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Search Image Database Wikipedia: Country Population, Density & Area Each square in the Honeycomb map is a country. A Brief Explanation * Population, population density, and geographic area estimates used in this map are taken from the CIA Factbook 2004, a wonderful public domain source of information. There are 191 United Nations member states depicted in the map. As we have likely made a great number of typographical errors in entering the information, we encourage you to take this data with more than a grain of salt: Please apply salt liberally. * We have played rather fast and loose with the continents. We've treated Australia and the surrounding island groupings as Australia & Oceania, a label that is certain to raise someone's ire. All countries have been assigned a primary continent. * Many countries have populations and geographical area added to their totals on the basis of protectorate or commonwealth holdings. * Yes, Denmark includes Greenland.

Paula Scher et l’amour des cartes géographiques | Blogue ICI ARTV Pendant plusieurs années, mon père fût professeur de géographie. Pour rendre la matière à enseigner plus ludique, il assista ses élèves dans la création d’une grande carte du monde peinte sur un mur de sa classe. Je me rappelle avoir été impressionné en admirant cette murale collective. J’ai découvert la designer Paula Scher par cette passion commune. J’ai le grand plaisir de vous partager mon entrevue avec Paula Scher, une femme inspirante aux idées de grandeur. La géographie et les cartes font partie de votre vie depuis longtemps. Je me rappelle de mon père me montrant une carte très détaillée de notre quartier. Vos projets allouent une grande place à la typographie. J’ai toujours utilisé la typographie comme boîte à outils en toutes choses. Comment la ville de New York où vous habitez, influence votre façon de créer ? Manhattan est une île où tout est entassé dans un espace relativement restreint. Absolument. Dans une conférence, vous avez mentionné que votre travail est de jouer.

Free GIS Data - GIS Data Depot 2 Days in Seattle - Homegrown - Fremont @NVRguys: Look at these babies! Cabernet, rye, and sour. @artrestaurant always does it right! #2DaysInSeattle… @nerdseyeview: This is my home and truly, it is a splendid place. @seattlekim: Laying down a classic record store breakfast @EasyStRecords #westseattle #brunch #2daysinSeattle @veekster: .@ColumbiaSkyView, you did not disappoint. 😍 #2daysinseattle @NVRguys: Fun time at Chihuly Garden and Glass at #Seattle Center! @jesshunter: Had an unreal time at EMP.

Free GIS Datasets - Categorised List Statistics for 'Social Structure' | Mapping 'Percentage of Working-Age Males in Class 1 & 2' in 1961 The "Statistical atlas" lets you view our British statistical data rates by theme in their entirety as maps for both modern local authorities and historical units. Please note that although there are some statistics within the system relating to places outside Great Britain, particularly Ireland, the majority of our statistics are British and this is reflected in the presentation of data within the Statistical atlas. How it works The Statistical atlas presents national views of rates. This differs from the specific numeric data for individual administrative units presented in the "Units & Statistics" part of the place pages accessed via typing in a place-name on the homepage. Select a theme by clicking on a theme title. After selecting a rate we are presented with the map page showing the selected rate. Beneath this are various "Options" for altering the mapped rate. The map window on the right can be zoomed and panned. About the data

18th Century shipping mapped using 21st Century technology | News Last month we looked at an example of an old mapping style being applied to modern data. This time it's the other way round. James Cheshire, of Spatial Analysis, has taken historical records of shipping routes between 1750 and 1800 and plotted them using modern mapping tools. The first map, above, shows journeys made by British ships. If you look carefully you can also make out Captain Cook's voyages, including his two global circumnavigations. This second map shows the same data for Dutch boats. You can also see the scattering of journeys made by Dutch ships to Svalbard, off the North coast of the Norwegian mainland. The third map shows Spanish shipping routes, and immediately stands out from the other two. The data used to produce these maps was digitised by the Climatological Databse for the World's Oceans and is available for public download here. • Who made these graphics? NEW! • Facts are Sacred: the power of data (on Kindle) More open data World government data Development and aid data

This Interactive Map Compares the New York City of 1836 to Today Zooming out to view this 1836 map of New York in full, the map’s artistic merit immediately becomes apparent – the scrolled border and detailed views speak to a gentle use for this map. Unlike other, smaller maps, this map was less functional and more aesthetic: it was a wall map, used to adorn the walls of people’s private homes and offices. Rumsey remains struck by its beauty, explaining that it’s one of his favorite maps. “There’s a historian named Stokes who wrote six volumes on the history of Manhattan, and he called this map perhaps one of the most beautiful maps of Manhattan in the 19th century. The map was drawn by Joseph Colton, who one of the most prominent map publishers in New York City, with a career spanning three decades from the 1830s to the 1850s. The park wasn’t in the original plan for the city; in 1853, the state of New York empowered the city to acquire more than 700 acres of land under eminent domain to create the expanse.

