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5 Steps to Improve Your Customer Service Using Twitter : Social Media Examiner Do your customers use Twitter to ask questions and request support? Need a better way to manage your Twitter support? By following the steps in this article, you’ll deliver a superior customer service experience on Twitter. In this article, you’ll discover how to create a better Twitter customer service process for your business. Discover steps to improve your Twitter customer service. Listen to this article: Listen now: Play in new window | Download #1: Create Internal and External Policies Create two policies: one to clarify what’s expected from internal staff, and the other to address customer expectations and how to ensure their concerns are being heard. What Is the Journey When People Tweet You or Your Brand? Think about the entire journey from the tweet to response and then action. How Will You Respond and What Will You Say? Customer service can be tricky. Decide whether to discuss customer concerns within Twitter or move them offline. What Is Your External Policy?

The Marketer's Guide to Google Plus Facebook and Twitter profiles are mandatory for most companies, but is Google+ worth it? You may think to yourself: “Why should I get a Google+ account when Facebook can essentially do anything Google+ can do?” At this point in time that may be true, but when you realize all the SEO benefits of using Google+, then you’ll immediately see the importance. Just setting up a Google+ page won’t get you any results. Seldom posting may look even worse than not posting at all. Setting up a Google+ Page If your business is going to get a Google+ profile, it’s best to get a business page. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. How to Get a Verified Name By getting a verified name on Google+, people will know it’s your page. What’s the value of having a verified Google + name? It shows that it’s your official page. Here’s how to get your page verified. Go to edit your profile: Once you click on Edit Profile, it will take you to your About tab. It will then bring you to this: Click on Add custom link. Click ‘Done editing’.

Vad betyder Ping | Twitterakuten Fråga: vad betyder PING Svar: Det är ungefär som för kännedom. Jag skriver något och ger en hint till en viss person jag tror jag vara intresserad. Personer jag tror SKA vara intresserade av det jag skriver… Med andra ord skriver man ping om man vill uppmärksamma någon på det man skrivit om. för att man vet att jag är intresserad av frågorna. På engelska används CC som är förkortning av Courtesy Copy eller snarare Carbon Copy. Ordet Ping härstammar från nätverksvärlden, där den används som ett kommando, en eko-förfrågan för att se om en maskin uppkopplad till nätverket går att nå. Det kan också handla om att man pingar ett blogginlägg mot en tjänst som listar senast uppdaterade bloggar. Feedburner – Nyligen – Technorati – Twingly – Men obs, du måste vara försiktig då och inte själv pinga Twingly. Används flitigt inom SEO (sökmotoroptimering).

A Step-by-Step Guide To Hosting or Joining a Twitter Chat A few months ago we started up a new Twitter chat series, #Bufferchat. So far, we’ve talked about everything from productivity to social media monitoring and lots of other topics in between. These days, we have up to 185 participants each week, sending out nearly 2,000 tweets. It’s a true delight! Along the way, I’ve been learning the ins and outs of operating a Twitter chat and testing new tools and ideas to optimize our chat even further. It’s amazing how much there is to know, both for the chat host and the chat participants! Whether you’re a Twitter pro or newer to the network, whether you plan to host your own chat or if you look forward to participating in others, a bit of advance preparation could help. Twitter chat basics What is a Twitter chat? A Twitter chat is where a group of Twitter users meet at a pre-determined time to discuss a certain topic, using a designated hashtag (#) for each tweet contributed. Why participate in a Twitter chat? How to find a Twitter chat Tweetchat Nurph

