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My Funny Pictures: 100 Acre Drug Use

Female Armor Sucks The “incredibly sturdy Dragon Mail of Protection” looks exactly like all comics armor for women. The next time I’m caught in a sword fight, I hope I’m wearing something more protective. Like, I don’t know, a sundress or something. Le jouet Guichet Automatique pour enfants Ce distributeur « Personal ATM » est un jouet d’apprentissage qui prétend fonctionner comme la vraie machine des adultes. Le distributeur est contrôlé par vous les parents, à vous de définir une somme limite de retrait par semaine (ou par jour pour les plus chanceux). Ce jouet utilise un mot de passe pour vous assurer qu’aucun retrait ne sera effectué en dehors des limites que vous avez fixées avec votre enfant. Ce dernier peut aussi effectuer des dépôts réguliers pour mettre en place une économie dans le cadre d’un achat futur. Prix : 40$. En vente ici.

Science of Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse We love interesting research, especially since our language learning products are based on research by Paul Pimsleur. So we were excited when we saw that research in necroneurology identified several key features of zombie behavior. Below is the science of surviving the zombie apocalypse. Share it: Feb 2010 02-28-10: o benevolent god Share this comic: 02-27-10: cookie castle was her idea all along 02-26-10: garden of delights 02-25-10: two carry ons 02-24-10: native american plan b

Would You Date This Woman? Your first thought while watching this unbelievably hilarious eHarmony video is probably something along the lines of, “This is fake. No one can be this insane.” But you’re wrong! How to properly conceal alcohol in your facebook pictures This is inspired by that one frantic search for a photo of yourself that did not contain a bottle of booze right after your newest employer sent you a facebook friend request. Cats are probably the best way to block that longneck out of the picture. Who doesn’t approve of cats? Inglip Explained Come one, come all, and listen to the revelation of our Lord Inglip! Come receive his wisdom, delivered to us through the holy mouthpiece of reCAPTCHA! Examine the Inglipnomicon, and be enlightened. Oh, you… haven’t heard of Inglip? Well… you know about captcha art, right?

QueFart!?!?!? Have they remade Back To The Future yet? This picture has me pronouncing things in ridiculous ways now The official Dilbert website with Scott Adams' color comic strips, animation, mashups and more!
