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No war of conquest, nothing to reconquer. Really?

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A number of European countries were forced to tough austerity measures, which have withdrawn a significant number of people the basis for a self-determined life in freedom.

Even though there has repeatedly come to severe violations of the Constitution of several countries, absolutely no efforts had been made to bring those responsible to justice.
Chances are pretty good that what has been described above is strongly related to what can be observed worldwide, where a growing number of people are forced into dependencies that can be best described as a modern form of slavery. The Two Faces of Class Struggle: The Motor Force for Historical Regression or Advance. Essay: Anatomy of the Deep State. Ecological Struggles in the Neoliberal Era. The Global Architecture of Wealth Extraction - /The Rules. Wealth inequality has reached truly epic proportions — with 62 individuals amassing the same aggregate wealth as 3.7 billion.

The Global Architecture of Wealth Extraction - /The Rules

Corporate Profits Grow and Wages Slide. CORPORATE profits are at their highest level in at least 85 years.

Corporate Profits Grow and Wages Slide

Employee compensation is at the lowest level in 65 years. The Commerce Department last week estimated that corporations earned $2.1 trillion during 2013, and paid $419 billion in corporate taxes. The after-tax profit of $1.7 trillion amounted to 10 percent of during the year, the first full year it has been that high. In 2012, it was 9.7 percent, itself a record. Until 2010, the highest level of after-tax profits ever recorded was 9.1 percent, in 1929, the first year that the government began calculating the number.

Before taxes, corporate profits accounted for 12.5 percent of the total economy, tying the previous record that was set in 1942, when pushed up profits for many companies. The trend of higher profits and lower effective taxes has been gaining strength for years, but really picked up after the Great Recession temporarily depressed profits in 2009. Continue reading the main story After-tax corporate profits Obama. Feindliche Übernahme. Die Schuldenquote ist in Deutschland seit 1975 von 20 Prozent kontinuierlich auf 40 Prozent im Jahr 1992, beinahe auf 60 Prozent in 2002 und auf 81 Prozent in 2010 gestiegen.

Feindliche Übernahme

Sie sank erst 2016, nicht zuletzt als Folge der Schuldenbremse, auf 71 Prozent. Bei näherem Hinsehen stellt sich die steigende Staatsverschuldung – wie übrigens auch die steigende Massenarbeitslosigkeit, die sinkende Lohnquote, eine von unten nach oben erfolgte Einkommensumverteilung und eine dramatische Aufblähung des spekulativen Finanzsektors – als ein prägnantes Indiz des historischen Systemwechsels vom keynesianischen zum neoliberalen Kapitalismus dar. Denn nicht nur in Deutschland, sondern in allen wichtigen kapitalistischen Staaten ist die Schuldenquote zwischen 1975 und 2016 sprunghaft angestiegen: in den USA von 38 auf über 100 Prozent, in Großbritannien von 20 auf 85 Prozent, in Frankreich von 18 auf über 100 Prozent und in Japan sogar von 30 auf 240 Prozent. Quellen und Anmerkungen:

Der Mensch als Ware. Katrin McClean: In Euerm letzten Film „Der marktgerechte Patient“ ging es um die Folgen der Fallpauschale und die Privatisierung von Krankenhäusern, also eines gewinnorientierten Wirtschaftens, dessen Leidtragende in erster Linie das Personal und die Patienten sind.

Der Mensch als Ware

Ihr habt dabei mit Kooperationspartnern wie dem Hamburger Bündnis für mehr Pflegepersonal und dem Verein der demokratischen Ärztinnen und Ärzte zusammengearbeitet. There Was a Class War. The Rich Won It. Real 1982 goods producing wage earner hourly wage What happens if there’s a class war and only one side bothers to show up and fight it?

There Was a Class War. The Rich Won It.

That’s what happened over the last thirty years. There was a class war, and the rich won. Period. It’s over, they kicked our knees out from under us, put on their steel toed boots and spent the last thirty years telling us that they were going to trickle on us and we’re going to like it and beg for more. Seems like hyperbole? This transatlantic trade deal is a full-frontal assault on democracy. Remember that referendum about whether we should create a single market with the United States?

This transatlantic trade deal is a full-frontal assault on democracy

The democratic clock turned back. Financial markets rallied last week when the Greek prime minister, George Papandreou, announced he was dropping plans for a referendum on the terms of his country's bailout.

The democratic clock turned back

Bond dealers liked the idea that the government in Athens could soon be headed by Lucas Papademos, a former vice-president of the European Central Bank. Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy think Papademos is the sort of hard-line technocrat with whom they can do business. Silvio Berlusconi's long-predicted departure as Italy's prime minister will no doubt be greeted in the same way, particularly if he is replaced by a government of national unity headed by another technocrat, Mario Monti. Neo-liberal capture of the policy making process in Europe. Mainstream macroeconomics has mounted a range of arguments over the years to argue against any discretionary involvement by governments or regulators in the economy.

Neo-liberal capture of the policy making process in Europe

The claim is always that the ‘market’ will self regulate and weed out bad players and produce the best outcomes with the least resources each period of activity. Various fancy terms are introduced into textbooks that make these arguments seem to have scientific weight. In narratives, there is often claims that left-wing groups blurred as trade unions have too much influence on political processes, particularly when a non-conservative party is in power.

...can not be enforced without conquest of the power

Global capitalism and 21st century fascism. Story highlights The crisis of global capitalism is unprecedented, given its magnitude, its global reach, the extent of ecological degradation and social deterioration, and the scale of the means of violence.

Global capitalism and 21st century fascism

We truly face a crisis of humanity. The West's tragedy of capital. Here's a crash course on global finance 2.0.

The West's tragedy of capital

The debt is in the Atlanticist, wealthy North. The resources are in the global South. The Great Putsch: welcome to post-democratic Europe. Greece, Europe and the Neoliberal Nightmare: Is There a Way Out? Riot police attempt to put out a street fired during clashes with demonstrators protesting against austerity measures in Athens, Greece, Nov. 7, 2012. Hours before Greek lawmakers were to take up a controversial budget package Wednesday, its supporters fought off an effort to declare the legislation unconstitutional. (Angelos Tzortzinis/The New York Times) The EU-IMF rescue mechanism provided Greece in May 2010 with a massive loan package worth 110 billion euros (meant to cover the country's financial needs until June 2013) while a second one was extended in February 2012 worth 130 billion euros. Modern slavery affects more than 35 million people, report finds.

More than 35 million people around the world are trapped in a modern form of slavery, according to a report highlighting the prevalence of forced labour, human trafficking, forced marriages, debt bondage and commerical sexual exploitation. The Walk Free Foundation (WFF), an Australia-based NGO that publishes the annual global slavery index, said that as a result of better data and improved methodology it had increased its estimate 23% in the past year. Five countries accounted for 61% of slavery, although it was found in all 167 countries covered by the report, including the UK. India was top of the list with about 14.29 million enslaved people, followed by China with 3.24 million, Pakistan 2.06 million, Uzbekistan 1.2 million, and Russia 1.05 million.

Modern-day slavery in focus. Der Völkermord an den Ärmsten der Armen. Skærmbillede 2015-07-18 kl. 09.08.16 Heutzutage sind die „Ärmsten der Armen“ für das Imperium überflüssig und deshalb das Ziel einer Politik des Völkermordes. Der aktuelle Weltkrieg zwischen den Klassen wurde zum Krieg zwischen den Ausrottern und denen, die um ihr Überleben kämpfen! Von James Petras.