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Call-to-Invite Telemarketing

Call-to-Invite Telemarketing
Yet, after all the preparations, there is always a potential for disaster – poor turnout. How do you get potential customers to show up and turn your tradeshow or seminar into an excellent lead generation and appointment setting opportunity? In our experience, it’s knowing what motivates people and building their excitement through effective call-to-invite campaign. Phone invitation is more personal.Outbound calling is flexible; it allows you to rework your approach during a conversation whereas email gives you only one shot at a copy.Event telemarketing results are easy to measure. Our event telemarketing process is quite straightforward. Then without skipping a beat, we run another follow-up campaign to thank visitors on your behalf, receive feedback, and keep potential customers anxiously engaged as they move along the sales process. Talk to us and learn how to achieve that record turnout on your next event.”

Cold Calling | With online marketing becoming one of the highly preferred methods for generating sales leads, B2B marketers ask: Is cold calling still an effective B2B lead generation strategy? Most business people hate telemarketing. You can’t blame them. However, many sales lead generation companies still use the telephone in generating new business — and for good reasons. The Good News Despite growing interest in online marketing, B2B marketers have not totally abandoned their telephones. Contact Us and find out how cold calling can pump more life into your lead generation and B2B appointment setting campaign. The “Customer Service Element” in B2B Telemarketing Just because clients in the Business-to-Business (B2B) sector are business professionals doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be treated as ‘customers’. In fact, they sometimes need more attention and nurturing than regular consumers. Lead generation in B2C is quite simple: you present a product or service, make sure it caters to the needs of your target market, add a little advertising magic, and you’re done. But with B2B, you may still need to meet the requirements of your business prospects. This involves the process of proposing a product or a model that serves to address their operational, financial and logistical concerns. Wear your customer service “badge” Some experts recommend using a “business language” when talking to B2B prospects. Of course, there are fundamental customer service rules, which need not be elaborated: Introduce yourself first and brand your callAddress the other party appropriatelyListen attentively and never interruptSay your “please”s and “thank you”s

What Will Social Media Marketing Be Like in 2014? | Looking back in 2013, you would notice that most of the success stories in small or large scale businesses have a little bit of the ‘social media element’ in it. Although its marketing and sales capabilities have really never been officially stamped with approval or accuracy, nobody questions the power of social media in the business world. Viral videos on YouTube, stories on Facebook, contests on Instagram and polls on Twitter – these are the pillars of social media marketing in the past 3-5 years. Rick Mulready, an LA-based social media blogger, consultant, speaker and host of the Inside Social Media podcast, shared his bold predictions in his post in 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Social Media Mistakes That Ruin Appointment Setting Campaigns | Sometimes, with the way social media is being used in appointment setting campaigns, one might be tempted to go back to the old ways of marketing, like email or telemarketing. It seems like the promised sales leads solutions that social media gurus claim are not as concrete as the actual results. To be honest, there are just too many mistakes. For example, you think that tactics at the lower levels of social media marketing can affect the higher levels. Secondly, reliance on vanity metrics can be misleading. Third, and the most glaring, mistake is to assume that social media is the answer to all your marketing needs. Social media is an excellent communication tool.

Event Telemarketing Services With Callbox’s Event Telemarketing, our marketing representatives employ an efficient outbound telemarketing strategy to make sure that your prospects get invited to your event, and can follow up on those prospects after the events as well. Call-To-Invite Most companies make use of emails as a convenient way of sending event invitations, but with the existence of email filters which treat these invites as spam, efficiency is compromised. Phone invitations, on the other hand, are better because of its more personal approach and it gives the customer a chance to ask questions and address concerns right away. Since phone invitation is straightforward, it is perfect for announcing events, updates and following up. Phone invites allow you to instantly communicate with multiple people and receive immediate responses. Callbox can assist you when you want to invite your clients and prospects to your company events, conferences, forums, and meetings through telemarketing.

The Effective Use of Research in Creating Marketing Infographics For an infographic to be successful in sending a marketing message or sharing valuable information to a business community, it should be backed by credible research. Without it, the entire content piece will falter altogether, and no one would ever look at your infographic again. Making sure that research is solid and used appropriately is the most important fiber in infographic creation. Sure, dazzling visual content is what this type of media is all about, but the research aspect is what intellectually satisfies the hungry minds of the readers. Research typically happens somewhere between the conception of a great idea and the production process. Basically, the research process is pretty much the same as article creation, only with minor differences: Scouting for your sources The beauty of infographics is the fact that it directly caters to the logical needs of its readers. Referencing your sources appropriately Structuring your results Title. Drawing out feedback

Increase your Google Search Rankings: 5 Expert SEO Tips | Online visibility is a powerful asset that a business could possess. It opens up endless possibilities for prospects to stumble upon a company that could solve their problems and provide their needs. Unfortunately, Google exists to make sure that every business would have a fair share of searchability and advertising reach. Lead generation through search engine optimization may sound like a techie’s dream job, but even small businesses with just enough resources can tap this channel to increase their sales opportunities. On that note, featured below is an excerpt from an article by Brandon Gaille, CEO of the internet marketing company, which specializes in SEO, social media, reputation management, video production, and web design. From 5 SEO Tips 1. 2. 3. It is also good if SEO will always use keyword variations, but be careful, overused keywords are not attractive to use in a website. 4. 5.

Information Technology’s Role in Modern B2B Marketing | IT Leads Generation IT sales leadsJanuary 5th, 2014 Interacting with leads and closing them successfully is the trademark of an effective marketing campaign. But what is the role of technology in this scenario? Has it been a huge help? Certainly. Here are some ways technology help businesses in closing leads more effectively: In lead generation Brought about by years and years of experimenting and studying, new technologies are transforming how businesses manage the sales funnel. …deliver more leads into the sales funnel – Because many leads are easily identified, a lot of them would be passed on to the next levels of the process. In the entire marketing process in general IT enhances efficiency in operations. Thankfully, technology has evolved adequately to make marketing tasks easier for businesses. Tags: business strategy, IT sales leads, IT Telemarketing Leave a Reply

Healthcare Lead Generation and Appointment Setting Callbox designs and implements a solid healthcare lead generation platform to produce warm sales leads for healthcare products and services. We deploy professional telemarketers with extensive experience in appointment setting and lead generation for the healthcare industry to segment profitable markets, generate warm healthcare leads, and set appointments with qualified targets. We market to the healthcare industry targeting managers, directors, and other decision makers in various healthcare institutions such as doctors’ offices, health clinics, dental clinics, nursing homes, veterinary clinics, hospitals, and medical centers. We customize and fine tune our lead generation and appointment setting strategies to match your goals, campaign preferences, and concurrent market trends. Dial 888.810.7464 to speak with a Callbox representative or fill out that form on the left.

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