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Bill Gates interview: How the world will change by 2030

Bill Gates interview: How the world will change by 2030
Related:  Skills for Future Jobsaggiornamento

The Future of Work: Quantified Employees, Pop-Up Workplaces, And More Telepresence For many people, especially those working at desk jobs, the workplace is very different than it was 20 years ago: there’s a computer at every desk, telecommuting is fairly common, and the traditional cubicle is giving way to more collaborative spaces. We’ve seen predictions about where we’ll go from here before; now PSFK, a popular blog that also happens to be a thriving consultancy, has come up with its own version of the future of work, described in a new 138-page report. It’s not as fantastical as many future-forward reports--it’s planted firmly in ideas that are already gaining a lot of traction. Perhaps that makes it more accurate. Here are our takeaways. Startup Training and Skills Marketplaces PSFK imagines that learning initiatives for young entrepreneurs, such as Enstitute, will become the norm. Office Feedback Culture You know the employee that keeps screwing up and eventually just gets fired without really understanding why? Quantified Workers More Social Communication Tools

Partecipa al più grande evento e-learning nella storia, dal 7 al 13 Dicembre 2015 Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2018 - Smarter With Gartner Explore the latest: Your Detailed Guide to Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends 2023 How do designers make cars safer? They treat them like a school of fish. Safe Swarm, recently unveiled by Honda, uses vehicle-to-vehicle communication to allow cars to pass information on to other cars in the vicinity. For example, alerts about an accident miles up the road could be relayed to cars miles back, enabling them to operate collaboratively and intelligently to avoid accidents and mitigate traffic. The evolution of intelligent things, such as collective thinking car swarms, is one of 10 strategic trends with broad industry impact and significant potential for disruption. “The continuing digital business evolution exploits new digital models to align more closely the physical and digital worlds for employees, partners and customers,” says David Cearley, vice president and Gartner Fellow, at Gartner 2017 Symposium/ITxpo in Orlando, Florida. The intelligent digital mesh Intelligent Digital

10 well paid jobs of the future Mr Bellini posited the idea of an elderly well-being consultant, who specialises in personalised care for older patients, or a memory augmentation surgeon who helps counter memory loss. He also saw big changes in farming as food resources became scarce, with genetically modified crops becoming common and crops grown vertically in areas resembling multi-storey car parks to save space. Ian Pearson, a futurologist who wrote You Tomorrow, sees job growth in the field of augmented reality, where the real world is overlaid with computer-generated images. “When you look at a building it’s constrained by planning laws, but in cyberspace you can make it look however you want,” he said. “A company with a high street presence could make their shop look like Downton Abbey, or set it in a post-nuclear apocalypse environment.” Mr Pearson also argued that the better technology gets, the more people will have to focus on their “human skills” to survive in the workforce. Best paid jobs of today

The 10 Most Important Work Skills in 2020 Share this infographic on your site! <a href=" src=" alt="Important Work Skills for 2020" width="500" border="0" /></a><br />Source: <a href=" The 10 Most Important Work Skills in 2020 Future Work Skills of 2020: Sources: MOOC – Esercitazioni guidate online | Un corso online aperto e gratuito che inizia giocando e ti guida allo sviluppo di vere e proprie applicazioni mobili. e “Code’s cool”, per iniziativa dell’Università di Urbino e di NeuNet, organizzano esercitazioni guidate online che possono essere seguite in diretta streaming o riusate successivamente. Ogni esercitazione è concepita per essere seguita da intere classi riunite in laboratorio con i propri insegnanti, o per essere seguita da casa dagli alunni in autonomia o con i propri famigliari. Se i tempi dell’esercitazione non corrispondono a quelli personali, il video può essere interrotto e poi ripreso, oppure rivisto successivamente. I video tutorial partono da Hour of code e guidano passo passo attraverso il Corso Rapido di spiegando e commentando i concetti base della programmazione introdotti in ogni schema. Durante le dirette le scuole che partecipano possono interagire direttamente con il Prof. Ogni video ha la durata indicativa di un’ora.