Arriva Path, il personal network Quanti contatti in Facebook riesci veramente a identificare e monitorare nella tua attività relazionale? Secondo Robin Dunbar, il numero di persone con cui un individuo riesce a costruire e mantenere stabile una relazione interpersonale in una rete sociale, corrisponde a 150 ed è un limite costitutivo dell’essere umano imposto dalla sua capacità di elaborazione neocorticale. La celebre regola introdotta da Dunbar è il frutto di una serie di analisi a livello sociologico legate alle dimensioni dell’ecovillaggio, una dimensione sociale all’interno della quale ogni essere umano riesce a riconoscerne i membri e tenere traccia dei loro legami relazionali. Tali studi finora hanno riguardato principalmente lo studio delle reti sociali, per così dire, organiche dell’uomo non tanto quelle virtuali. Ciò che in pratica risulta dalle analisi di Marlow è che ci relazioniamo in media solo con il 5-7% degli amici presenti in tutta la nostra lista di contatti di Facebook.

Nu kan du analysera dina tweets gratis i Twitter Twitter har öppnat upp möjligheten att få statistik på hur mycket engagemang dina tweets får på Twitter. Statistiken är tillgänglig för alla och är helt kostnadsfri. Genom att logga in i annonseringsplattformen på Twitter kan du få fram hur dina senaste tweets har spridits på nätet. Analytics-delen ger information om: - hur många som klickat på länkarna i en tweet - hur många som favoritmarkerat en tweet - hur många retweets varje tweet fått - hur många svar (replies) varje tweet fått - antal nya följare - antal avföljare Såhär gör du för att komma åt Analytics i Twitter: Logga in på Twitter och gå till annonsplattformen: . Antal klick på länkarna verkar dock inte fungera för mig, för det står noll klick på samtliga mina tweets, vilket jag vet inte stämmer. Via TNW .

TweetDeck Teams. Gérer Twitter à plusieurs TweetDeck Teams est une nouvelle fonctionnalité du client TweetDeck qui permet de gérer simplement et en toute sécurité un compte Twitter à plusieurs. TweetDeck est un client Web pour gérer un ou plusieurs comptes Twitter à partir d’un simple navigateur qui gagne à être connu. Il avait en tout cas su convaincre Twitter lui même qui l’avait racheté en 2011. TweetDeck s’utilise à partir de votre navigateur web et c’est un service gratuit. Il permet de gérer plusieurs comptes sur un tableau de bord unique avec des volets dédiés façon hootsuite. Il permet de publier ou ou publiposter des tweets, programmer des Tweets avec photo, de créer et de gérer des listes, suivre et de ne plus suivre des comptes, interagir via des messages privés, lancer des recherches.

Retweet With a Comment on Twitter: How to Retweet Properly Learning how to retweet with a comment on Twitter is important if you want to be seen as a knowledgeable Twitter user. Retweet literally means to tweet again, which on Twitter means sending someone else's tweet to your own followers. It may seem easy to retweet someone else's tweet by hitting the "retweet" icon beneath the tweet that you want to forward to your followers. But that is NOT a savvy way to retweet. Don't Hit that Retweet Button! Except for when you're in a big hurry, the retweet button is to be avoided at all costs. Manual Retweeting is Better It's much better to use the manual retweet process than do automated retweeting, because manually retweeting allow you to you add your own message. The automated retweet button also makes it harder for your followers to realize you were the one who sent it to them--a quick glance at the tweet, which is all many people give their twitter stream, shows the original author first. Throw in Your Two Cents How to do a Manual Retweet

10 outils en ligne pour gerer ses followers sur Twitter Plusieurs d’entre vous m’ont demandé des conseils et des outils pour mieux gérer au quotidien leurs comptes Twitter. Je commence aujourd’hui une série d’articles consacrés au réseau de micro blogging. Voici une première liste de dix outils en ligne qui permettent de mieux gérer une liste d’abonnés sur Twitter. Elle ne se veut surtout pas exhaustive, si vous avez d’autres outils à proposer n’hésitez pas à le faire dans les commentaires. 1 – FriendOrFollow. 2 – JustUnfollow. 3 – ManageFlitter. 4 – ReFollow. 5 – NotFollowMe. 6 – UnTweeps. 7 – Tweepi. 8 – Qwitter. 9 – Contaxio. 10 – UnFollowersMe.

