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World War Two (WW2) for Kids

Remembrance Day For almost six years from 1939 to 1945 Britain fought the toughest war it had ever experienced. World War II was total war - every person, every business, every service was involved. Britain did not fight alone, the war also involved many countries. Fifty million people lost their lives and hundreds of millions people were injured. After World War One ended in 1918, Germany had to give up land and was banned from having armed forces. In 1933 the German people voted for a leader named Adolf Hitler, who led a political party in Germany called the National Socialists or Nazis. Shortly before 5am on Friday 1st September, 1939, German forces stormed the Polish frontier. World War Two in Europe began on 3rd September 1939, when the Prime Minister of Britain, Neville Chamberlain, declared war on Germany. Click on the play button below to hear Chamberlain's speech (now the full speech) The Second World War was started by Germany in an unprovoked attack on Poland.

The evacuation of children during the Second World War Evacuees themselves were split into four categories, focused on specific social groups deemed non-essential to war work: 1) school-age children; 2) the infirm; 3) pregnant women and 4) mothers with babies or pre-school children (who would be evacuated together). The Government Evacuation Scheme had been developed during the summer of 1938 by the so-called Anderson Committee, chaired by Sir John Anderson and charged with looking at how the country could respond to prolonged, destructive, aerial bombardment. The report laid out the foundations of a wartime evacuation policy, recommending the evacuation of schoolchildren, mothers with infants and the elderly to safer locales - typically rural communities. This proposal, together with the incorporation of another plan designed specifically by the London County Council (LCC) coalesced into an official government Evacuation Scheme from November 1938, and was one of the most radical works of social engineering ever conceived.

Bomb Sight - Mapping the World War 2 London Blitz Bomb Census Children and World War Two Children were massively affected by World War Two. Nearly two million children were evacuated from their homes at the start of World War Two; children had to endure rationing, gas mask lessons, living with strangers etc. Children accounted for one in ten of the deaths during the Blitz of London from 1940 to 1941. World War Two was the first war when Britain itself was the target of frequent attacks by the enemy. The impact of evacuation on children depended to an extent on which social strata you were in at the time. ‘Operation Pied Piper’ was a huge undertaking. ‘Operation Pied Piper’ planned to move 3.5 million children in three days. With such numbers involved, it was to be expected that some children would have a smooth passage to their reception area while some would not. What impact this had on the children involved was never overly studied at the time as the government simply wanted to herald evacuation as an overwhelming success. MLA Citation/Reference

Primary History - World War 2 Hitler Youth: Prelude to War 1933-1939 On the night of January 30, 1933, Nazis in Berlin celebrated the appointment of Adolf Hitler as Chancellor of Germany by conducting massive torchlight parades. Hitler Youth units were among those in the columns passing under the watchful gaze of Hitler and Paul von Hindenburg, the elderly president of Germany. Within two months, Hitler acquired dictatorial powers resulting from the Enabling Act passed by the Nazi-controlled Reichstag. Terms of use: Private home/school non-commercial, non-Internet re-usage only is allowed of any text, graphics, photos, audio clips, other electronic files or materials from The History Place.

Neville Chamberlain's declaration of war Declaration of war: Chamberlain's radio broadcast, 3 September 1939, 11am I am speaking to you from the cabinet room at 10 Downing Street. This morning the British ambassador in Berlin handed the German government a final note stating that unless we heard from them by 11 o'clock that they were prepared at once to withdraw their troops from Poland, a state of war would exist between us. You can imagine what a bitter blow it is to me that all my long struggle to win peace has failed. His action shows convincingly that there is no chance of expecting that this man will ever give up his practice of using force to gain his will. We have a clear conscience. Germany attacks Poland: Diary of Polish physician Zygmunt Klukowski, 13 September 1939 Walking through the dark streets crossed with trenches was very difficult. It was completely weird. Along the highway you can see hundreds of abandoned vehicles (lack of gas).

WWII History: World War II for Kids World War II was fought between the Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, Japan) and the Allied Powers (Britain, United States, Soviet Union, France). Most of the countries in the world were involved in some way. It was the deadliest war in all of human history with around 70 million people killed. When was it? World War II started in 1939 when Germany invaded Poland. Where was it? World War II started in Europe, but spread throughout the world. Learn More Check out these pages to learn about the events, battles, and people of World War II: Go here to test your knowledge with a World War II crossword puzzle or word search. For reference and further reading: The Good Fight: How World War II was Won by Stephen E.

Primary History - World War 2 - Children at war Great Depression Facts and Information for Kids This worksheet has a free sample available. Download the sample here » Download This Sample This sample is exclusively for KidsKonnect Basic members! Already a member? The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression in the decade preceding World War II. Herbert Hoover was president when the Great Depression began. The Great Depression Worksheets This bundle includes 11 ready-to-use Great Depression worksheets that are perfect for students to learn about the Great Depression which was a severe worldwide economic depression in the decade preceding World War II. Throughout the extensive worksheet pack there are multiple lesson resources and quizzes for students to practice their knowledge which can be used within the classroom or homeschooling environment. Included Great Depression worksheets: Herbert Hoover Americans named many of the products of hardship in the Great Depression after Herbert Hoover. Hobo Symbols Fantastic task on the Hobo Symbols of the Great Depression.

Nazi Germany - Hitler Youth | HistoryOnTheNet In the early 1920s, the Nazi party had established a youth movement led by Kurt Gruber, with the aim of attracting young men who could be trained to become members of the SA (Stormtroopers). On 4th July 1926 the group was renamed the Hitler Youth, League of German Worker Youth and became attached to and run by the SA. The Hitler Youth (Hitler Jugend) wore uniforms and attended meetings and rallies where they were indoctrinated with Nazi views. Adolf Hitler believed that the support of the youth was vital to the future of the third Reich and aimed, through the Hitler Youth programme, to produce a generation of loyal supporters of Nazi views. Posters were used to attract more members and membership rose from 5,000 in 1925 to 25,000 in 1930. When the Nazis came to power in 1933 other youth groups were forcibly merged into the Hitler Youth and by the end of 1933 membership stood at just over 2 million. There were separate Hitler Youth groups for boys and girls:

London In The Second World War The British government knew that Germany would target London in their bombing raids. If the capital was put out of action, it would severely affect the war effort and have a devastating impact on the nation’s morale. The Blitz on London from September 1940 to May 1941 and the V1 flying bomb and V2 rocket attacks in 1944 caused a massive amount of damage. It is estimated that more than 12,000 metric tons of bombs were dropped on London and nearly 30,000 civilians were killed by enemy action. The worst hit places tended to be the poorer districts, like the East End, but all Londoners were affected by German air raids to a varying degree. The Blitz changed the landscape of the city.

Children in World War 2 - WW2 Children & Evacuation Impact The effect of war on children, particularly young children cannot be measured but it would be hard to say anything other than the effect on their lives was monumental. The disruption of homes, the threat from aerial attacks and the loss of fathers to war had a huge effect on them emotionally. The death rate of children in London due to the Blitz was approximately 1 in 10 with children struggling to escape and lacking the physical strength of adults. World War 2 brought events to a child’s life which they shouldn’t have to live through. Most were separated from their families due to evacuations while others had to deal with death and loss of family. The British government in 1933 re-empted this threat to children and began the evacuation process when Hitler took power. With the advance in technology from World War One, Britain worried that the mainland would be at threat from aerial bombings which meant they evacuated children from the main cities. The Application process:
