background preloader Institute of Design at Stanford Institute of Design at Stanford
Featured Fellows applications are now open! We’re now accepting applications for the fellowship program for the academic year 2014-15. This year, we are looking for restless experts in the fields of K12 education and health care. Ideal candidates will be mid-career professionals and entrepreneurs with the potential to drive systems-level change. If you’re dedicated to improving either of these areas, read on!

Welcome to the Virtual Crash Course in Design Thinking Welcome to the’s Virtual Crash Course resource page! We know not everyone can make a trip to the to experience how we teach design thinking. So, we created this online version of one of our most frequently sought after learning tools. Using the video, handouts, and facilitation tips below, we will take you step by step through the process of hosting or participating in a 90 minute design challenge. If you choose to participate, in 90 minutes you will be taken through a full design cycle by participating in The Gift-Giving Project. This is a fast-paced project where participants pair up to interview each other, identify real needs, and develop a solution to “redesign the gift-giving experience” for their partner.

Nabokov on Inspiration and the Six Short Stories Everyone Should Read by Maria Popova “A prefatory glow, not unlike some benign variety of the aura before an epileptic attack, is something the artist learns to perceive very early in life.” “Show up, show up, show up,” Isabel Allende advised, “and after a while the muse shows up, too.” “Inspiration is for amateurs,” Chuck Close famously proclaimed, “the rest of us just show up and get to work.” tips: Prototyping’s Resurgence – Communicating the Designer’s Intent By Jared Spool March 8th, 2012 Imagine two designers. One is really imaginative and inventive, but hasn’t spent any time learning how to use any of the prototyping tools available today. The other has mastered multiple prototyping techniques quite proficiently, but isn’t particularly imaginative or inventive.

Why I Let My Students Cheat On Their Exam by Peter Nonacs| On test day for my Behavioral Ecology class at UCLA, I walked into the classroom bearing an impossibly difficult exam. Rather than being neatly arranged in alternate rows with pen or pencil in hand, my students sat in one tight group, with notes and books and laptops open and available. E-learning & Multimedia Journalism Examples The Fundamental Elements of Design The Fundamental Elements of Design View the animated infographic View the interactive example → Take Google Maps Indoors Take Google Maps Indoors Lost indoors?

‎ nov 23, 2016 #design winner of a good design award, the ‘sky nest’ takes snow peak's tent and suspends it from trees, up off » Catalyzing Creativity: 7 Playful Activity Books for Grown-Ups by Maria Popova Greenlighting mess-making, 101 ways to astonish yourself, and how to flowchart your way to happiness. The intersection of childhood and adulthood is a frequent area of curiosity around here, from beloved children’s books with timeless philosophy for adults to quirky coloring books for the eternal kid. 10 techniques for an effective ‘call to action’ Design: The estimated time to read this article is 7 minutes Jeff from Brighton recently wrote to me asking: Occasionally I hear you talk about the importance of having a call to action on the show but you never go into much depth. I recognise the importance of having a call to action but how do I encourage users to complete them?

From Google Ventures: 4 Steps For Combining The Hacker Way With Design Thinking Jake Knapp is like the middle-school teacher everyone should have had. Tall, with clear blue plastic glasses, he holds a classroom-clock-sized timer like a football while explaining the first activity of the day: an exercise called "Crazy 8s" that involves drawing eight different solutions, with 40 seconds for each, to address one design challenge. On a whiteboard nearby, he’s sketched out a five-step game plan for redesigning the Blue Bottle Coffee website. Below the first box in the schedule, labeled “Understand,” there’s an unsure emoticon. How Einstein Got So Smart – 10 Learning Hacks How would you feel if many people thought you were the smartest person in history? How might your life be different if you actually were that intelligent? Although we often think of Albert Einstein as one of the smartest people ever, we don’t investigate what it was that made him so. People who speak highly of him often attribute his genius to some mysterious gift.

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