Dissecting Trump’s Most Rabid Online Following. Editor’s note: The story below contains two slurs that appear in the names of subreddits. Links to Reddit may also contain offensive material. President Donald Trump’s administration, in its turbulent first months, has drawn fire from both the left and the right, including the ACLU, government ethics accountability groups and former Bush administration officials.
But one group has shown nothing but unbridled enthusiasm for the president’s actions thus far: the over 380,000 members of r/The_Donald, one of the thousands of comment boards on Reddit, the fifth-most-popular website in the U.S. The subreddit, where posters refer to President Trump as the “God Emperor” and “daddy,” is arguably the epicenter of Trump fervor on the internet. Its membership has grown steadily since the 2016 presidential election, though its members were especially active during the campaign.
What can we say about the animating force behind r/The_Donald? R/The_Donald – r/politics = r/Conservative – r/politics = How Author Timothy Tyson Found the Woman at the Center of the Emmett Till Case. On a steamy hot September day in 1955, in a racially segregated courtroom in Sumner, Mississippi, two white men, J.W. Milam and his half-brother Roy Bryant—a country-store owner—were acquitted of the murder of a 14-year-old black Chicago boy. His name was Emmett Till. And in August of that year, while visiting a Deep South that he didn’t understand, Till had entered a store to buy two cents worth of bubble gum.
Shortly after exiting, he likely whistled at Bryant’s 21-year-old wife, Carolyn. Enraged, Bryant and Milam took matters into their own hands. They would later admit to local authorities that they’d abducted Till three nights later. Milam and Bryant were arrested, and, with the aid of NAACP Mississippi field secretary Medgar Evers and other black activists in seeking out witnesses, the prosecution produced compelling evidence. Down through the decades, Carolyn Bryant Donham (she would divorce, then marry twice more) was a mystery woman. Can you be a "pro-life feminist"? The Women's March on Washington offered som... Did Hillary’s Campaign Have to Be This Hard? -- NYMag. There’s nothing simple about this candidacy—or candidate. Photographs by Brigitte Lacombe In a locker room at the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut, people are waiting in line to get their pictures taken with Hillary Clinton before a rally in the school’s gym.
It’s a kid-heavy crowd, and Clinton has been chatting easily with them. But soon there’s only one family left and the mood shifts. Francine and David Wheeler are there with their 13-year-old son, Nate, and his 17-month-old brother, Matty, who’s scrambling around on the floor. They carry a stack of photographs of their other son, Benjamin, who was killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, when he was 6. Leaning in toward Wheeler as if they are colleagues mapping out a strategy, Clinton speaks in a voice that is low and serious. After the family leaves the room, Clinton and her team move quietly down the long hall toward the gym.
“Yeah,” she says, looking right at me. Then, she unwraps a lozenge and puts it in her mouth. Bernie Sanders’ electability argument is still a myth. Joe Raedle/Getty Images Over the past year, Bernie Sanders’ supporters have repeatedly criticized the undemocratic role of superdelegates in choosing the Democratic presidential nominee. In February, for example, MoveOn, which had endorsed Sanders the month before, started a petition saying, “Democracy only works when the votes of the people—not the decision of a small number of elites—are what determines the outcome of elections.” The fear, then, was that Sanders would win the most pledged delegates but that Hillary Clinton would use her pull with insiders to trump the popular will. Michelle Goldberg is a columnist for Slate and the author, most recently, of The Goddess Pose. It is more than a little ironic, then, that Sanders is now urging those same insiders to ignore the intention of the primary electorate—which has given Clinton an edge in both pledged delegates and raw votes—and bequeath the nomination to him instead.
Perhaps Sanders is capable of this sort of virtuosity as well. Hillary Clinton speaks to the L.A. Times editorial board about war, women and... The following is a transcript of Hillary Clinton’s phone interview with the Los Angeles Times' editorial board on May 4, 2016. Nicholas Goldberg: Welcome. I’m Nick Goldberg, I’m the editor of the editorial pages. We have a lot of questions for you. I’m hoping you can keep your answers kind of short so we go around the room and we can get everyone’s questions in. We’re on the record. Hillary Clinton: Yes it is. Goldberg: We have some people here from our newsroom. Clinton: I appreciate the chance to talk about a lot of the questions that are on your mind. Goldberg: Great, thank you very much. Clinton: Well, look, I don’t like to hear that. And in fact I have a long history of working with Republicans when we’re actually in the Senate or in the arena of secretary of State — even first lady — when I found common ground.
I know I have work to do to assuage these attacks, or this kind of negative attitude toward me. Jon Healey: Hi, this is Jon Healey. Goldberg: I have a follow-up to that. Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote. Hillary Clinton loves black people. And black people love Hillary—or so it seems. Black politicians have lined up in droves to endorse her, eager to prove their loyalty to the Clintons in the hopes that their faithfulness will be remembered and rewarded. Black pastors are opening their church doors, and the Clintons are making themselves comfortably at home once again, engaging effortlessly in all the usual rituals associated with “courting the black vote,” a pursuit that typically begins and ends with Democratic politicians making black people feel liked and taken seriously. Doing something concrete to improve the conditions under which most black people live is generally not required.
Hillary is looking to gain momentum on the campaign trail as the primaries move out of Iowa and New Hampshire and into states like South Carolina, where large pockets of black voters can be found. According to some polls, she leads Bernie Sanders by as much as 60 percent among African Americans. No. Rollingstone. Not one of them can win, but one must.
That's the paradox of the race for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, fast becoming the signature event in the history of black comedy. Conventional wisdom says that with the primaries and caucuses rapidly approaching, front-running nuts Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson must soon give way to the "real" candidates. But behind Trump and Carson is just more abyss. Disaster could be averted if Americans on both the left and the right suddenly decide to be more mature about this, neither backing obvious mental incompetents, nor snickering about those who do. Instead, HashtagClownCar will almost certainly continue to be the most darkly ridiculous political story since Henry II of Champagne, the 12th-century king of Jerusalem, plunged to his death after falling out of a window with a dwarf.
Just after noon, Wednesday, November 4th. While waiting for the candidate to arrive, I try to make conversation. "Who are you voting for this year? " "Rooowk! " Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton’s debate over capitalism, explained. "Do I consider myself part of the casino capitalist process by which so few have so much and so many have so little, by which Wall Street's greed and recklessness wrecked this economy? No, I don't. " It was a slow pitch over home plate for Sanders. There's no question he gets more often, no criticism he's better prepared for, than why he calls himself a socialist rather than a capitalist. And then, in the debate's most interesting moment, Hillary Clinton jumped into the exchange. "Let me follow up on that, Anderson," she said. Sanders didn't push the point: "Everybody is in agreement. This was the single most important exchange of the first Democratic debate — because it's the single most important cleavage in the Democratic Party today.
Where Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton agree: Denmark is great Photo by Gareth Copley/Getty Images Sanders isn't a socialist. Sanders leans heavily on this comparison. During the debate, Sanders echoed that theme. Clinton wasn't having it. Today the US sets a record for not having a president die in office. The fact that Barack Obama woke up today marks a major historical milestone—yet it’s likely to go largely unnoticed. It’s now been 18,967 days since a US president died in office. That means the nation has now entered its longest period without losing a president to an assassin or illness. This record reflects dramatic advances in medical science and the increasing sophistication of presidential security—the occasional White House fence-jumper notwithstanding.
The previous record was 18,966 days, running from George Washington’s inauguration on April 30, 1789 to William Henry Harrison’s death by pneumonia on April 4, 1841. “People today don’t have an appreciation for what a calamity it is to lose a president,” says journalist Ronald Kessler, author of In the President’s Secret Service: Behind the Scenes With Agents in the Line of Fire and the Presidents They Protect. “Most Americans tend to think of assassination or death as being such a remote possibility.” “Carter, [George W.] Hillary Clinton Rattles Prison Stocks With a Single Tweet - Bloomberg Politics. Hillary Clinton may not be president, but she's moving the markets like she is one. For the second time in three weeks, the front-runner for the Democratic nomination wiped millions of dollars off the value of an industry with a single tweet.
On Friday, private prison stocks dropped sharply after Clinton said the U.S. needed to “end the era of mass incarceration.” “We need to end private prisons. Protecting public safety...should never be outsourced or left to unaccountable corporations,” she said in a tweet drawn from comments she made during a speech on the criminal justice system in Atlanta. Corrections Corp. of America fell more than 6 percent, lopping off approximately $200 million in value, while GEO Group Inc. dropped 4.2 percent, losing about $100 million.
Earlier this month, biotech stocks tanked after Clinton slammed Turing Pharmaceuticals for increasing the price of a drug by 50 fold.