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Mini 6.5

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Le Tour du monde d'Alessandro Di Benedetto en mini 6.50. Mini Transat - Justine Mettraux sails into the history books. In the Mini Transat, Geneva-based sailor Justine Mettraux crossed the finish line in Pointe-a-Pitre in second place in the early hours of this morning to sail into the history books as the highest achieving female sailor in the history of the event.

Mini Transat - Justine Mettraux sails into the history books

Pointe-a-Pitre, 6 December 2013 – After 22 days, 22 hours, 55 minutes and 34 seconds, Swiss sailor Justine Mettraux onboard TeamWork crossed the finish line in Pointe-a-Pitre to take second place in the Mini Transat series class. She not only made history becoming the first Swiss female sailor to race across the Atlantic single-handed but also the highest achieving female sailor in the history of the event. Justine was given a hero’s welcome at the Bas du Fort marina in Pointe-a-Pitre at 03:40 this morning (local time) by her family, friends and sponsor. She had raced 4,075 nautical miles at an average of 7.4 knots and with no onboard radio since the Canary Islands; she had no idea how well she had done until she approached the finish line! Mini Transat. A WORD FROM OUR SPONSOR – For the first time in the USA, a group of singlehanded sailors from all over thecountry are going to race from California to Hawaii onboard Mini Transat 6.50s – 21-foot ocean capable sailboats that are barely larger than the average suburban vehicle.

Mini Transat

The 2013 Mini Transpac Race is being organized by the North American Mini 6.50 Class Association and the start is scheduled for July 6th 2013 – less that 150 days from now. The race currently has 10 entries, including Jerome Sammarcelli, who was the first person to race a Mini Transat 6.50 single handed across the Pacific in last years Single Handed Transpac from San Francisco. This time he will be racing with at least 9 other competitive sailors, all sailing on nearly identical boats, all trying to cross 2,300 nautical miles of Pacific Ocean to reach the finish line first.

Classe Mini.


AUS 707. Fabricantes. Lucile Chombart de Lauwe : Une Traversée - Mini transat 2011. Ce qui se passe entre le départ et l’arrivée ?

Lucile Chombart de Lauwe : Une Traversée - Mini transat 2011

Nul ne le saura jamais complètement. Par bribes les histoires sont contées, mais l’intimité n’est pas dévoilée crument. Dans le huis clos qui se joue sur chacun des petits bateaux, le retour à l’essentiel est la clef de la réussite : faire avec ses appréhensions, s’accorder avec son corps, se contenter du minimum vital pour vivre. Eau, nourriture, énergie, tout est là ou presque mais rien de trop. Coupé du monde pendant si longtemps, on en revient avec un regard neuf, lessivé des stigmates de l’avant, riche d’une rencontre rare avec soi et un autre monde. Lucile est entrée dans la mini un peu par hasard. Faire ressurgir en quelques clichés le cheminement intérieur des hommes et des femmes pendant leur traversée.

Mini Transat. Giancarlo Pedote - Official site. Francisco Lobato. Franciscoooooooo Looooooobatoooooooo Não era só o que diziam os Franceses esta manhã sobre a proeza do Francisco em ter "limpo" a Pornichet Select, depois de ter subido ao pódio com um 2º lugar na Mini Pavois.

Francisco Lobato

O Francisco é campeão! E o BPI o mais rápido ao largo de França 08-05-2007 2:21 hora de Lisboa Eram 22h17 quando o BPI cruzou a linha de chegada numa estrondosa vitória do Francisco, que praticamente dominou a regata do princípio ao fim. Lembramos que logo na bóia de desmarque "o primeiro Português na história a estar qualificado para a Transat 6,50", chegou em primeiro, inclusive à frente dos protótipos. Apesar de ter trocado a bóia a rondar e ter sido passado nesse momento, voltou ao ataque e não mais descansou até ver ultrapassados os seus mais directos adversários. Eram cerca das 21h40 quando anunciaram a posição do BPI, como estando muito perto da linha de chegada. São raras as notícias sobre o paradeiro do Francisco mas continuam a ser as melhores possíveis. Resumo do dia.

Round mound of rebound. ‎ David Raison wins Mini Transat. TeamWork Evolution first home in the Mini Transat David Raison has won the singlehanded Charente Maritime-Bahia Transat 6,50 on his innovative Proto TeamWork Evolution.

David Raison wins Mini Transat

His achievement potentially represents a milestone in the world of offshore yacht racing. Raison crossed the finish line at 18:43 UTC, having sailed the 3120 mile long second leg between Madeira and Salvador de Bahia in an elapsed time of 17 days, 6 hours and 13 minutes, at an average speed of 7.53 knots. The skipper from Lorient has beatne the previous record for this course by 20 minutes.

On this leg Raison took the lead soon after the Cape Verde Islands and managed to maintain his lead crossing the Doldrums. Raison's boat, with her strange looking round nose, has excelled on this difficult course, but especially when sailing between 60 and 90° TWA, where she seems unbeatable, achieving speeds up to one knot more than her opponents.