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Infographics - phones

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The Radical Growth of the App Economy [INFOGRAPHIC]

The device opened a world of innovation in mobile technology, which was soon followed by a similar boom from apps. Today, we rely on apps to do just about everything, from keeping us organized to pure entertainment. Millions of downloads later, the app economy is as strong as ever. App development has created 466,000 jobs across all available platforms, according to a survey performed by TechNet. This includes local baristas, since many developers rely on coffee shops to get work done. Our friends at Frugal Dad have created this inforgraphic about the economy and how it's been affected by smartphones and apps.

Apple vs. Samsung: The Patent Wars, Explained [INFOGRAPHIC] 16% of Cellphones Have Poop on Them. Half of Water-Damaged UK Cellphones Fall in Toilets. Have you ever dropped your mobile phone in the toilet, er, loo? A new study reveals almost 15% of Britons have. That might explain how 16% of mobile phones have poop on them. surveyed 1,937 mobile users over 18 and found that 31% of respondents have damaged their mobiles with water or another liquid in the past. The number one destination for mobile damage is the toilet, claiming 47% of damage incidents. Spilling drinks on mobiles or dropping mobiles into drinks was the second most popular cause of damage, claiming 21% of cases. Men are three times more likely to be victims than women, with 73% and 27% respectively reporting to have damaged their devices.

The study also revealed 86% of Britons did not insure their phones before their deaths by water. From Brick to Slick: 38 Years of Cellphone Evolution [INFOGRAPHIC] Ah, the good old days, when cellphones were the size of bricks.

From Brick to Slick: 38 Years of Cellphone Evolution [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some were so big you had to carry a separate bag containing their electronic innards, and if you weren't careful, you might end up with a dislocated shoulder by the end of the day. Infographic]: SMS Around the World. iPhone 5 Infographic: Will You Upgrade? The iPhone 5 is on the way, and millions of people are asking themselves, is it time to upgrade?

iPhone 5 Infographic: Will You Upgrade?

This infographic will point you in the right direction. Let's take a look at the current state of the iPhone 4 and its predecessors, how many apps users have installed, how much they're using the iPhone and what new features they'd like to see in the next one. That should give us a good idea about whether we should upgrade, and why.

This elaborate infographic is part 1 of a three-part series that will lead us up to the launch of the iPhone 5, which is likely to be announced on Oct. 4. Developed by AYTM (Ask Your Target Market) and research firm PaidViewpoint along with Mashable, the survey asked 1,000 U.S. iPhone owners aged 18 years and older an extensive series of questions. The result? iPhone 5: Are You a Fanboy? [INFOGRAPHIC] In the coming days, if you don't restrain your enthusiasm for Apple's new iPhone introductions, you'll invariably be called fanboy or fangirl (fanperson?).

iPhone 5: Are You a Fanboy? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Last week, in part 1 of our 3-part series of iPhone 5 infographics, we dug deep into the question of who is most likely to upgrade. This week, we again tapped the power of our friends at AYTM (Ask Your Target Market) and research firm PaidViewpoint for part 2, illustrating the responses of a questionnaire given to 1,000 iPhone owners aged 18+ living in the U.S. The result? Mobile payments for dummies (infographic) Confused about the many different flavors of mobile payments?

Mobile payments for dummies (infographic)

The below infographic may help, courtesy of Mobile Payments Today. The site has put together a truly useful diagram that cuts through the hype of mobile payments, and it delivers some useful projections to keep in mind as well. With the mobile payments market set to explode — Juniper predicts it will reach $670 billion by 2015, while Yankee Group thinks it could hit $1 trillion — it’s worth knowing exactly where different offerings lie. Qui aime le plus les smartphones ? Survey: Cellphones vs. Sex – Which Wins? [INFOGRAPHIC] It's no secret how much most people are attached to their cellphones, but now TeleNav has released a survey showing just how willing Americans are to give up the finer things in life so they can still hang onto that handset.

Survey: Cellphones vs. Sex – Which Wins? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Think about this hypothetical situation for a moment: What would you be more willing to give up so you could still have your mobile phone? Not only does this infographic give you insight into mobile-device love, but it also helps you sort out general priorities as well. For instance, one third of the U.S. population would rather give up sex for a week than a mobile phone, but 70% were willing to give up alcohol for that phone?

The History of Android [INFOGRAPHIC] Android's box of sweets has gotten much more diverse since launching its first dessert-themed operating system, Cupcake, in 2009.

The History of Android [INFOGRAPHIC]

Mobile app developers [x]cubelabs have laid out a timeline of these versions — from Cupcake to Ice Cream Sandwich — in the infographic below. Androids Are For Cheap Pessimists, iPhones Are For Worldly Optimists. Ever wonder what’s the real difference between Android and iPhone users?

Androids Are For Cheap Pessimists, iPhones Are For Worldly Optimists

Closer Look at Android App Downloads. Check out how touchscreens work [Infographic] We all know that touchscreens on smartphones are the greatest things since sliced bread but not everyone knows how these things work.

Check out how touchscreens work [Infographic]

Cricket Wireless created a pretty cool breakdown of how this works in the infographic below, so I thought I’d share it with all you lovely people. I know Cricket had to include resistive screens because of some of its portfolio but let’s hope that we will soon move past this in favor of capacitive screens. Let us know what you think in the comments. How Phones Get Phished [INFOGRAPHIC] How much do you know about protecting the computer you carry with you every day — your mobile device?

How Phones Get Phished [INFOGRAPHIC]

As mobile gaming, mobile commerce and mobile computing in general explode, so do the opportunities for mobile exploits. Put simply, tapping the wrong link on your phone can land you in just as much trouble as clicking the wrong link from your laptop or other computer. A phishing attack — wherein a user is prompted by a seemingly legitimate page to enter certain log-in credentials such as PayPal or banking information — isn't a sophisticated hack that programmatically sifts through your data or bricks your hardware. [Infographie] Les utilisateurs d'iPhone sont ceux qui cliquent le plus sur les publicités. [Infographie] La fabuleuse histoire des smartphones. Performance Of Mobile Gaming Apps On The iOS Platform. As part of its “Index” infographic series, mobile advertising provider Mobclix has published its latest one that details the performance of mobile gaming apps on the iOS platform. Among the many nuggets of information, some stood out — including the fact that since in-app purchasing has become so popular, developers are focusing more attention on action and arcade games where in-app purchases are a natural fit as consumers look to “level up.”

At this time last year, puzzles held the top spot, but a year later action has overtaken it as the top category in gaming. One of the primary challenges facing mobile game developers and mobile app developers in general is discoverability. To combat the issue, many developers have begun looking at subcategories that are less populated and where there’s less competition. For example, this could be the reason why a category like “Word” that had a market share of 2 percent in 2010 has increased to 4 percent a year later. Photo zoom.