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Middle ages

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Middle Ages Castles. Castle Life in the Middle Ages. The period of history known as the the middle ages lasted about one thousand years, from 500 A.D. to 1500 A.D.

Castle Life in the Middle Ages

It began as the Dark Ages, the stormy period of time that marked the disintegration of the great Roman Empire. The same Roman Empire which once spread law, order and language to the civilized Western world, by the fifth century could no longer defend, control and maintain the territories it had conquered in its golden past. Medieval Health. Health in the Middle Ages. Famous Medieval People. ( If your looking up a specific subject, locate it here and click on the link.)

Famous Medieval People

Medieval women were very limited in how they could live their lives. From the day they were born, they had men who told them what they could and could not do. Marriages were usually for convenience, to gain land or property. Camelot International: Britain's Heritage and History. Heritage > Medieval Life Religion in the Middle Ages Most people in medieval Europe were very religious.

Camelot International: Britain's Heritage and History