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Flipped Classroom Examples

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What to do inside the ‘Flipped Class’ ‘Flipping Activities’ The basic premise – students watch video lesson at home and work through problems in class.

What to do inside the ‘Flipped Class’

This allows the educator to advise and challenge the students inside the classroom safe in the knowledge content is delivered elsewhere. The iPad and ‘Flipping’ – Reflections of a concerned teacher. Reflection 1 – This is the most stimulating year I have spent in teaching.

The iPad and ‘Flipping’ – Reflections of a concerned teacher

Reflection 2 – I’m concerned and it’s all my fault! One word sums up this dissonance – opportunity. The iPad has provided countless learning opportunities for my students through generic and tailored applications. Thoughts of a maths teacher using tech for learning. Rousemaths - home. ChristineMunafo's channel. AP Calculus AB - Ms.Roshan.