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List of algorithms

List of algorithms
The following is a list of algorithms along with one-line descriptions for each. Combinatorial algorithms[edit] General combinatorial algorithms[edit] Graph algorithms[edit] Graph drawing[edit] Network theory[edit] Routing for graphs[edit] Graph search[edit] Subgraphs[edit] Sequence algorithms[edit] Approximate sequence matching[edit] Sequence search[edit] Sequence merging[edit] Simple merge algorithmk-way merge algorithmUnion (merge, with elements on the output not repeated) Sequence permutations[edit] Fisher–Yates shuffle (also known as the Knuth shuffle): randomly shuffle a finite setSchensted algorithm: constructs a pair of Young tableaux from a permutationSteinhaus–Johnson–Trotter algorithm (also known as the Johnson–Trotter algorithm): generate permutations by transposing elementsHeap's permutation generation algorithm: interchange elements to generate next permutation Sequence alignment[edit] Sequence sorting[edit] Subsequences[edit] Substrings[edit] Computational mathematics[edit]

Rounding Up the Best Javascript WYSIWYG and Markup Editor  WYSIWYG Editor is the first requirement if you want to develop a web application which involved HTML editing and you want your user see a real time preview of what they are editing. Most of the available Content Management System and other publishing platform in the web are using WYSIWYG editor for easy page editing. So I will rounding up to you the best JS WYSIWYG editor in the web. John Graham-Cumming: It's time to build the Analytical Engine Normal people have a small part of their brain that acts as a sort of automatic limiter. They get some crazy idea like writing a book or campaigning for a government apology or calculating the number of legal track layouts for a cheap train set and their limiter goes: "Don't be ridiculous" and they go back to normal life. Unfortunately, I was born with that piece missing. So, it's not without trepidation that I say that it's time Britain built the Analytical Engine.

An Illustrated Guide to Cryptographic Hashes With the recent news of weaknesses in some common security algorithms (MD4, MD5, SHA-0), many are wondering exactly what these things are: They form the underpinning of much of our electronic infrastructure, and in this Guide we'll try to give an overview of what they are and how to understand them in the context of the recent developments. But note: though we're fairly strong on security issues, we are not crypto experts. We've done our best to assemble (digest?) the best available information into this Guide, but we welcome being pointed to the errors of our ways. A "hash" (also called a "digest", and informally a "checksum") is a kind of "signature" for a stream of data that represents the contents.

x86 Assembly x86 Assembly This book covers assembly language programming for the x86 family of microprocessors. The objective is to teach how to program in x86 assembly, as well as the history and basic architecture of x86 processor family. When referring to x86 we address the complete range of x86-based processors (since the original Intel 8086 in 1978). Damn Cool Algorithms: Levenshtein Automata Posted by Nick Johnson | Filed under python, coding, tech, damn-cool-algorithms In a previous Damn Cool Algorithms post, I talked about BK-trees, a clever indexing structure that makes it possible to search for fuzzy matches on a text string based on Levenshtein distance - or any other metric that obeys the triangle inequality. Today, I'm going to describe an alternative approach, which makes it possible to do fuzzy text search in a regular index: Levenshtein automata. Introduction The basic insight behind Levenshtein automata is that it's possible to construct a Finite state automaton that recognizes exactly the set of strings within a given Levenshtein distance of a target word. We can then feed in any word, and the automaton will accept or reject it based on whether the Levenshtein distance to the target word is at most the distance specified when we constructed the automaton.

An Overview of Cryptography As an aside, the AES selection process managed by NIST was very public. A similar project, the New European Schemes for Signatures, Integrity and Encryption (NESSIE), was designed as an independent project meant to augment the work of NIST by putting out an open call for new cryptographic primitives. NESSIE ran from about 2000-2003. While several new algorithms were found during the NESSIE process, no new stream cipher survived cryptanalysis. List of algorithms The following is a along with one-line descriptions for each. Combinatorial algorithms General combinatorial algorithms Missing method: How to delete from Okasaki's red-black trees Red-black trees Red-black trees are self-balancing binary search trees in which every node has one of two colors: red or black. Red-black trees obey two additional invariants: Any path from the root to a leaf has the same number of black nodes.All red nodes have two black children. Leaf nodes, which do not carry values, are considered black for the purposes of both height and coloring.

Realtime Visualization Methods in the Demoscene Realtime Visualization Methods in the Demoscene Boris Burger, Ondrej Paulovic, Milos Hasan,, Department of Computer Graphics and Image Processing Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics Comenius University Bratislava / Slovakia Abstract This paper introduces a concept of the ''demoscene'' phenomenon arising mainly among the lines of students who share interest in computer graphics and multimedia creations. The paper discusses the tight relationship between realtime visualization techniques and the subject of our focus which will be the so-called demos and intros.

John Graham-Cumming: Monte Carlo simulation of One Banana, Two Banana to develop a card counting strategy The children's game One Banana, Two Banana is a high stakes game of probability theory in action. Or something like that. Actually, it's a fun game where you have to take probability into account when deciding what to do. Conceptually, the game is simple. There are 54 cards of five types. Three of the card types have bananas on them (one, two or three bananas), one card type has a banana skin on it and one card type has a swamp on it.

CompSci 101 - Big-O notation I recently had a couple of Google interviews in Tokyo, and while preparing for them I ended up with a huge list of things I wanted to brush up on before the interview. It turns out I didn’t get the job (next time!), but I thought I might be able to learn something anyway by working through the list and blogging about the main areas that companies like Google expect you to know. I’ve grabbed the domain (which currently redirects back here), and when I’ve collected enough posts I plan to throw everything up there as a kind of chapter-by-chapter interview-primer in the hope that it might help someone else out. Without further ado, first on the list is Big-O notation: So what is Big-O notation anyway?

An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and Its Variations BibTeX @ARTICLE{Myers86ano(nd), author = {Eugene W. Myers}, title = {An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and Its Variations}, journal = {Algorithmica}, year = {1986}, volume = {1}, pages = {251--266}} Years of Citing Articles Bookmark
