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Graph Computation, Layout, Algorithms for JavaScript

Graph Computation, Layout, Algorithms for JavaScript

arbor.js Raphaël—JavaScript Library home jsPlumb jsPlumb provides a means for a developer to visually connect elements on their web pages. It uses SVG in modern browsers, and VML on IE 8 and below. The latest version is 1.7.5. This will be the final version (apart from other bugfix releases in 1.7.x) to support IE8. Imports and Setup It is a good idea to read this entire page. Browser Compatibility jsPlumb runs on everything from IE6 up. jQuery 1.6.x and 1.7.x have a bug in their SVG implementation for IE9 that causes hover events to not get fired.jQuery 2.0 does not support IE 6,7 or 8.Safari 5.1 has an SVG bug that prevents mouse events from being passed through the transparent area of an SVG element (Safari 6.x does not seem to have the same problem) Setup Doctype text/html If you're serving your pages with content type text/html, as most people are, then you should use this doctype: This gives you Standards mode in all browsers and access to HTML5. application/xhtml+xml Don't forget that in IE<9, XHTML is not supported. Vanilla jQuery

Demos - JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit Create Interactive Data Visualizations for the Web Home ● Download ● Builder ● Donate Area, Bar and Pie Charts Sunburst Icicle ForceDirected TreeMap SpaceTree RGraph HyperTree Advanced/Other copyright © 2013 SenchaLabs - Author: Nicolas Garcia Belmonte Springy - A force directed graph layout algorithm in JavaScript. Visual Tools Tools for Visually displaying RDF Graphs and other things. RDF Gravity is a tool for visualising RDF/OWL Graphs/ ontologiesThe W3C RDF validator is an online service that validates RDF. It also produces images of the graphs using Graphviz when Graph is selected as one of the "Display Result Options".Welkin is a graph-based RDF visualizersgvizler provides a javascript based SPARQL query form that passes the SPARQL result set to a powerful visualizer.Tools for creating SVG Imagesd3.js Data-Driven Documents - a small JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data.JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit creates interactive data visualizations, e.g. a Force Directed Static Graph and Force Directed Graph Operations. More examples on the demos page.Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) is a modeling technique that uses Boolean operations like union and intersection to combine 3D solids. Tools ====================================================== GraphViz + Raptor shell> rapper -o dot RDF to SVG Form

blog Hey friends! I gave in and finally integrated <canvas> support into JSViz, and just in time for the Safari 3 Beta (which I'm really digging so far)! Note: To render with canvas, you'll need Firefox 1.5, Safari 2.0, or Opera 9. JSViz gracefully degrades to alternative rendering platforms (SVG, HTML) when support is not present. Continue reading "Viva la Canvas" » I get lot's of e-mails from JSViz users that want to know how to integrate tooltips into their graphs. Yeah, that's super easy and everyone is always asking. So I had a moment and here it is: Continue reading "Everybody wants tooltips" » In the process of integrating vector graphics into JSViz, we developed svg2vml, a library that provides a common interface for scripting vector graphics in browsers that support either SVG or VML. The library lives in the Google Code project hosting site at Howdy friends, I've just uploaded another patch to 0.3.3. Improved SVG Rendering Performance

TechCrunch Processing.js Demos below! As a sort-of reverse birthday present I’ve decided to release one of my largest projects, in recent memory. This is the project that I’ve been alluding to for quite some time now: I’ve ported the Processing visualization language to JavaScript, using the Canvas element. I’ve been working on this project, off-and-on now, for the past 7 months – it’s been a fun, and quite rewarding, challenge. The full scope of the project can be broken down into two portions: The Processing Language The first portion of the project was writing a parser to dynamically convert code written in the Processing language, to JavaScript. It works “fairly well” (in that it’s able to handle anything that the web site throws at it) but I’m sure its total scope is limited (until a proper parser is involved). The language includes a number of interesting aspects, many of which are covered in the basic demos. The Processing API The second portion of the project is the full 2d Processing API.
