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1er sept. 2021 How sea-level rise is making hurricanes like Ida more destructive. 10-12 juin 2021 Montée des eaux : un repli inévitable mais des outils juridiques introuvables. [3/4 Une montée des eaux critique] Déjà affectés par l’élévation du niveau de la mer, les littoraux français vont devoir s’attendre à pire.

10-12 juin 2021 Montée des eaux : un repli inévitable mais des outils juridiques introuvables

Quelles sont les zones les plus à risque ? Que projettent les scientifiques ? 8-12 juin 2021 Hauts-de-France, Lacanau, Camargue… la montée des eaux devient critique. [1/4 Une montée des eaux critique] Déjà affectés par l’élévation du niveau de la mer, les littoraux français vont devoir s’attendre à pire.

8-12 juin 2021 Hauts-de-France, Lacanau, Camargue… la montée des eaux devient critique

Quelles sont les zones les plus à risque ? Que projettent les scientifiques ? 9-11 juin 2021 Montée des eaux en France : les prévisions alarmantes des scientifiques. 10-12 mai 2021 La fonte du « glacier de l’Apocalypse », en Antarctique, effraie les scientifiques. 10 mai 2021 à 08h58, Mis à jour le 12 mai 2021 à 09h23 Durée de lecture : 5 minutes.

10-12 mai 2021 La fonte du « glacier de l’Apocalypse », en Antarctique, effraie les scientifiques

Before Laura, there was Katrina. What lessons does New Orleans have for coastal cities ? Published Aug 27, 2020. «Nous proposons des causes communes» - J.-L. Mélenchon à Valence le 23 août 2020. 13 août 2020 Inondations : une menace planétaire. Gironde : L'indemnisation des propriétaires du Signal, menacé par l'érosion côtière, votée par le Sénat Publié le 20 juillet 2020. Il est le symbole depuis de nombreuses années de l’érosion côtière et du réchauffement climatique.

Gironde : L'indemnisation des propriétaires du Signal, menacé par l'érosion côtière, votée par le Sénat Publié le 20 juillet 2020

Après des années de lutte, les copropriétaires du Signal, cet immeuble de Soulac-sur-Mer, vont pouvoir être indemnisés. Le Sénat, à majorité de droite, a en effet voté dimanche un amendement, défendu par le gouvernement, qui « précise le cadre juridique permettant d’utiliser les crédits de 7 millions d’euros du programme prévention des risques, dédié à l’indemnisation de propriétaires de biens dans des immeubles rendus inhabitables par l’érosion côtière », a indiqué Agnès Pannier-Runacher, ministre déléguée auprès du ministre de l’Economie. Le texte prévoit ainsi une indemnisation des propriétaires des lots de l’immeuble à hauteur de 70 % de la valeur vénale estimée, sans que ne soit pris en compte le risque d’effondrement, a-t-elle précisé. Vidéo. Pourquoi les plages sont-elles menacées de disparition ? Le 19 juillet 2020.

Changement climatique : de très grosses vagues plus fréquentes en vue Par Marie-Céline Ray Publié le 16/06/2020 Mis à jour le 17/06/2020. Pourquoi c’est important Les activités humaines qui émettent des gaz à effet de serre ont un impact sur le climat de la planète, avec des conséquences sur les vents et, dans les océans, sur les vagues.

Changement climatique : de très grosses vagues plus fréquentes en vue Par Marie-Céline Ray Publié le 16/06/2020 Mis à jour le 17/06/2020

Des données récentes montrent qu’il existe un changement global des vents et des courants océaniques. Replay Sur le front - Les glaciers. It’s not just Australia — Indonesia is facing its own climate disaster. Replay 13h15, le dimanche... - Planète Fragile : récif en danger Le 29 décembre 2019. It’s not just Venice. Climate change imperils ancient treasures everywhere. Saltwater rushed into St.

It’s not just Venice. Climate change imperils ancient treasures everywhere.

Mark’s Basilica in Venice last week, submerging marble tombs, intricate mosaics, and centuries-old columns. A man was spotted swimming across St. Mark’s Square, normally bustling with tourists, as the highest tide in 50 years swept through. What happened when Venice, the ‘Floating City,’ sank. Flooding in Venice is not a new phenomenon, but the deluge that temporarily sank the “Floating City” this week was the worst Venetians have experienced in more than 50 years.

