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Climate Change Politics

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George Soros, o financiador da esquerda brasileira - Bruno Garschagen. Quando, jovem e tardiamente, comecei a interessar-me pelo que acontecia no Brasil e no mundo, era pela imprensa que eu buscava informação e análise.

George Soros, o financiador da esquerda brasileira - Bruno Garschagen

Jornais, revistas e televisão eram as minhas fontes. Se os meios de comunicação e os seus comentaristas eram disfarçadamente parciais, política e ideologicamente engajados, tal me escapava. Tamanha era força da imprensa e do mito da imparcialidade que leitores como eu, o leitor médio, éramos incapazes de identificar qualquer viés político de esquerda no conteúdo que nos era apresentado. O que lá estava escrito nas publicações ou dito em imagens na tevê era, portanto, a representação fiel da realidade. Com o passar dos anos, era natural que eu e tantos outros achássemos que nossas opiniões individuais eram nossas e não, como de fato eram, meras reproduções da posição política de jornalistas, comentaristas, enfim, de toda a fauna conhecida como formadora de opinião. A lista vai além. E por que Soros faz o que faz? The Turning Point: New Hope for the Climate. YEARS of LIVING DANGEROUSLY. Warsaw walkout: Big green groups bail on U.N. climate talks. WARSAW, Poland – For the first time ever, environmental groups have staged a mass walkout of a U.N. climate summit.

Warsaw walkout: Big green groups bail on U.N. climate talks

Citing immense frustration with the lack of productive action in the COP19 climate talks, which have been dogged by a persistent rift between rich and poor countries on the responsibility of paying for climate damages, hundreds of people from dozens of environmental groups and movements from all corners of the Earth have voluntarily withdrawn from the talks. According to a spokesperson for Oxfam, around 800 civil society members (which is the label applied to all advocate and activist types at these meetings) have walked out.

In a joint statement, group leaders offered that “the best use of their time” was to now focus “on mobilizing people to push our governments to take leadership for serious climate action.” “The real hooligans are the CEOs of fossil fuel companies,” Naidoo told the crowd. Jamie Henn of offered this statement: Daniel Souweine: At the Debate: Listen for the Climate Silence. When the candidates face off in Wednesday's debate, every word they utter will be scrutinized for gaffe-ability, flip-floppiness, and sound-bite-ification.

Daniel Souweine: At the Debate: Listen for the Climate Silence

But when it comes to climate change, it's what they aren't saying that deserves our undivided attention. Even with the urgent reality of global warming rapidly outpacing scientific predictions, both candidates have been disturbingly silent about the two central facts of this immediate, massive, and unprecedented problem. FACT 1: Climate change is already wreaking havoc in the U.S.In the past four years, Americans have been struck by a barrage of climate-fueled disasters. Republican climate sceptics face battle for re-election as green groups hit back. It is the issue most notable by its absence in the 2012 presidential race.

Republican climate sceptics face battle for re-election as green groups hit back

But the environment may yet have an impact this election as campaign groups target the vulnerable congressional seats of Republicans who dismiss the dangers of climate change. Global warming: an election issue after all? Conventional wisdom has it that the next election will be fought exclusively on the topic of jobs.

Global warming: an election issue after all?

But President Obama's announcement last week that he would postpone a decision on the Keystone XL pipeline until after the 2012 election, which may effectively kill the project, makes it clear that other issues will weigh in - and that, oddly enough, one of them might even be climate change. The pipeline decision was a true upset. Everyone - and I mean everyone who "knew" how these things work - seemed certain that the president would approve it. The National Journal runs a weekly poll of "energy insiders" - that is, all the key players in Washington. Cautious welcome for 'green deal' to slash UK's carbon emissions - Climate Change, Environment.

Environmental groups welcomed the move but warned that the policies were still not in place to achieve the ambitious target.

Cautious welcome for 'green deal' to slash UK's carbon emissions - Climate Change, Environment

In recent months the Government has cut the public funds for clean-energy technologies such as carbon capture and solar power. Meanwhile, the new Green Bank – crucial for getting the investment to replace Britain's ageing power plants - will not be able to borrow money for renewable energy projects until 2015. The Treasury is fighting a rearguard action to prevent Mr Huhne from producing carbon-reduction proposals that could potentially damage industry and derail economic recovery. But the Department of Energy and Climate Change argues that investment in green technology will improve Britain's long-term economic prospects. Air pollution hazardous to China’s economic health. China’s overheated economy may be slowing but its capital is still bearing the brunt of extreme air pollution, an increasingly costly byproduct of the country’s rapid industrialization.

Air pollution hazardous to China’s economic health

Beijing’s intense pollution – a noxious soup that on its worst days obscures buildings just a few blocks apart – sparks road closings, flight cancellations and delays, and spikes in visits to hospital emergency rooms. Workdays are lost because of employee health woes; illnesses are triggered and worsened by the fine particulate matter in the air, so tiny it can permeate organs and enter the bloodstream, contributing to heart attacks, bronchitis, asthma and other chronic diseases. Pollution costs China, the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, hundreds of millions – perhaps billions – of yuan annually. Climate Change. Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), Washington, DC - Forests for the World. Forests_for_the_world This page has moved, please go to this URL Campaigns.

Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), Washington, DC - Forests for the World