The Twitteraholic’s Ultimate Guide to tweets, hashtags, and all things Twitter Most educators who learn to use Twitter effectively say they learn more from their personal learning network (PLN) on Twitter than they’ve achieved from any other forms of professional development or personal learning. Unfortunately educators often dismiss Twitter, or fail to see the value of Twitter, when they’re first introduced to Twitter. Our aim of this post is to provide all the information you need to learn how to use Twitter effectively as an educator. We regularly update this post with new information. Click on a link below to go to the section you want to read: About the Twitter-a-holic’s Ultimate Guide The original Twitter-a-holic’s Guide was published in July, 2010 when I’d just returned from attending a large conference overseas and realized that while a conference can make you feel really overwhelmed and alone — especially amongst the 13,000 ed tech professionals participants who attend it each year — I never felt alone. Why? Back to Top Introduction to Twitter Be patient. Handle

Twitter Cards Complete Guide: How to Choose, Set Up, Measure, And More 440 Flares 440 Flares × Here’s a riddle: When is a tweet more than a tweet? We’re all pretty familiar with Twitter’s 140 characters—and of course, a photo is always an eye-catching addition. But what if your Twitter audience could sign up for your email list without ever leaving Twitter, or directly download your new app straight from a tweet? What if a photo and article summary could travel alongside every post of your content? And what if you could do all of this for free, right now? Twitter cards offer all this potential and more. Let’s get going! What are Twitter cards? If you’ve ever watched a Vine, viewed a YouTube video or clicked on a photo with your Twitter stream, you’ve already come into contact with a Twitter card. Twitter’s card infrastructure is what allows us to have these rich media experiences that go far beyond a 140-character written message right within Twitter. …without them ever having to leave Twitter. You’ll also get added benefits, like: Are you in yet? 1.

8 Types of Twitter Cards Businesses Are Using Do you know what a Twitter card is? Do you wonder which one is a fit for your business? Twitter cards enrich your tweets with additional content, media and calls to action. In this article I’ll share eight types of Twitter cards, how to install them and their analytics options. #1: The Summary Card If your business has a blog or any page devoted solely to information, then you need the summary card. There is also a summary card with large image, which includes just that—a larger image from the page, as opposed to a square thumbnail image. If you have a global audience, @Google‘s tips for internationalizing homepages is worth reading: Search Engine Land (@sengineland) May 13, 2014 It also includes three ways to click over to the article: the image, the post title and the View on Web link. #2: The Photo Card The photo card is great for any business or website featuring art or photography. Twitter photo cards showcase photos and art. #3: The Gallery Card #4: The App Card

30 Things to Tweet About Your Brand Businesses often experience a loss of direction a few days into Twitter. Once they have had enough of following influential people and greeting people in their network, there seems hardly anything worth doing. If you too are facing a similar Twitter-crisis, relax, this post is especially for you. Just use a little bit of imagination and you can transform your Twitter-space almost magically. Here’s food for thought when you run out of things to tweet about: New announcements from your brand.Teaser previews of offerings you are working on.Related interesting news from the industry.Trivia related to your product: history, technology, anything! Following these tips will make your brand interesting on Twitter, and people will want to participate and connect with you. If you like this post, follow or pick up conversation with Sorav on Twitter: @SoravJain | Sorav Jain is a Social Media Speaker and owns a Digital Marketing Blog. Connect: Authored by: Sorav Jain See complete profile

10 Basic Twitter Tips to Increase Site Traffic | Blog creation, what do you need a blog for, and how do you make it right and successful. The amount of Twitter followers is increasing daily. With the help of this top platform increasing site traffic of the personal web site has become easier. The basic factor which makes Twitter so popular is its easy usage and top status among users. Tip#1. Tip#2. Tip#3. Tip#4.

Sitio interesante, para compartir archivos por Twitter. by serranoestrada Jul 23
