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KineReels/MorPhys Variable Shape Buildings Of The Future #DigInfo. Adaptive Architecture studio. Sixth Nature : RE / 鍊結 Chia Chi Yeh / Laetitia Kuo 人與人靈魂鏈結 人機詭譎:親近與支離 距離,是時空連結的具體意涵。

Adaptive Architecture studio

科技本質俱有重新配置時空的能力,其掌握縮短距離為關鍵,擴張幅員且縮短此地至彼地距離與旅程;更深刻地說,科技在於拉近人與人的距離。 將科技創新追朔至十九世紀中葉,一般歷史學家認為,此時期為工業革命達巔峰的階段,英國近代史上著名工程師伊桑巴德.金德姆.布魯內爾,設計出史上第一艘螺旋槳橫跨大西洋的大蒸汽船,設計用來往返英國、印度與澳洲海上航線,拓展英國向東貿易的幅員,提升人們橫跨遠距離貿易與旅行的能力。 英國社會學與文化研究學者史考特.拉許(2002)在他著作《資訊的批判》中提出,科技文化「在結構上是遠距離的文化」為前提,社會聯結的形式轉變成科技;他形容自己如同人機介面運作,即以科技模式運作自然生活,失去機械介面的生活,如同無法穿梭距離進行社交活動。 我們將人類比擬為具生命力的有機體,當有機體過度仰賴機械體,人類都成為了克萊恩斯與克萊恩筆下的賽伯格(Cyborg),即機械性的有機體,簡化之,藉由人工智慧與科技,強化生物體本身能力(Clynes and Kline,1960)。 的確,人類有意識的追求進化,造成科技無意識滲透生活。 數位科技片面解決物理上的距離,「親近」是數位訊號技術帶來的效益,去疆域化的跨遠端溝通;然而,數位科技同時支離人際最原始的傳播模式,當面互動溝通(face-to-face interaction communication),溝通主體將語言與非語言的訊息,傳遞給溝通客體,主體的思想與感情傳遞與客體的回饋過程,構成完整的人際溝通(interpersonal communication)。 原始的當面互動溝通模式,人際透過談話聲調、非語言的肢體動作、表情、溫度以及社會安全距離,以達到感知溝通效果。 人距重組 二戰後,隨著城市重建以及都市人口成長率加速,都市化與現代化基礎建設改變城市規模空間關係。 距離因著都市化徹底被改變。 這樣的社會氛圍造成人類心理認知失調。 認知失調(Cognitive dissonance)是社會心理學家利昂.費斯廷格提出的理論,用來形容同一時間產生兩種矛盾想法,產生心理不安定感,為消除兩不相容認知帶來的心理衝突,人們會試圖減低矛盾(Festinger,1957)。

場域鏈結 人與建築的鏈結. MATSYS. PROJECTiONE. Architecture & Spaces. WHITEvoid for Vodafone @ CeBIT 2014 WHITEvoid is responsible for the complete design of this years Vodafone stand at the CeBIT computer fair.

Architecture & Spaces

This includes the interior architecture and integrated light sculpture. All areas of the stand are connected through the monumental network-like light installation composed of 450 static and 250 Kinetic Lights elements. This unexpected light experience makes the Vodafone stand a particular adventure into the world of telecommunications. Paper Wave – The longest Kinetic Lights installation so far CITROËN celebrates the 5th anniversary of its DS-Models and at the same time marks the 136th birthday of its founder Andre Citroën while also presenting its newest C4 Cactus model, along with the longest (65m) Kinetic Lights installation ever. GRID @ Fête des Lumières 2013 light art festival in Lyon Christopher Bauder and Robert Henke (aka Monolake) perform GRID a massive suspended kinetic light art piece at the Fête des Lumières light art festival in Lyon.

Archive » sharisharishari at Kinetica Art Fair 2012. Buildings that change shape with people. An Experimental Dance Theatre for Grange Beach, South Australia Idea Cloud: This project is about a whim.

Buildings that change shape with people

About building a cloud, building something that shouldn't and can't be built. It's about escaping architecture and about producing a space that can only be truly understood as a happenstance of circumstance, an instant - a moment in time. It is also a project about a new way of thinking. Architecture as an envelope. Information Systems as Fields: Information Technology systems, introduce a new, object challenging philosophy into society. Dancing Across the Sky: They come to being out of environmental conditions at any time, in any place wherever the circumstance provides. Field Performance: It is at this point that the field conditions inspired by notions of "cloud" touch upon the ideas associated with fields of information. ORAMBRA - The Office for Robotic Architectural Media & Bureau for Responsive Architecture. Transformable Adaptive

Pixel Skin Interactive Facade. APRIL 2012 AA SUPPLE PAVILIONS WORKSHOP 2 at AA Rio de Janeiro Visiting School. Supple Pavilions Workshop 2: 30 March – 7 April 2012 Pimpolhos da Grande Rio Escola de Samba – RIO DE JANEIRO Photo: Liliane Calegari and Lucas de Sordi Activating Networks: The second stage of the Supple Pavilions workshop series will focus on the development and 1:1 fabrication of a network of interactive pavilions and related artifices.

APRIL 2012 AA SUPPLE PAVILIONS WORKSHOP 2 at AA Rio de Janeiro Visiting School

These elements will react to sensors, creating a range of different lighting and spatial effects that will trigger further movement and produce a feedback loop of behaviour and response. The Visiting School will return to Pimpolhos da Grande Rio Samba School to evolve the design of the migrating Pavilions, their contents and their context, exploring a design philosophy of interactive event design and the production of a creative fusion of high-tech design generation and fabrication with low-tech redefinition of Carnival-float artisan techniques, paraphernalia, and materials.

“Activating Networks” Album di studioMode.