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300 Years of FOSSIL FUELS in 300 Seconds

300 Years of FOSSIL FUELS in 300 Seconds

Video reveals how much social media reveals about you to strangers We’ve been told. And told and told and told: Social networking is not private, the Internet doesn’t forget, and apps can do nearly anything they want with our data. But despite the many warnings, we’re consistently still surprised by how much our digital profiles reveal. Social Media Experiment, a YouTube video created by YouTuber Jack Vale, makes it as undeniable as ever how oblivious we are. Borrowing Trouble Broadly speaking, a division exists between those supporting a society led by élites who command or control most of society’s wealth and use it in their own interests, and those supporting a society led by progressively-minded individuals who want society’s wealth used in the interests of the members of society as a whole. In my experience campaigning for the NDP, the explanation I most often heard at the door for not voting NDP was very straightforward: “The NDP (and by extension all ‘left’ parties) don’t know how to handle money and would bankrupt us.” In the 2004 election, after years of letter writing and urging by some members of the Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform (COMER), the NDP platform included a simple statement that the NDP would use the Bank of Canada (the Bank) to carry some of the public debt, as it used to do (prior to 1974). The area in which I was campaigning had many Liberal supporters and usually voted Liberal. Weeks and then months went by.

Fossil fuels Fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas were formed over millions of years from organic matter like plankton, plants and other life forms. Over time, sand, sediment and rock buried the organic matter and it eventually formed large quantities of fuels. These underground resources, known as fossil fuels, are still the primary fuel source for electricity, heating and powering vehicles around the globe. Five main fossil fuels Coal is a combustible black or brown organic sedimentary rock. It’s mostly carbon and is typically found as layers (coal beds) or veins (coal seams).

40 Maps That Will Help You Make Sense of the World If you’re a visual learner like myself, then you know maps, charts and infographics can really help bring data and information to life. Maps can make a point resonate with readers and this collection aims to do just that. Hopefully some of these maps will surprise you and you’ll learn something new. A few are important to know, some interpret and display data in a beautiful or creative way, and a few may even make you chuckle or shake your head.

Just who the hell do you think you people are? ‘Who the Hell do You Think You Are? The Euro Game Is Up!’ ► European Parliament, Strasbourg – 24 November 2010 ► Speaker: Nigel Farage MEP, UKIP, Co-President of the EFD group; ……………………………. Fossil Fuels Fossil fuels: Energy from fossilised organic materials Custom Search How it works: Hackschooling Jason, what's with the John Lennon quote? It's a great quote, but unless someone has explicitly told you otherwise, it has nothing to do with Logan any more than it has to do with your story above; which might be fine less the need to somehow single out your obsession with John Lennon (who's great but your making big reaches; not a good sign). It's not really necessary to try and make a great link in the specific way you have, between a good historical quote and some necessity by Logan to somehow tell the audience; "Hey, everything I've done is from John Lennon." It's not of course; maybe Logan hasn't listened to a Beatles song in his entire life. Maybe he has, but don't presume what you don't know and don't reach too far. If you read-up, Logan re-wrote his entire talk he had worked on for some 60 days, just prior to this TEDx event because he wasn't quite happy with it and asked others for advice.

BEWARE THE PROPOSED GLOBAL MONETARY AUTHORITY! The Central bankers' Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in 1988 in the "Basel I" regulations imposed an 8% capital reserve standard on member central banks. This almost immediately threw Japan into a 15 year economic depression. In 2004 Basel II imposed "mark to the market" capital valuation standards that required international banks to revalue their reserves according to changing market valuations (such as falling home or stock prices).

Norway’s Greatest Vulnerability Is Also Its Greatest Strength The unspeakable horror of this weekend’s massacre in Norway is exaggerated exponentially by terrorist Anders Breivik’s abuse of one of civil society’s most distinctive features: the trust that the public places in law enforcement. And Norway may be particularly vulnerable to such a breach, as a country with a particularly deep faith in its the integrity of its institutions. Norway’s best civil qualities, in this case, also made it most vulnerable to the worst impulses of this killer. Like its fellow Scandinavian countries, Norway is near the top of the world’s charts in many enviable ways: high standard of living and productivity, high levels of happiness, impressive longevity, low levels of economic inequality and corruption and in general, extremely low levels of violent and other crimes.

Interactive - Rock Back in Time The Minerals Council of Australia is acknowledged as the provider of this resource. In this learning object, users choose a rock sample and find out how it was formed millions of years ago. For example, how coal was formed in a swampy forest. Explore the Earth’s surface at the time when the rock formed. Look at maps, landscapes, living things and environments. Compare temperatures and sea levels with those of today.
