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This Guy Is Known For Taking Crazy Drawing Requests. He Delivers In The Most Amazing Ways Possible. 10 Real Book Covers From Dinosaur-On-Human Sex Novels. As these things happen, it's come to the planet's attention that a pair of Texas college students has been self-publishing a not-unsuccessful series of dinosaur-on-girl porno novellas on Amazon.

10 Real Book Covers From Dinosaur-On-Human Sex Novels

Given that the Internet requires elaborate sex fantasies involving The Price Is Right and the Muppets to even maintain an erection, dino porn seems quasi-puritanical. But these books sport outright hilarious art, which juxtaposes a blase stock photo model with a confused CG dinosaur. Here are the 10 best covers. #10.

Running from the Raptor Amazon Key Blurb: "Instead of the tearing her to bits, the raptor begins to nuzzle at her nether regions. " It's a fair assumption that the authors blessed these dinos with big ol' mammalian Fabio dongs. . #9. Amazon. Write & Get Paid. Get Paid $100 Do you want to earn money online?

Write & Get Paid

Listverse was built on the efforts of readers just like you. Readers who didn’t have any experience as writers but decided to put a list together and send it in. So here is the deal: We will pay you $100 for your efforts. You don’t need to be an expert—you just need to have English equal to that of a native speaker, a sense of humor, and a love for things unusual or interesting.

It works like this: You write your list (10 items per list minimum), you send it in, we reply and say “Great—we’ll publish it” and send you $100 by PayPal (don’t have an account? Either way you win—your list will be read by us and reviewed, and if it’s amazing it will appear on the front page of Listverse to be read by millions of people a month! We can not accept lists from writers who do not have a PayPal account; this is non-negotiable. The Rules The rules are really pretty simple. Pictures and Video Please note that we publish original articles. 27769-1372090908-62.jpg (JPEG Image, 400 × 2971 pixels) 15 Types of Annoying Steampunks. 15 Types of Annoying Steampunks There are a lot of different types of Steampunks, and I'm not talking about character archetypes like the mad scientist, air pirate, etc.

15 Types of Annoying Steampunks

I mean that within the Steampunk community, you find a variety of different people who all seem to fit into categories that we see all the time. A lot of those categories are annoying, especially when you see them over and over again. So I figured, hey, may as well write an article about it that's guaranteed to upset practically everyone in the Steampunk community. What's the worst that could happen, right? You maaaay want to leave your indignation at the door for this article, because we're all guilty of some of these (yes, especially me)! 1. Map_of_immoren_by_fly_dog-d4c9pif.jpg (JPEG Image, 900 × 1187 pixels) Io9. - StumbleUpon. Josh shared a page with you on StumbleUpon - silentjosh847 - Gmail.

Primate Glamour Shots From Japan's Traditional Monkey Theaters. Over the past 1,000 years in Japan, forcing monkeys to dance and perform acrobatics as if they were human has not only not been considered cruelty, it has become an art form.

Primate Glamour Shots From Japan's Traditional Monkey Theaters

The shows — usually held in the street — nearly disappeared in the 1970s as cars took over the roads and television gained popularity. Photographer Hiroshi Watanabe, 62, remembers seeing the performances, called Sarumawashi, regularly as a kid. “For a while I thought it didn’t exist anymore,” says Watanabe, who moved to United States as an adult. It wasn’t until a few years ago that Watanabe discovered otherwise. In 2008, Watanabe and his wife traveled from their home in Los Angeles back to Japan so their son could be born there. The association had formed back in 1977 to try to keep the monkey performances alive. Watanabe asked the association if he could make portraits of the monkeys and was given full access. Find The Thing You’re Most Passionate. Black People Love Us! Fat, Ugly or Slutty. Study Reveals Majority Of Suicides Occur While Trying To Put Fitted Sheet On Bed. Why Are Women in Old Science Fiction Always Stuck in Tubes?

Science fiction and retrofuturist visions alike are rooted in a deep pragmatism.

Why Are Women in Old Science Fiction Always Stuck in Tubes?

Whether it's spheroid, rolling homes, a giant dam to melt the Arctic, or even a dystopian wasteland, future minded folks are driven by the idea that a new development, a new innovation somewhere on the horizon will solve our problems. But what problem, exactly, is solved by putting women in tubes? That question (one which I'd never thought I'd ask) is raised by the appropriately named blog Sci-Fi Women in Tubes, which has aggregated the absolutely absurd amount of sci-fi images and artwork that involves women being trapped in glass cases, plastic orbs, weird sleeping chambers—whatever container you can imagine, there's been a woman put inside in some old sci-fi pulp.