What happened when Venice, the ‘Floating City,’ sank

As high tide came in on Tuesday night, amidst heavy rain and strong winds, water levels reached 6 feet above sea level in parts of the city. Hundreds of ground-floors homes, shops, restaurants, and hotels throughout the city were inundated. Tables and chairs floated around public squares, and water taxis became stranded along the plazas. Sea-level rise threatens 13 million Americans. Can FEMA help? Entrepreneur and presidential hopeful Andrew Yang caught flak at the second Democratic debate in July for saying that the time has come to move Americans living in the path of sea-level rise to higher ground.

Sea-level rise threatens 13 million Americans. Can FEMA help?

“You can run but you can’t hide” doesn’t make a particularly good presidential slogan. After all, admitting defeat and letting nature take its course isn’t exactly our first instinct as human beings. Réchauffement climatique : alerte à la montée des eaux  Réchauffement climatique. L’océan à bout de souffle. La mer monte, pas l’engagement des États. Rising seas threaten to swamp a rare firefly’s habitat. When’s the last time you saw a firefly?

Rising seas threaten to swamp a rare firefly’s habitat

Chances are, not recently. Atlantic City can’t afford to roll the dice on sea-level rise. Atlantic City, the once-proud gambling and resort destination, is treading water.

Atlantic City can’t afford to roll the dice on sea-level rise

In 2017, it was one of three U.S. cities that experienced the most record flooding from high tides, according to a June report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. That distinction isn’t just a warning shot, signaling a problem the town can still avoid. #RDLS86 : CLIMAT, ANTISÉMITISME, MALBOUFFE, RIC, RUSSIE, TAFTA. VIDEO. COP 24: Erosion des côtes, quand c'est la mer qui prend la terre - 20minutes. Ouvéa, une île paradisiaque rongée par le changement climatique. Ouvéa (Nouvelle-Calédonie), reportage Dans les années 1960, un roman à l’eau de rose japonais a qualifié Ouvéa d’« île la plus proche du paradis ». En la survolant à bord d’un avion d’Air loyauté en provenance de Lifou, l’île voisine, on peut le croire. Ouvéa est une île toute en longueur. Une plage de 25 km borde le lagon. Les couleurs sont éclatantes. Ice Apocalypse. In a remote region of Antarctica known as Pine Island Bay, 2,500 miles from the tip of South America, two glaciers hold human civilization hostage.

Stretching across a frozen plain more than 150 miles long, these glaciers, named Pine Island and Thwaites, have marched steadily for millennia toward the Amundsen Sea, part of the vast Southern Ocean. Further inland, the glaciers widen into a two-mile-thick reserve of ice covering an area the size of Texas. La Polynésie sauve son «Fonds vert»

One year after the Great Flood, Louisiana’s most vulnerable cope with the losses. The summertime rain that usually pounds Louisiana in fits and starts had been falling for a day and through the night when Shantel Smith’s phone rang. “My oldest sister called screaming, ‘I’m flooding out, I’m flooding out,’” she said. “Then the phone went dead.” Smith and her son, her sisters and their kids, and her mother and grandmother had moved to Baton Rouge from New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina flooding upended their lives. Family history was about to repeat. It’s been flooding a lot lately and new research might explain why. According to a new study from the nonprofit Environmental Integrity Project, the current presidential administration has collected fewer civil penalties and filed fewer environmental enforcement suits against polluting companies than the Obama, Clinton, and George W.

Bush administrations did at the same point in office. The analysis assesses agreements made in the Environmental Protection Agency’s civil enforcement cases. For abuses under laws like the Clean Air Act, the Trump administration has collected just $12 million in civil penalties, a drop of 60 percent from the average of the other administrations. Trump’s EPA has lodged 26 environmental lawsuits compared to 31, 34, and 45 by Bush, Obama, and Clinton, respectively. Comment l’élévation du niveau de la mer bouleverse la carte du monde. One of the largest icebergs ever recorded broke off Antarctica’s Larsen C ice shelf earlier this week, according to satellite pictures and scientists who monitor such things, permanently altering the coastline of our planet’s frozen continent.

Twice the size of Long Island and packing a trillion tons of ice — fully melted, that’s enough water to fill Lake Michigan — the newly birthed iceberg seems like a perfect symbol for our overheating world. But there’s a more complex story at play. The Sea Level Is Rising 50 Percent Faster These Days. Sea levels are rising – that much you probably already know. What may come as more of a shock to you is how much faster the sea level is rising compared to even 20 years ago. Scientists have measured a rapidly increasing pace, threatening to put islands and coastal areas underwater even sooner than anticipated. According to a new study published in the Nature Climate Change journal, the rate of sea level rise has gone up by about 50 percent over the past two decades.

