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Tyler, The Creator Reacts To Finding Album. U2 fans were likely stoked when Bono and co.'s new album/marketing deal Songs of Innocence showed up unannounced in their iTunes libraries on Tuesday night.

Tyler, The Creator Reacts To Finding Album

A fair share of other folks, however, were mystified, puzzled, and even a little angered when the new LP showed up on their devices. Thankfully, the always vocal Tyler, the Creator is here to speak for that miffed contingent. Taking to Twitter Friday night, he began with little ambiguity about his feelings on the surprise release. "GET OFF MY FUCKING PHONE," he began in his trademark all-caps style. Tyler then went on to say that finding the album on his phone was "legit like waking up with a pimple or a herpe [sic]," but he seemed to change his tune a bit thereafter.

Industry Reactions to Album. By Steve Knopper | U2's deal to release its new album Songs of Innocence for free via iTunes is not without precedent, but in combining Beyoncé's surprise-album strategy with Jay Z's corporate partnership with Samsung for 2013's Magna Carta...

Industry Reactions to Album

Holy Grail, is this the future of big-event releases? Apple paid the superstar band and its record label, Interscope, an undisclosed, but hefty, check, and committed a nine-figure marketing budget to promoting the album, say sources close to the negotiations. Are U2 pointing to a new way of doing things in a business where sales are plunging and free and cheap streaming services are taking over? The jury's still out. "It's much more akin to a stunt than a new business model," says Lee Trink, Kid Rock's manager and former president of Capitol Records. Apple unveiled the U2 announcement during its iPhone 6 and Apple Watch product launch in Cupertino, California, on Tuesday.

U2 came up with the idea after finishing Songs of Innocence. Apple's Devious U2 Album Giveaway Is Even Worse Than Spam. Alex Washburn/WIRED Last week, Apple gave us all a gift called Songs of Innocence.

Apple's Devious U2 Album Giveaway Is Even Worse Than Spam

On Monday, it released instructions on how to give that gift back. The company concluded its big reveal of the Apple Watch and the newest generation iPhones with a curious coda: 10 years after the U2 song “Vertigo” was used in one of the first “dancing silhouette” iPod ads, the band took to the stage to unveil a surprise new album being distributed exclusively by Apple, and given to all users of the iTunes Music Store. In a press release, Apple calls this, correctly, “the largest album release ever.”

“A big moment in music history. This is not In Rainbows, and should instead be remembered primarily as a monumental blunder by the tech industry. This is all technically true, but bloviating aside, there’s a very simple reason why this is unprecedented, and that is because it doesn’t make any sense. Vijith Assar There’s also an admission of failure here. 1Update at 2:15 p.m. Apple Launches Site to Help You Remove the U2 Album From Your iTunes. Remove iTunes gift album "Songs of Innocence" from your iTunes music library and purchases. Languages Follow these instructions to remove U2’s "Songs of Innocence” from your iTunes music library and iTunes purchases.

Remove iTunes gift album "Songs of Innocence" from your iTunes music library and purchases

Once the album has been removed from your account, it will no longer be available for you to redownload as a previous purchase. If you later decide you want the album, you will need to get it again. The album is free to everyone until October 13, 2014, and will be available for purchase after that date. To remove this album: Go to Click Remove Album to confirm you'd like to remove the album from your account. If you downloaded the songs to iTunes on your Mac or PC or to the Music app on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, you'll need to delete them manually.

If you downloaded the album for free by clicking or tapping Free in the iTunes Store, and you confirm you want to remove it, the album will be hidden from your Purchased list. Last Modified: Sep 15, 2014 One Moment Please Thanks for your feedback. Additional Product Support Information.