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The Bible's view of Man & Women: Equal?

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Women - What is the biblical justification for permitting female pastors? - Christianity Stack Exchange. Women Pastors: What Does the Bible Teach? May 1998 Issue Women Pastors: What Does the Bible Teach?

Women Pastors: What Does the Bible Teach?

By Richard R. Melick, Jr., Ph.D. The debate about whether a woman is permitted to be a pastor continues to intensify. Although there is scant historical precedent for it, many today claim that either men or women may be pastors. The question requires careful analysis. Biblical Texts While the Bible does not support the practice of women serving as pastors, numerous passages speak clearly and forcibly to the inherent worth and value of women.

The question at hand is not whether women are of equal value to men, nor is it whether they can minister effectively. The place to begin in this, as in other biblical questions, is to ask, "What does the Bible say? " It is logical to conclude, therefore, that the issue would not be raised today if discussion of the parameters for pastoral leadership were confined to the biblical record. Biblical Contexts Biblical exegesis requires sensitivity to the context of a passage. Organizational Patterns 1. Should Women Be Pastors and Elders? By Matt Slick In a social climate of complete equality in all things, the biblical teaching of only allowing men to be pastors and elders is not popular.

Should Women Be Pastors and Elders?

Many feminist organizations denounce this position as antiquated and chauvinistic. In addition, many Christian churches have adopted the "politically correct" social standard and have allowed women pastors and elders in the church. Women pastors / preachers? Can a woman be a pastor or preacher? Some verses regarding Woman should NOT teach / has other responsibilities.

BIBLE VERSES ABOUT MEN AND WOMEN. Why do some Christians believe men should lead and women should follow? Some believe men should lead in marriage and women should be subject to their husbands.

Why do some Christians believe men should lead and women should follow?

Others believe that scripture does not state women should be subject to men. The argument goes like this: How much Bible evidence can you give for husbands’ authority over wifes, or ruler of homes? To recap, verses telling slaves to obey DO NOT teach that God’s design is for masters to have authority as slave owners, and verses telling women to submit should be read in a similar fashion. If you want to develop a Bible doctrine of male authority being God’s plan from the “women submit” verses, it would be as much a fallacy, as to develop a doctrine of slave owner authority being God’s plan from the teachings to slaves. I agree that scripture concerning being a good master does not say there should be masters and slaves, but merely regulates that relationship.

However, this same thing can not be said for whether there should be husband and wife. Genesis 2: Genesis 3:16 1 Timothy 2:12-14 Ephesians 5:22. Is the Bible sexist against women? - Come Reason Ministries. Hi Paul, I do not believe God is "against" women.

Is the Bible sexist against women? - Come Reason Ministries

The passage to which you are referring is 1 Timothy 2:12, "But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. " On its face, this may seem a sexist position. Why can't women teach? Aren't they as knowledgeable as men? The above passage (along with several others) is meant to set down the structure of leadership in the church as an organized body. The Bible does not say that a woman cannot teach a man about Christ. The Bible clearly gives a very high view of women, especially when one looks at their position in the culture of the times. Given this history, let's see how God approaches women in the Bible.

Now we'll examine what the Bible says about women and their position. So, taking all of the above into account, how do we interpret the passage in 1 Timothy? So, God is not against women at all. I hope this will help clarify things for you. What does it mean when the Bible says, "the man is head of the woman?" "But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ.

What does it mean when the Bible says, "the man is head of the woman?"

" (1 Cor. 11:3). In the Jewish and Christian culture when the Bible was written, there was a concept called "Federal Headship. " This means that the male is the one who represents his descendants. Proof of this can be found in Heb. 7:8-10, "And in this case mortal men receive tithes, but in that case one receives them, of whom it is witnessed that he lives on. 9 And, so to speak, through Abraham even Levi, who received tithes, paid tithes, 10 for he was still in the loins of his father when Melchizedek met him. " Notice that it says that Levi paid tithes while still in the loins of his father Abraham.