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Burning Man's insane vanishing act. The yearly Nevada festival of Burning Man is many things.

Burning Man's insane vanishing act

It is a place where 65,000 people descend on a 7-square-mile patch of the Black Rock Desert, getting whipped by sandstorms, and, of course, burning "the man. " But as the "leave no trace" rule declares, Burning Man is not a garbage can. Everything set up at the start of the week must come down. This before-and-after image, created by the Daily Overview, reveals just how great of an undertaking that can be. Slide the bar to see the transition. To make sure the "leave no trace" rule is upheld, Burning Man relies on a Playa Restoration Team (The "playa" is the land used during the festival). Crews of people determine which areas have the most trash — or, as Burners call it, "matter out of place," or MOOP.

They color-code the areas based on severity, green being the lightest MOOP areas, yellow being moderate, and red being the most moopy — Burning Man's words, not mine — and have a line of people clean up each area.


Vidéos. Les chaleurs du festival Burning Man. Sur la côte Ouest des États-Unis, le festival Burning Man, le plus dingue de la planète, s'est achevé la nuit dernière.

Les chaleurs du festival Burning Man

Récit tout en longueur de ces folles nuits dans la ville éphémère de Black Rock City. MAJ : Le Burning man dans une (belle) vidéo ? C’est comme si vous y étiez et c’est ici. Tous les ans, au début du mois de septembre, se déroule dans le désert du Nevada le fameux festival Burning Man [en]. Projet collectif un peu fou qui existe depuis plus de vingt ans. La première fois que j’en ai entendu parler, c’était en 2009. Black Rock City, ville éphémère Expérience communautaire ou utopie urbaine, je ne savais trop quoi penser en arrivant dans la ville. Loin de ressembler à une vaste anarchie, dix principes servant de référence se sont progressivement imposés à Black Rock City, sorte de contrat social informel adopté par les participants. L’absence de relation marchande est ce qui frappe le plus. This is not a consumer event.

Mais ça va plus loin que ça. Cooking for Burning Man 101. Burning Man (Season 14, Episode 13) - Video Clips. Future Boy: Talent hunting in the counterculture - Aug. 31, 2006. Pyromaniacs on the payroll?

Future Boy: Talent hunting in the counterculture - Aug. 31, 2006

Sure. Counterculture events like this week's Burning Man attract exactly the kind of creative people you want working for you. (Business 2.0 Magazine) -- If you want to make an appointment to see Larry Page and Sergey Brin this week, you'll have a harder time than usual doing so. The Google founders are making their annual pilgrimage to the Black Rock Desert in Nevada for the Burning Man festival. Google's known for its exacting hiring requirements, which include a degree from a top-notch university and a stratospheric GPA. Page and Brin are just two of the approximately 30,000 Burning Man devotees - burners, as they're known - who gather every year to help build and enjoy the art-filled collective on an ancient, dried-out lake bed known as Black Rock City (which, for the week it exists, is the third most populous burg in the state). The Google guys have been going for almost as many years as they've been running Google.

Fire in the belly. How Rich People Do Burning Man. I work as a mechanic in the Seattle area, and this time of year is so bittersweet.

How Rich People Do Burning Man

Love the weather, hate Burning Man. Every year, it's the same thing: Enthusiastic Burning Person comes into the shop with sawed-apart bicycle, some steel rods, lights lights lights, an ancient and heavy generator, and an empty tank of talent that was probably only 1/8th full to begin with. "Can you weld this together with blah blah blah lights up on its own blah blah blah symbolic of our dependance on foreign oil/materialism/what corporations tell us? " "Yes, it will cost you $600 in parts and labor. " (outraged)"BUT IT'S FOR BURNING MAN!! Other fun characters are the folks that don't understand why adding 150lbs of hardware store made their bike hard to ride; people who don't understand why I can't have 30-40 hours of welding done by tomorrow; the seemingly smart people that feel the reason I won't weld steel and aluminum together isn't because of the different melting points, but because I refuse to try.

Burning Man. Burning man Festival 2014 - Burning man Festival Tickets and Lineup Trance. Burning man Festival 2014 Many people in United States know that a certain Burning Man Festival is being celebrated but not all those who knew it know what it really is all about.

Burning man Festival 2014 - Burning man Festival Tickets and Lineup Trance

So, if you are one of those who just said burning man festival is a festival then take some time read these bits of information about this festival. The Burning Man Festival is an 8-day long celebration that takes place before the celebration of Labor Day in the United States. The early conduct of the festival is more of a formal gathering so only a small number of people attend the event which is usually being held in San Francisco. Black Rock French Quarter 2013. A living replica of New Orleans returns to Burning Man, with brass bands, fresh roasted coffee, bakery, gumbo cookery, voodoo and...

Black Rock French Quarter 2013

Black Rock French Quarter is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the purposes of Black Rock French Quarter must be made payable to Fractured Atlas and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. What is the Black Rock French Quarter? Joining the Black Rock French Quarter. Petit guide de Burning Man. Avez-vous déjà entendu parler de Burning Man ?

Petit guide de Burning Man

Jamais ? Mais si voyons, souvenez-vous : il s’agit d’un festival alternatif qui se tient dans le désert de Black Rock Mountains, au beau milieu du Nevada ; la réunion improbable de Mad Max et des bisounours. TEDxVancouver - Jeet Kei Leung - Transformational Festivals. French Burning Man : infos sur le festival Burning MAN. Présentation du festival de Burning Man Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas encore Burning man, c’est un festival qui se passe en plein désert du Nevada.

French Burning Man : infos sur le festival Burning MAN

A la différence des autres festivals, c’est aux participants de faire le « show ». Il n’y a pas de buvettes, de snacks ou autre. On peut seulement acheter du café et des sacs de glaces sur place. Le festival dure une semaine (voir plus pour certains festivaliers). C’est un festival basé sur le partage et la participation de chacun. Notre chargement avant… Cet article est long, si vous préférez ne regarder que les images, pas de soucis (: Burning Man's Big Plan To Reshape A Depressed San Francisco Neighborhood. Maps. Utilisateurs d'un lecteur d'écran : cliquez ici pour accéder à la version HTML brut +Vous Recherche Images Maps Play YouTube Actualités Gmail.


Black Rock City. Welcome Home.