TrendForce 發布 2018 年十大科技趨勢 全球市場研究機構 TrendForce 針對 2018 年科技產業發展,發布十大科技趨勢新聞。 AI 導入加速邊緣運算需求與雲端數據分析 過往雲端運算被用來進行資料運算與後續分析處理,但對於低延遲、即時性的需求逐漸升起,傳統雲端運算架構反而略顯不足,邊緣運算的導入有助於進行資料的預處理,降低資料流量與傳輸時間,亦可將運算能力下移至終端,強化終端對於環境的即時回饋;2018 年邊緣運算將開始實質地導入各垂直應用領域中,將資料運用的更有效率與價值。 區塊鏈走向商用部署,金融領域先行 2017 年區塊鏈技術已從概念走向實作,企業、各國政府對區塊鏈技術接受度提高。 5G 行動通訊技術開啟應用多元化之需求 2018 年物聯網時代更會加重網路負荷,下世代 Wi-Fi 技術 802.11ax 將改善此種情況。 VR 產品聚焦獨立 VR 裝置 次世代的 HTC Vive、Oculus Rift 等 PC 端的 VR 產品尚不會在短期間內推出,在 Google、Facebook 等網路服務商的帶領之下,2018 年更被關注的將會是獨立 VR 裝置的推出。 智慧型手機生物辨識技術再掀波瀾 2017 年 iPhone X 採用人臉辨識取代過往指紋辨識設計,除了支援行動支付外,進階延伸 AR 相關應用領域,2018 年非蘋陣營蠢蠢欲動,生物辨識技術話題在智慧型手機市場將再掀波瀾。 全螢幕滲透率跳躍式提升 帶動手機外觀新風潮 受到 Apple 與 Samsung 2017 年新機種設計的鼓舞,以及在面板廠無論是 OLED、LTPS 或 A-Si 陣營都全面響應的前提下,2018 年採用全螢幕設計的智慧型手機將呈跳躍式普及,預估滲透率將由今年不到 10% 快速攀升至 36% 的水準。 Mini LED 技術有機會於 2018 年導入背光應用 由於 Micro LED 的技術門檻較高,目前仍有相當多的問題需要克服,相關廠商主推 Mini LED 技術。 Level 4 晶片正式出貨 可望實現自動駕駛願景 汽車智慧化過程中所需的資通訊及安全性相關系統及零組件正蓬勃發展,包括雷達、影像或感測器、車用處理器及運算晶片、ADAS 系統、車用顯示器、車聯網等相關應用至為關鍵。 晶圓代工產業重現四大業者競爭局勢 2018 年全球太陽能市場仰中國鼻息 (首圖來源:Shutterstock)

Garbage designer, robot counsellor among the predicted jobs of 2030 About 15 years from now, farmers will have made their way from the countryside to the city, counsellors will help ensure the right robot goes to the right family and garbage designers will lead the upcycling movement. Those are some predictions made by the Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan’s Inspired Minds initiative, which aims to give Canadians a sneak peek of the job market in 2030. Some of the more curious careers include: Nostalgist: A mix between a therapist, an interior designer and a historical researcher, a nostalgist will help the wealthy elderly of 2030 create a living space inspired by their favourite decade. Rewilder: The old name for this job was "farmer." Farming will continue to take place, but in greenhouses located on skyscrapers, which will be known as vertical farms. Tele-surgeon: They're not fixing your telephone -- as telephones could very well be a thing of the past in 2030 -- they're fixing your insides.

Future of Work: What Skills Will Help Us Keep Pace? From Elon Musk’s tweet that artificial intelligence may be more dangerous than nuclear weapons to the growing clamor of voices warning robots will take away our jobs, it is clear we are focusing more on the problems of AI, robotics, and automation than the solutions. While the problems are real and should be taken into account, social innovators around the world are already working to deliver solutions. It’s true that today’s technology is reworking the economy and our role in it. But this needn’t herald economic end times. This is nothing new. During the Industrial Revolution, in the US, we demanded every child attend school and learn reading, writing and math. Throughout the 20th century, humanity poured tremendous resources into ensuring every human develop these skills as technologies advanced. Most of us have heard of STEM skills (science, technology, engineering, and math), but there is another lesser known skillset that will also be critical.

