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Over time, the Apple Watch has grown into quite the everyday heart rate monitor, but things have ramped up considerably with the new Series 4 and watchOS 5.

After dipping into some basic heart health through the previous smartwatch - giving users a high heart rate notification and resting heart rate stats - the Apple Watch Series 4 will now feature medical-grade accuracy through ECG monitoring. No longer just a way for you to get a look at the basics, such as your workout stats, calorie burn, active minutes, the all-new heart rate monitor will work to provide atrial fibrillation detection, low heart rate detection and provide details on heart rate rhythm. But how does it all work, what data is presented on the wrist and on the iPhone, and just how accurate is the tracking itself? How To Develop Your Digital Content Strategy. What’s a digital content strategy?

How To Develop Your Digital Content Strategy

This is a hard question to answer in 2015. Is a digital content strategy something you need for social media? Content marketing? Influence marketing? Your blog? Neighborhood social network Nextdoor to raise $110 million at $1 billion valuation. Spencer A Brown Nirav Tolia, CEO and founder of Nextdoor, has moved the social network in to 53,000 "microcommunities" across the U.S.

Neighborhood social network Nextdoor to raise $110 million at $1 billion valuation

San Francisco may have another $1 billion startup on its hands. Nextdoor, a social-networking platform that connects neighbors in local communities, will announce today that it has raised $110 million in fresh funding from investors including Redpoint Ventures and Insight Venture Partners, the New York Times reported. The new investment values Nextdoor at about $1.1 billion, the Times said, pushing the company into the lofty class of private tech startups with 10-figure valuations. Banexi Ventures Partners - Banexi Ventures Partners : Team. E-commerce data analytics: Netwave lève 1,2 million d’euros pour faire des recommandations personnalisées. Yseulys Costes, 15 ans de 1000mercis: « 350 collaborateurs et 50 pays » Équipe - 3T Capital. Digital skills teaching in schools needs radical rethink, says report. The teaching of digital skills in schools should be regarded as equally important as lessons in numeracy and literacy, according to a report published on Tuesday.

Digital skills teaching in schools needs radical rethink, says report

The study by the House of Lords digital skills committee calls for a radical rethink of education and says digital literacy should be treated as a third core subject. It also says the internet should be regarded as a utility on a par with water or electricity, in order to ensure unimpeded access for all. The report says urgent action is required to support teachers who are currently not equipped to deliver the new computing curriculum, and insists no child should leave school without basic digital literacy. An estimated 9.5 million people currently lack a minimum level of digital skills and the report warns the UK risks becoming “a branch economy, much less prosperous and influential” if it doesn’t pursue a digital agenda.

Social Media Calendar. Cash floods late-stage tech despite warnings. Brand success in an era of Digital Darwinism. The Internet has become an indispensable tool for marketers, yet there are still gaps in understanding its role in shaping how consumers choose among brands.

Brand success in an era of Digital Darwinism

With the help of a powerful data set, we have been studying the relationship between the level of digitization across the consumer’s decision journey and the likelihood that a consumer will select a brand after considering and evaluating its qualities. We compiled data on 1,000 brands across a wide range of product categories, covering 20,000 consumer journeys and 100,000 touchpoints along them. The research paints a vivid picture of the factors involved in a consumer’s purchase choice (also known as brand conversion). Overall, the landscape exhibits what we and others call Digital Darwinism: Competition among brands is steadily increasing as branding channels and messages proliferate. The state of digital play Digitization is steadily becoming the main pathway for consumer journeys. The effects of Digital Darwinism. Upworthy, une information insolite sans journalistes. Ce site internet américain donne une vitrine à des contenus qui ne sont pas les siens, afin qu'ils soient partagés sur les réseaux sociaux.

Upworthy, une information insolite sans journalistes

Il a triplé son audience en six mois, attirant aujourd'hui 30 millions de visiteurs par mois. Un fast-food décide de payer ses employés le double du salaire minimum. Un étudiant joue du piano dans sa maison dévastée par des inondations. Une jeune femme met au point un jeu de société pour motiver les petites filles à devenir ingénieures. Voilà trois exemples de ce qu'on pouvait cette semaine sur la page d'accueil d'Upworthy. About Us. Emotional and Effective, Upworthy's Native Ads Have Generated More than $10 Million. When Starbucks wanted to share the uplifting story of how its local events helped a deaf woman discover a large, supportive community, the coffee chain turned to a somewhat obvious choice: Upworthy.

Emotional and Effective, Upworthy's Native Ads Have Generated More than $10 Million

Specifically, it went to the viral publisher of positivity's native ad division, Upworthy Collaborations, which helped package and distribute the video to an audience that always loves a tear-jerking tale. The branded content program, which launched in April 2014 with Unilever's Project Sunlight, helps companies either by curating heartwarming and inspiring content created by the brand, working with the brand to create branded pieces or finding materials that align with the brand's mission and posting them on behalf of the brand.

Transferts d’argent sur mobile: la start-up britannique WorldRemit lève 100 millions de dollars.