Styling — OpenLayers This OpenLayers Styles framework is the way to control the styling of features attached to vector layers in OpenLayers, such as points, lines, and polygons. It provides capabilities which correspond to the features provided by standards like SLD, allowing the use of advanced feature styling with properties and rules. Style Classes When a feature is added to a map, its style information can come from one of three sources: A symbolizer hash set directly on the feature. This is unusual, but may occur when parsing remote data which embeds style information at the feature level, like some KML content.A symbolizer hash attached to a layer as Style or StyleMap object attached to the layer as layer.styleMap. A symbolizer hash is a simple JavaScript object, with key/value pairs describing the values to be used. A StyleMap object is a more descriptive element, which allows for the use of advanced feature-based styling. Attribute Replacement Syntax StyleMap new OpenLayers.StyleMap(s);

MapCSS/0.2 MapCSS is a CSS-like language for map stylesheets. This page contains second draft of MapCSS format. See MapCSS/0.1 for the first draft and talk page and Proposals for suggested improvements. There is a MapCSS Mailing list. Check also some kind of BNF and an antlr grammar. Calculations in MapCSS use the eval syntax. Language Structure A MapCSS stylesheet is made up of a series of rules about how to style elements of a map. One or more selector, used to determine to which map elements the statement applies. Additionally, comments can be made using "//" to comment the rest of the line out, or using "/*" and "*/" to comment out everything between these end points. Selectors Selectors determine whether a rule applies to a particular object or not. Types The selector's type may be any one of the core OSM object types, node way relation plus some other interesting cases, Tests way[highway=primary] /* Matches against all ways with the highway tag set to primary */ way[highway=~/. way[highway="~/. Classes

Multiple Layers from OpenStreetMaps in d3.js Oct 2014 Inspired by Mike Bostock's Vector Tiles example we're going to use OpenStreetMap data to plot the glorious island of Jersey. Starting with his original code, changing the translate property on the zoom object, to use jersey coordinates, centres the map over Jersey: .translate(projection([-2.1043, 49.1836]) As you can see though, only roads are drawn so it makes the island look a bit weird as there is no land/sea border. There are 6 types of vector tiles available from OpenStreetMap: vectiles-highroad - roads (and paths, railways etc.) vectiles-skeletron - road names vectiles-buildings - polygons representing buildings vectiles-pois - points of interest vectiles-land-usages - polygons representing usages such as parks, schools, cemetries, golf course etc. etc. vectiles-water-areas Changing the url to request vectiles-water-areas, rather than vectiles-highroad produces a map with the distinctive outline around Jersey. We can tidy it up considerably with a few CSS rules.

AARP Public Policy Institute, PPI - AARP Close/Exit Customize Your Score Use the sliders to adjust the individual category scores based on your preferences and see what can happen if changes are made in the future for your community. Less Important More Important HousingAffordability and access They say home is where the heart is—and the same holds true for the Livability Index. NeighborhoodAccess to life, work, and play What makes a neighborhood truly livable? TransportationSafe and convenient options How easily and safely we’re able to get from one place to another has a major effect on our quality of life. EnvironmentClean air and water Good communities maintain a clean environment for their residents. HealthPrevention, access, and quality Community conditions influence health behaviors. EngagementCivic and social involvement A livable community fosters interaction among residents. OpportunityInclusion and possibilities America was built on opportunity—and our nation’s many thriving communities are no different.

Exemples d'album et fenêtre modale Pour que le diaporama fonctionne, trois niveaux de conteneur sont nécessaires et doivent être identifiés comme suit : ZoneIcono : conteneur initial de l'album ayant comme enfants de premier niveau les conteneurs NavFleche et ZoneDesImages ZoneDesImages : conteneur englobant les conteneurs d'images ZoneImage et du rouleau ZoneImage : Peut conteneur les images et autres conteneurs, c'est celui-ci qui sera affiché comme diapositive d'image Trois options sont possibles au niveau de ZoneIcono : data-avecfleche : 1 = oui; 0 = non. Valeur par défaut : 1. Exemple : data-avecfleche="1" data-nbdiapo : nombre de diapo (ZoneImage) à afficher à la fois. Naked house 1© Musée McCord, ? Naked house 2© Musée McCord, ? Naked house 3© Musée McCord, ? Naked house 4© Musée McCord, ? Naked house 5© Musée McCord, ? Sans valeur attribuée dans le data-translation Avec valeur attribuée dans le data-translation du bouton Ouvrir #ZoneImage2 Générer l'album Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.

This is a wonderful resource page for social studies educators at all levels. There are new ideas and new resources being posted all of the time. Why let your classroom become stagnant from year to year, when there are so many new ways for you to incorporate modern techonology into your lessons? by teresaoliver Mar 28
