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Crowdfunding for Your Business – ProFounder

Free tools to… get ready Plan and prepare to raise money for your business using our comprehensive checklist get funded Use our DIY community-funding tools to raise money from your community get social

Peerbackers Strength in Numbers peerbackers is a new way to fund entrepreneurs. It is an online funding platform that allows business owners to raise capital from their “peers”—in small increments—in exchange for tangible rewards to those who contribute. We’re the connectors— our online marketplace directly links business people who are looking for a small amount of start-up or growth capital with individuals who are willing to contribute that funding in small increments. These individuals can be friends, family or complete strangers…but they all share one thing—at least $10 to spare and a desire to have a positive impact on the world. Not to mention—the contributors get cool rewards too!

10 Web 2.0 Ideas that Failed The Web is an extremely fickle place. A Web service can be hot today, and dead in the water tomorrow. While there's no true science for determining exactly what makes one stick while another languishes, there's a lot to be learned after one fails. How Memoto raised $500,000 on Kickstarter, part 1. Still being in something of a shock over the overwhelming response Memoto’s Kickstarter project has had, we feel we need, for reasons of self-therapy if nothing else, to put down in words what has really happened these past few weeks since we launched. We will do this in two parts, one where we describe the process leading up to the launch of the project and one where we disclose some lessons learned during the actual project. So, what’s Kickstarter? Well basically, it’s a website for crowdfunding projects. Anyone can set up a project and seek funding – and anyone can fund a project.

Hacking Kickstarter: How to Raise $100,000 in 10 Days (Includes Successful Templates, E-mails, etc.) Mike Del Ponte co-founded Soma, which raised more than $100,000 on Kickstarter using virtual assistants and free apps. I first met Mike Del Ponte two years ago when he was running marketing at BranchOut, a startup I advise. Before joining BranchOut, Mike had explored a variety of career paths, including preparing for the priesthood at Yale Divinity School and serving as a peacemaker in the West Bank. Earlier this year, Mike came to me with a new product idea called Soma. Soma is, in its simplest form, a high-end competitor to Brita water filters. Manage Your Kickstarter Campaign With This Simple Dashboard Earlier this month, Soma launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise $100,000 for a new water filter to rival those offered by Brita and other companies. The campaign raised $50,000 in just 36 hours, but that proved to be a mixed blessing for the team running it. "We were being inundated with everything from tweets to Facebook posts to messages on Kickstarter," said Mike Del Ponte, a co-founder of Soma. "It was crazy. We thought we did a really good job of preparing — we had a dedicated customer service person and a dedicated social media person — and it was still just nuts."

10 Fresh Tips for Your Kickstarter Marketing Strategy If you’re running a Kickstarter project, it’s important to market your idea to get the maximum number of backers. However, before you even get started with your project, you should plan ahead. We’ve written about Kickstarter marketing techniques before, and I intend for this blog to serve a different purposes: to highlight additional considerations, to expand upon some of the tips mentioned before, and to provide new guidance for the latter half of 2013. Make sure your idea is a good fit for Kickstarter...or crowdfunding in general. Kickstarter may seem like a great place to make a quick buck, but not all ideas are cut out for crowdfunding.

About Kickspy What is Kickspy? In short, Kickspy lets you easily discover, research and track Kickstarter projects. Scan down for more ... What can I do with Kickspy? 3 Simple Steps to Creating the Perfect Kickstarter Video I don’t even have to mention the fact that a crowdfunding campaign without a video only has a 30% chance of success, so it’s safe to say that the video is, hands down, one of the most important pieces of putting together a campaign. Not only are videos the first thing that meets the eye when brought to a campaign page, but they’re also your chance to give the world your elevator pitch. Within the first few seconds, it’s up to the video creator to pull the viewer in the right direction; whether or not they want to continue watching the video, whether or not they like the idea, whether or not they want to support get it. Here at Command Partners, we’ve developed a formula for creating a crowdfunding video that will set your project up for success, while on a budget. You don’t need money or expensive recording equipment; all you need is yourself and your product. 1.
