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Write your story, change history - Brad Meltzer

Write your story, change history - Brad Meltzer

How to beat loneliness Loneliness is a subjective feeling. You may be surrounded by other people, friends, family, workmates — yet still feel emotionally or socially disconnected from those around you. Other people are not guaranteed to shield us against the raw emotional pain that loneliness inflicts. But raw emotional pain is only the beginning of the damage loneliness can cause. It has a huge impact on our physical health as well. Loneliness activates our physical and psychological stress responses and suppresses the function of our immune systems. Emerging from loneliness is far more challenging than we realize. There are many paths to loneliness. Unfortunately, emerging from loneliness is far more challenging than we realize, as the psychological wounds it inflicts create a trap from which it is difficult to break free. These distorted perceptions have a huge ripple effect, creating self-fulfilling prophecies that ensnare many. Take action Give the benefit of the doubt Approach with positivity

CBRE report warns 50 per cent of occupations will be redundant in 20 years time Japan's SoftBank Corp is developing human-like robots which it will use to staff its cellphone stores From self-driving cars to carebots for elderly people, rapid advances in technology have long represented a potential threat to many jobs normally performed by people. But experts now believe that almost 50 per cent of occupations existing today will be completely redundant by 2025 as artificial intelligence continues to transform businesses. A revolutionary shift in the way workplaces operate is expected to take place over the next 10 to 15 years, which could put some people's livelihoods at risk. Customer work, process work and vast swatches of middle management will simply 'disappear', according to a new report by consulting firm CBRE and China-based Genesis. 'Experts predict that 50 per cent of occupations today will no longer exist by 2025 as people will take up more creative professions,' said Martin Chen, Chief Operating Officer of Genesis. Scroll down for video 1) Telemarketers

The true story of 'true' - Gina Cooke Etymology is an area of linguistic science; it's the study of the origin of words and the ways in which their meanings and usages have changed over time. The etymology of a specific word traces the historical development of its meaning. Etymological study relies on attested forms -- that is, words as they were attested in writing throughout history. Because of this reliance on attested (written) forms, the study of English etymology helps explain why some words are written the way they are. While many dictionaries include etymological information along with other aspects of a word, like pronunciation, definitions, and examples, not all do. Etymology is a major consideration in the word studies and spelling questions investigated on LEX: Linguist~Educator Exchange, a website dedicated to bringing language science to the language arts. Etymological study can inspire more than just writing or usage. What is the difference between "a hearty welcome" and "a cordial reception"?

Daniel Levitin: How to stay calm when you know you'll be stressed | TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript [WATCH] Kim Kardashian’s Letter To Future Self — Have Patience With North Kim Kardashian has made a long list of advice she wants her future self to remember. The reality star sat down for a video to write a letter to her future 44-year-old self and it’s hilariously cute. Click to see the sweet advice she writes! Kim Kardashian, 34, loves to document everything in her life. So, it’s no surprise she made a visual diary entry dedicated to her future self. The reality star told her future 2025 self to take into consideration that North West will be a handful at 12-years-old. <a href=" Our Poll</a> Kim recently sat down with Glamour and typed out a touching letter to future 2025 Kim. She continued to say, “I know Junior High is really tough. Yes, patience is definitely going to be key, because North is going to be one gorgeous 12-year-old. Read Kim’s Letter To Her Future Self In Full Dear Kim,When you read this, you’ll be 10 years older in the year 2025. HollywoodLifers — what do you think about Kim’s letter? — Brittany King

Real-Life Scenarios for Teaching the Bill of Rights Social Education 58(3), 1994, pp. 169-170 National Council for the Social Studies Donald Wasson The adult male inmate population at a maximum security correctional center is a logical if difficult audience for effective lessons about the Bill of Rights. For these students especially, useful study must go beyond the rote memorization of facts and figures. It is not enough to know that the Eighth Amendment is concerned with cruel and unusual punishment. Choosing Topics for Scenarios Once incarcerated, the only opportunity the adult inmate typically has to observe and examine rights and privileges is through television and movie dramas. The scenarios I use are designed to change some of the inmates' negative attitudes toward constitutional law and bring its precepts into focus. The two scenarios I have chosen to discuss center on the following two questions: 1. I then present students with this scenario: After hearing the excerpts from the various cases, students are asked these questions:

This week’s work – futuristic jobs and technologies As you start to finish off your dystopian writing you now have the chance to show off some skills in English by either reading, talking, listening or writing about some futuristic things. It’s up to you to decide what to work with. Ask med for guidance if you don’t know what to improve. Futuristic jobs You can choose to read about jobs that are likely to appear in 15 years from now here. In the articles you will also find out about jobs that we have today like teacher. Futuristic technologies In this article you can read about ten futuristic technologies that are likely to appear in 15 years. Do you have some more ideas don’t be afraid to ask me if you can do that as long as it has to do with the future.

A Letter To Myself
