eXtreme Go Horse (XGH)
Esqueça tudo que conhece de boas práticas, se conhecer algo de eXtreme Programming, esquceça também. Scrum… Kanban… Não! Este artigo não descreve nenhuma metodologia vangloriada por desenvolvedores ou gerentes que procuram fazer o seu melhor para desenvolver software de qualidade. Trata de uma realidade triste do mercado, demonstrando a falta de comprometimento da equipe e a falta de visão dos donos de empresas de tecnologia da informação, que geram softwares vergonhosos, com baixa qualidade e que ninguém tem orgulho de dizer que fez. 1- Pensou, não é XGH. XGH não pensa, faz a primeira coisa que vem à mente. 2- Existem 3 formas de se resolver um problema, a correta, a errada e a XGH, que é igual à errada, só que mais rápida. XGH é mais rápido que qualquer metodologia de desenvolvimento de software que você conhece (Vide Axioma 14). 3- Quanto mais XGH você faz, mais precisará fazer. Para cada problema resolvido usando XGH, mais uns 7 são criados. 4- XGH é totalmente reativo.
When Niggling Stress Stops Creativity
It's the little niggling things that drain us. Big problems we usually meet head on. Niggling stress is usually classed as annoying, petty and unnecessary. I disagree. Stress is anything that nags at you and eats up your enthusiasm. Anything that can do that is nowhere close to insignificant. Big problems get all or most of our attention. Niggling stress is just as damaging, sometimes even more than what we consider to be real stress. It's time to change they way you view your problems. When we first think about freeing ourselves from stress we automatically focus on the big issues that are in our lives. Now more than ever we certainly don't live in a stress free world and to imagine that you can remove everything that bothers you would be unrealistic. You can handle most anything People have overcome tremendous adversity. Big issues that come up in our lives are usually dealt with on this much more "crucial" plane. The small issues in our lives deserve the same respect as the big ones.
The Brainstorming Process Is B.S. But Can We Rework It?
The business practice of brainstorming has been around with us so long that it seems like unadorned common sense: If you want a rash of new ideas, you get a group of people in a room, have them shout things out, and make sure not to criticize, because that sort of self-censoring is sure to kill the flow of new thoughts. It wasn’t always so: This entire process was invented by Alex Osborn, one of the founders of BBDO, in the 1940's. It was motivated by Osborn’s own theory of creativity. He thought, quite reasonably, that creativity was both brittle and fickle: In the presence of criticism, it simply couldn’t wring itself free from our own minds. You’re More Creative Working Alone As an opening salvo, Lehrer lays out a devastating experiment, conducted in the 1950s, which found that when test subjects tried to solve a complex puzzle, they actually came up with twice as many ideas working alone as they did when working in a group. Lehrer doesn’t quite explain why that happens. Why is that?
Revista Leaf » Materiais grátis na web sobre Design Thinking
Existem vários materiais grátis para pesquisa sobre Design Thinking na web. Se você está interessado em aprender um pouco sobre o assunto e não tem dinheiro disponível no momento para investir no assunto, pode começar pela leitura das indicações abaixo: O primeiro livro indicado é o excelente Design Thinking, Inovação em Negócios de Maurício Vianna, Ysmar Vianna, Isabel K. Adler, Brenda Lucena e Beatriz Russo, através da MJV Press que está disponível para download no site livrodesignthinking.com.br mediante o pagamento de um post pelo Facebook ou pelo Twitter. O livro traz algumas ferramentas bem descritas e como aplicá-las e também cases brasileiros de aplicação do design thinking. Outra dica é ler o blog Design Thinking, Thoughts by Tim Brown (designthinking.ideo.com), onde o próprio autor do termo Design Thinking compartilha seus pensamentos sobre o assunto. A próxima fonte sobre o Design Thinking é o slideshare, que tem muito conteúdo disponível sobre o assunto. Já dá para começar.
51 Ways to Explode Your Creativity
Creativity is the ability to find solutions to problems differently and with added value. Creativity is thinking about perception, its using thought as a tool to be more fluid and flexible. The purpose of creativity is to change or to flow with change. "You cannot teach a man anything. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21: Eliminate: What if this were smaller? 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 1: Imagine what you really want or the challenge you are trying to solve, make the image vivid and real. 2: After creating a strong memory of what you want you will have a powerful desire to achieve whatever it is. 3: The last step is creating your vision. 49. 50. 51. That's it! "I never teach my pupils; I only provide conditions in which they can learn." 7 Comments Trackbacks / Pingbacks show trackbacks Leave a comment, or ask a question
Hosting a Remote Whiteboard Session? Try These - BestVendor
Whiteboard sessions are great for brainstorming and planning, and we love tools like IdeaPaint that make it easy. But what do you do if you’re, say, brainstorming new product designs but your team is spread across the globe? Face-to-face isn’t an option, so how can you collaborate visually? This is where virtual whiteboards come in. With a laptop or tablet, you can host a whiteboard session from anywhere with Internet access, and share it with just about anyone. Here are three tools worth checking out: Jot! An iPad is practically a whiteboard already, so it’s arguably the perfect platform for hosting your session. When you tap the Live Sharing option, you’re given the option of hosting your whiteboard in real-time. Jot! Scriblink Need a quick-and-dirty Web-based whiteboard, no software or sign-ups required? Inviting others to join is easy: You click “Get URL” or “Email”, then share your room’s address with your desired attendees. Twiddla Ready, Set, Brainstorm!
Qual a melhor cor para um botão de e-commerce?
Pensar em qual a melhor cor para um botão é uma tarefa que necessita de um tempo maior de pesquisa e reflexão, uma vez […] Pensar em qual a melhor cor para um botão é uma tarefa que necessita de um tempo maior de pesquisa e reflexão, uma vez que, como profissionais de design, não podemos simplesmente aplicar uma cor só porque ela ficou bonita no layout sem ao menos entender que tipo de sensações ela está transmitindo no contexto em que está inserida. Esse contexto se refere ao público alvo do projeto e as questões culturais desse público. Portanto, para escolher a cor mais adequada é necessário, antes de tudo, entender o que elas significam, por isso, recomendo a leitura do post Psicologia e Relações Físicas das Cores e Preferências Cromáticas e suas relações. Relação das cores com o consumidor Essa relação muitas vezes é intrínseca ao ser humano porque fomos condicionados a acreditar que é exatamente assim que deve ser. AmareloOtimista e jovem. Teste A/B entre os botões verde e vermelho
Thinking Exercises For The Whole Brain
Your brain is a mass of gray and white matter that controls your abilities to think, remember, see, hear, move, breathe, taste, feel and understand. The right side of your brain controls creativity, while your left brain controls rational and logical thinking. Ideally, both hemispheres of the brain should be well-balanced. The infinity sign exercise works both the left and right sides of the brain. The right side of your brain controls the left side of your body while the left side of your brain controls the right. Not only does juggling involve lightning quick reflexes and good eye-hand coordination, it also involves peripheral vision and focused intent. The saying “use it or lose it” applies not only to muscles but to your brain as well.
Title is inaccurate in describing the piece- it stresses the importance of critique in the creative process (contrary to Osborne's idea of brainstorming). Also, there are a number of other interesting things there. by nadllalla May 3