” Red-state politics in and out of the college classroom For two decades, I have taught U.S. women’s and gender history at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, a blue town in a blue state, marooned in an ocean of red. Bordered by Appalachia, the Mississippi Delta and the Ozarks, Southern Illinois is surrounded by the country’s poorest rural regions. Some of my students arrive from white farming communities and are the first in their families to attend college.

Here's a great way to get to know your students As teachers, our goal is to help our students. Sometimes they work independently; sometimes they work in groups. Each student has a different learning style, personality, and culture. I believe that using icebreakers can be a useful tool to not only get to know one another, but to also help students learn how to interact positively with one another. Icebreakers can also aid the teacher as a classroom management strategy and be a fun way to break up the monotony of everyday school routines.

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