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Total Population Control

Total Population Control
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about electromagnetic torture, mind control, and remote neural monitoring by/in The U.S.A. – by TIMOTHYTRESPAS | Tortured, Drugged & Bugged! Targeting, Gang-Stalking, Covert Drugging, HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION, Morgellons Microwaves, Energetic, Entomological, I simply had to repost some of the best information I have seen to date about mind control. this is from please visit their site. good luck! “Give me the money and three months…and I’ll be able to affect the behavior of 80% of the people in this town without their knowing it. Make them happy – or at least they’ll think they’re happy. Or aggressive.” – Dr. Or this, if you prefer the religious version. “Paranoia is just knowing all the facts” – William S. Do these look like airline “vapor trails”? “This will be the last generation in which people have control over their own minds.”Resesarch…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Due to the wide scope of biophysics, seemingly innocuous discoveries and issued patents can have major implications for instigated mental and behavioral control. Brains watching brains watching brains. Disclaimer………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Applicable Law Use of the Website Risks No Warranties

Andrija Puharich Andrija Puharich, MD - (born Karel Puharić, February 19, 1918 - January 3, 1995) was a medical and parapsychological researcher, medical inventor and author, who is perhaps best known as the person who brought Israeli Uri Geller and Dutch-born Peter Hurkos (1911-1988) to the United States for scientific investigation. Biography[edit] Born in Chicago, Illinois, he was the son of poor Yugoslav immigrants. His father had entered the U. S. in 1912 as a stowaway. At home Karel's parents always called him "Andrija," which apparently wasn't his name at birth but just his parents' nickname for him. In 1947, Puharich graduated from the Northwestern University School of Medicine. Of his many books, Puharich wrote a supportive biography of Uri Geller, a paranormal case he investigated with the help of Itzhak Bentov, among others. Two of the most famous of Puharich's over 50 patents were devices that assist hearing - the "Means For Aiding Hearing" U.S. Personal life[edit] References[edit]

Contra la Conspiranoia: Como derrocar a los Illuminati El presente texto apareció en verano de 2013 en la profundidad de Internet. Salta a la vista que va dirigido a la gente de Estado Unidos de América, tanto por sus contenidos como por sus formas. Pero ello no quita valor para su difusión en Castilla o cualquiera otra sociedad Castellanoparlante. Aunque la realidad de los movimientos sociales sea diferente, la presencia de Conspiranoicos y la difusión de ideas válidas mezcladas con la basura Illuminati es algo imposible de obviar en nuestro entorno. Otro aspecto por el que merece la pena traducir este panfleto es la sencillez con la que se resume el análisis y la alternativa Anticapitalista. Por último decir que la traducción no es de la calidad que merece un texto como este por las limitaciones lingüisticas de un militante de base de clase trabajadora castellana que pasó en su día por la LOGSE. Introducción Todo el mundo habla de los Illuminati. La teoría illuminati ayuda a la gente oprimida a explicar sus experiencias.

Dr. Barrie Trower Reveals Microwaves, Chemtrails as Weapons of Social Control ICAACT was given an exclusive interview with Dr. Barrie Trower, a true British gentlemen and hero, who has spent many years fighting for humanity. After the meeting our respect and admiration for him rose to new heights. During the two days of interview, we touched on many different topics, but the main theme was the abuse of microwaves as a secret and covert stealth weapon, that has been around for at least 50-60 years. This type of weapon has taken many different forms over the years and it is still used in many different types of targeting, even to the point of death around the world. We started the Interview with basic knowledge about microwaves and how they influence the human body and mind. The Interview was filmed on May the 1st and 2nd, 2012. TETRA is the UK Police radio system that Dr. More of the Interview with Dr. More Video Interviews from Dr. Like this: Like Loading...

Scientific Validation of Acupuncture Most of the work on the scientific validation of acupuncture has concentrated on the analgesic properties of acupuncture. There are naturally occurring chemicals like endorphins and enkephalins that act as natural pain modulators that have been shown to change and increase with acupuncture. However acupuncture's effects are greater than mere analgesia suggesting other pathways/mechanisms are involved. Since 1950 there have been a number of significant discoveries that closely correspond to ancient acupuncture concepts. Acupoints are special and different from surrounding skin. Debra Gordon THE ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER 25-Dec-1998 Friday MRI Evidence of Acupuncture IRVINE -- What started with a walk up a Korean mountain in the wrong shoes may end up demystifying an ancient Oriental medicine -- and providing new insights into how our brains work. Acupuncture melted the pain and spurred Cho to use modern technology -- a functional MRI machine -- to explore old medicine. Doubts at first

El Hombre Neanderthal y Los Illuminati por Noel Huntley Mayo 2004 del Sitio Web BeyondDuality traducción de Adela Kaufmann versión original Las autoridades detrás de la ciencia, la educación y los medios de comunicación hacen un esfuerzo sin descanso para convencernos de que el ser humano ha evolucionado desde el Neanderthal. La ironía es que a pesar de que, de hecho, no se desarrolló de esta forma primitiva, se podría decir que los Illuminati gobernando nuestro planeta lo hicieron! Según el material de Los Guardianes y Vigilantes, si nos remontamos a unos 150.000 años antes de Cristo, los Anunnaki (del planeta Nibiru - nuestro doceavo planeta) crearon al hombre de Neanderthal como una raza esclava para la extracción del oro. Los Anunnaki descubrieron que el oro, en su forma de polvo blanco, tiene efectos positivos de recuperación en su ADN en deterioro. El hombre Neanderthal tenía un genoma compuesto por genes Anunnaki y genes de simios, también algunas otras pocas especies de menor importancia. Desde alrededor de 10.000 A.

Electronic torture, Electromagnetic torture, Microwave torture, Electronic murder, Electromagnetic murder, Microwave murder, Organized murder, Cooked alive, Electronic mind control, Brain zapping LIGHT EYE - TRIBUTE TO AN UFO WATCHER Contra el Nuevo Orden Mundial Electromagnetic Frequency Mind Control Weapons - Advertisement - Electromagnetic Frequency Mind Control Weapons - by Stephen Lendman Directed energy weapons include lasers, high power microwave, and millimeter wave ones among others. A relevant December 2007 Department of Defense (DOD) report called them a "transformational game changer in military operations, able to augment and improve operational capabilities in many areas," for both lethal and non-lethal purposes. Access the full text through the following link: Among other applications, EMF weapons/devices are used for harassment, surveillance and mind control. Human experiments in America go back decades, an earlier article addressed MK-ULTRA (and others), accessed through the following link: click here Begun in 1953, it was the code name for a secret CIA mind control program to perfect a truth drug. People could be turned in zombies, their minds easily controlled.
