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How Texting and IMing Helps Introverted Teens. There is plenty of grumbling about how social media — texting in particular — may be harming children’s social and intellectual development.

How Texting and IMing Helps Introverted Teens

But a new study suggests that constant IM’ing and texting among teens may also provide benefits, particularly for those who are introverted. Israeli researchers studied instant messages exchanged by 231 teens, aged 14 to 18. All of the participants were “regular” or “extensive” IM’ers. In the U.S., two thirds of teens use instant messaging services regularly, with a full third messaging at least once every day. The researchers analyzed 150 conversations in the study, and reported the results in the journal Computers in Human Behavior.

How Teachers Make Cell Phones Work in the Classroom. A.P.

How Teachers Make Cell Phones Work in the Classroom

Chemistry students use their cell phones to answer their teacher's question. When we talk about using cell phones in class, we’re not just talking about using cell phones in class. The idea of mobile learning touches on just about every subject that any technology addresses: social media, digital citizenship, content-knowledge versus skill-building, Internet filtering and safety laws, teaching techniques, bring-your-own-device policies, school budgets. At its core, the issues associated with mobile learning get to the very fundamentals of what happens in class everyday. How Teachers Make Cell Phones Work in the Classroom. Robocalls, Voice Broadcasting, and Mass Notification Made Easy -