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History: American Civil War for Kids

History: American Civil War for Kids
Back to History for Kids The American Civil War was fought between southern and northern states of the United States. The southern states didn't want to be part of the United States any more and decided to make their own country. However, the northern states wanted to stay one country. The South (Confederacy) When the southern states decided to break away, or secede, they made their own country called the Confederate States of America, or the Confederacy. The North (Union) The North consisted of the remaining 25 states which were located in the north. Why did the Southern states want to leave? The Southern states were worried that as the United States expanded, they would gain less power. Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln was the president of the United States during the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln The Fighting The Civil War was the deadliest war in American history. Recommended books and references: The American Civil War : An Overview by Carin T. Related: