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Noam Chomsky Diagnoses the Trump Era. EDITOR’S NOTE: This article originally appeared at

Noam Chomsky Diagnoses the Trump Era

To stay on top of important articles like these, sign up to receive the latest updates from This interview has been excerpted from Global Discontents: Conversations on the Rising Threats to Democracy, the new book by Noam Chomsky and David Barsamian to be published this December.1 David Barsamian: You have spoken about the difference between Trump’s buffoonery, which gets endlessly covered by the media, and the actual policies he is striving to enact, which receive less attention.

Do you think he has any coherent economic, political, or international policy goals? What has Trump actually managed to accomplish in his first months in office? President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List - The New York Times. Log In - New York Times. Log In Don't have an account?

Log In - New York Times

Sign up here » Facebook Google. Log In - New York Times. Log In - New York Times. Neil Buchanan: Ways to Stop Trump in his Tracks. This article first appeared on the Verdict site.

Neil Buchanan: Ways to Stop Trump in his Tracks

Less than a month into his presidency, Donald Trump and his associates seem to be doing everything they can do to undermine their own authority. Even so, their self-destructive impulses will not prevent them from doing real damage unless other powerful forces step forward to stop them. Ultimately, all such resistance starts with the American people themselves. Unless there is evidence of sustained rejection of everything that Trump wants to accomplish, it will be far too easy for every decision maker to take the easy way out. It has rarely been more important to remind ourselves that there is strength in numbers.

Log In - New York Times. The true, correct story of what happened at Donald Trump’s inauguration. President Trump questioned media reports and photographs that showed the size of Inauguration Day crowds, speaking to CIA employees at CIA headquarters on Jan. 21 in Langley, Va.

The true, correct story of what happened at Donald Trump’s inauguration

(The Washington Post) President Trump questioned media reports and photographs that showed the size of Inauguration Day crowds, speaking to CIA employees at CIA headquarters on Jan. 21 in Langley, Va. Trump questions media reports of inauguration crowd size (The Washington Post) I apologize to Donald Trump. As Sean Spicer so wisely said at his first news conference on Monday (It was the first. U.S. Household Income Grew 5.2 Percent in 2015, Breaking Pattern of Stagnation.

The Census Bureau also reported that the share of Americans with health insurance continued to increase.

U.S. Household Income Grew 5.2 Percent in 2015, Breaking Pattern of Stagnation

It said that only 9.1 percent of the population had no health insurance last year. Several states, including Alaska, Indiana and Pennsylvania, expanded their programs in 2015, taking advantage of increased federal funding under the Affordable Care Act. Private sector coverage also increased as companies hired more workers and offered them better benefits. With the presidential election looming in less than two months, the annual report provided immediate fodder. “We lifted three and a half million people out of poverty, the largest one-year drop in poverty since 1968,” President Obama said on Tuesday at a rally in Philadelphia for Mrs. Donald Trump Is Lying in Plain Sight. Photo It has generally been my experience that when people pepper their speech with the phrase “believe me,” they are not to be believed.

Donald Trump Is Lying in Plain Sight

The default position among people of honor — the silent agreement between speaker and listener — is one of truth and trust. But Donald Trump is not a person of honor. Clinton happily yields national spotlight to Trump, avoids its glare – The Moderate Voice. Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton looks on as vice presidential candidate Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) speaks at East High School in Youngstown, Ohio, July 30, 2016.

Clinton happily yields national spotlight to Trump, avoids its glare – The Moderate Voice

REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein By Amanda Becker WASHINGTON (Reuters) – If you haven’t heard a lot about what Hillary Clinton thinks of a string of controversial comments by Donald Trump that have generated round-the-clock coverage on cable news broadcasts, there is a reason – it’s by design. Georgia Senator prays for Obama's death - in public. Georgia Senator David Perdue (R — of course) publicly offered a prayer for the death of President Obama.

Georgia Senator prays for Obama's death - in public

Vox: Sen. President Obama’s Interview With Jeffrey Goldberg on Syria and Foreign Policy. Friday, August 30, 2013, the day the feckless Barack Obama brought to a premature end America’s reign as the world’s sole indispensable superpower—or, alternatively, the day the sagacious Barack Obama peered into the Middle Eastern abyss and stepped back from the consuming void—began with a thundering speech given on Obama’s behalf by his secretary of state, John Kerry, in Washington, D.C.

President Obama’s Interview With Jeffrey Goldberg on Syria and Foreign Policy

The subject of Kerry’s uncharacteristically Churchillian remarks, delivered in the Treaty Room at the State Department, was the gassing of civilians by the president of Syria, Bashar al-Assad. Obama, in whose Cabinet Kerry serves faithfully, but with some exasperation, is himself given to vaulting oratory, but not usually of the martial sort associated with Churchill. Obama believes that the Manichaeanism, and eloquently rendered bellicosity, commonly associated with Churchill were justified by Hitler’s rise, and were at times defensible in the struggle against the Soviet Union. “Free riders? 21 Questions for Donald Trump.

I have covered Donald Trump off and on for 27 years — including breaking the story that in 1990, when he claimed to be worth $3 billion but could not pay interest on loans coming due, his bankers put his net worth at minus $295 million.

21 Questions for Donald Trump

And so I have closely watched what Trump does and what government documents reveal about his conduct. Reporters, competing Republican candidates, and voters would learn a lot about Trump if they asked for complete answers to these 21 questions. The Hear-Nothing Gun Crowd. Photo Sometimes in American politics it seems as if we are all talking past each other, that whatever one side says about an issue like, say, taxes zooms right past the other side. The current fight over gun control is not one of those moments. George Will Spreading Dangerous Lies. Well I Never. Well trust him to get on the bandwagon, outrage pushed to 11 We are wallowing in this moral swamp because the Supreme Court accelerated the desensitization of the nation by using words and categories about abortion the way infants use knives and forks -- with gusto, but sloppily.

Because Planned Parenthood's snout is deep in the federal trough, decent taxpayers find themselves complicit in the organization's vileness. President Obama Drops The "U" Word On The Republican Party. If there's one thing that is sure to send Republicans into an apoplectic, screaming rage, it's the prospect of the most successful President in modern memory deliberately tweaking them where it hurts the most--namely, in their phony pretensions of patriotism: “This whole anti-immigrant sentiment that’s out there in our politics right now is contrary to who we are.

Because unless you are a Native American, your family came from someplace else,” Mr.