Prove invalsi di italiano, classe seconda elementare, anche on line ISTRUZIONI (solo per le prove on line, quelle evidenziate in verde) Prova Griglia di correzione Prova (fascicolo 1) Griglia di correzione (fascicolo 1) Prova di lettura Prova in formato mp3 (fascicolo 5) (clicca su salva col nome e non su apri): non disponibile Prova (fascicolo 5) in formato word per gli allievi con bisogni educativi speciali: non disponibile Guida alla lettura della prova di italiano Nota Tecnica sugli alunni con particolari bisogni educativi Quadro di riferimento NOSTRA VERSIONE ON LINE (prova invalsi italiano seconda elementare 2016-2017): Prova Prova (fascicolo 1) Griglia di correzione Prova preliminare di lettura Prova in formato mp3 (fascicolo 5) (clicca su salva col nome e non su apri) Prova (fascicolo 5) in formato word per gli allievi con bisogni educativi speciali Guida alla lettura della prova di italiano Manuale della maschera automatica Nota Tecnica sugli alunni con particolari bisogni educativi Quadro di riferimento Prova (fascicolo1) Griglia di correzione Quadro di riferimento

IDC 發布 2018 年台灣 ICT 市場十大趨勢預測 IDC 1 日發布對 2018 年台灣市場的十大 ICT 預測。在市場快速變動以及高度競爭壓力下,數位轉型已是企業發展的重心,而朝向數位原生企業(Digital Native Enterprise)推動則是未來企業發展的重要方向。數位原生企業是比傳統企業高出數倍速度擴展業務和創新的公司,它以客戶為中心,不斷積極尋求創新,數位技術和數據(data)是發展的關鍵與核心,藉此促動企業高效營運,挖掘新的收入來源,創造客戶忠誠度,進一步達成數位轉型的目的。IDC 台灣研究總監江芳韻表示 :「未來 5 年我們將會看到數位轉型進入新的階段,數位原生企業將是企業發展的重要目標。未來市場競爭的關鍵是企業是否擁有創造新商業模式的能力,數位原生企業將在此關鍵能力上有較佳的表現」 預計 2018 年台灣市場將受到下列十大趨勢影響: (1) 預計 2021 年全球及台灣 GDP 主要貢獻將來自「數位化」,「未來商業」模式將成為企業重要獲利來源 數位轉型與科技應用已是企業競爭及組織發展數位化重要的基礎,越來越多企業採用各類新興數位科技積極朝數位原生企業(Digital Native)發展,使得數位化成為一個龐大的經濟體系。 (2) 數位科技推升企業數位智慧平台成形──無人商業型態來臨 由於競爭越來越激烈,企業已開始運用新的數位科技,包括感測器融合、3D 影像辨識、Robotics 和 AI 等技術來增加營運效率和獲利。 (3)就地型公有雲(Cloud at the Edge)將加速企業採行雲端化技術,雲服務應用環境愈趨多元複雜 過去至今企業仍遲疑採行公有雲的原因,不外乎法規、存取效能及資訊安全等 3 項顧慮,然就地型公有雲(Cloud at the Edge)的提出,直接將公有雲系統自雲端搬遷至企業機房中,且運算、儲存、中介軟體之取用、計費均比照原有公有雲設計,既保有公有雲的彈性、低成本優勢,又具有合乎資料落地法規、快速反應、安全性掌握等益處。 就地型公有雲除能延伸公有雲市場外,在私有雲、混合雲市場中亦具吸引力,在私有雲市場中帶來低固定成本的新選項,在混合雲市場中具有降低資訊技術複雜度的優勢。 (4)人工智慧跨入終端(AI at the edge),Smartphone-as-a-platform (5)數位經濟下,資訊安全將具備「學習」與「預測」能力,「安全性」已成為企業價值與信賴度的重要指標