Back in 1993, the sea level rose 2.2 millimeters that year. In 2014, however – which is the most recent year these measurements are available – the sea level ticked up 3.3 millimeters. Love This? Thanks for subscribing! The sea is rising three times faster than we thought. If cities are the future of sustainability, they can’t only be green — they have to be livable, too. Enter Ritchie Torres, New York City’s youngest elected official, hell-bent on making the city more affordable for its most vulnerable inhabitants.

Torres, who is Afro-Latino and the first openly LGBT politician from the Bronx, cut his political teeth as a tenant organizer. He ran for city council in 2013 at the behest of a mentor who saw potential in the self-described introvert — and won. The young councilman’s driving issue is affordable housing, because, he says, “there can be no city without housing.” Reassessment of 20th century global mean sea level rise. Author Affiliations Edited by Anny Cazenave, Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, Toulouse Cedex 9, France, and approved April 17, 2017 (received for review September 28, 2016) Significance Estimates of global mean sea level (GMSL) before the advent of satellite altimetry vary widely, mainly because of the uneven coverage and limited temporal sampling of tide gauge records, which track local sea level rather than the global mean.

Here we introduce an approach that combines recent advances in solid Earth and geoid corrections for individual tide gauges with improved knowledge about their geographical representation of ocean internal variability. As New Jersey’s flooding crisis intensifies, low-income people feel the worst impacts. Coastal communities are enduring growing flood risks from rising seas, with places like Atlantic City, sandwiched between a bay and the ocean, facing some of the greatest threats. Guided by new research by Climate Central’s Scott Kulp and Benjamin Strauss, reporter John Upton and photographer Ted Blanco chronicled the plight of this city’s residents as they struggle to deal with the impacts.

Upton spent months investigating how the city is adapting, revealing vast inequity between the rich and the poor. A driver plowed a sedan forcefully up Arizona Avenue, which had flooded to knee height during a winter storm as high tide approached. First Mammal Goes Extinct From Manmade Climate Change. We’ve reached a sad milestone: Climate change has claimed its first mammal species. Atlantic coastline sinks as sea levels rise. The 5,000 North Carolinians who call Hyde County home live in a region several hundred miles long where coastal residents are coping with severe changes that few other Americans have yet to endure.

Say goodbye to major cities if these scientists are right about Antarctica’s collapsing ice. Climate Change. Greenland might be contributing more to sea level rise than we thought. Documentaire. « Sylt à perte de vue », un combat acharné contre la mer. Maps show how sea-level rise could swallow global icons. Consommer toutes les énergies fossiles de la planète ferait disparaitre l'Antarctique. Sea levels are rising and they’re not going to stop, says NASA. Sea level “jumps” 5 inches. Probably nothing to worry about. Grandes marées : la France n'est pas prête. Voici à quoi ressemblerait la Terre si toutes les glaces du globe fondaient. What Earth would look like if the ice melted - Business Insider. Good news and bad news about rising seas. Here’s what your city will look like when the ice sheets melt.

Seas are rising in weird, new ways. Watch this adorable climate scientist explain sea-level rise with a gin & tonic. Sea-level rise is already eating our coasts. Climate change is washing WWII soldiers from their graves. Climate change is flooding out American coastlines. The U.S. cities with the worst climate change-related flooding.

Dreading water: Should coastal communities bear the cost of future floods? EI_EcoPictures : Borrowed Time on Disappearing... RODANTHE: While the seas rise in the Outer Banks and elsewhere in NC, science treads water. Louisiana’s coastline is disappearing too quickly for mappers to keep up. Rising sea levels will drown your Western art history course. (2) Twitter. How high will sea levels rise? Let’s ask the experts. Can we stop the seas from rising? Yes, but less than you think. Climate Change to Erase an Estimated 11,000 Islands Off the Face of the Earth. Quels sont les pays les plus vulnérables au changement climatique ? La montée des eaux vue par ceux qu'elle menace - Dérèglement climatique.

There Once Was an Island (Te Henua e Noho) Les Etats insulaires du Pacifique dénoncent les pays pollueurs. Island biodiversity in danger of total submersion with climate change. La montée des eaux menacerait 1/4 de la population > Environnement. Climate change may force evacuation of vunerable island states within a decade. Photos - Le Salvador sera t-il englouti par l'océan ? 2012: A year of broken climate records. We are consigning hundreds of coastal cities to destruction. Who cares?

Un moyen de protéger les côtes et les rives ?

Seas may rise 10 yards during centuries ahead. Climate change compensation emerges as major issue at Doha talks.