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Project Based Learning and iPads/iPods

Project Based Learning and iPads/iPods
Introducing an irresistible project at the beginning of a unit of study can give students a clear and meaningful reason for learning. Plus, they end up with a product or result that could possibility make a difference in the world! In project based learning students are driven to learn content and skills for an authentic purpose. PBL involves students in explaining their answers to real-life questions, problems, or challenges. It starts with a driving question that leads to inquiry and investigation. Students work to create a product or presentation as their response to the driving question. Technology can be helpful throughout a project, whether students use iPads, Chromebooks, Android tablets, laptops, or desktops.

Multiple Intelligences Apps for The iPad Howard Gardner is an internationally recognized leader in the field of developmental psychology. He has prolifically authored several books and journal articles on the nature of intelligence. He is best known for his theory of multiple intelligences (Multiple Intelligences: New Horizons in Theory and Practice ). Gardner defines intelligence as the ability to solve problems in a given context. Consider a 12-year old Puluwat in the Caroline Islands, he says, who has been selected by his elders to learn how to become a master sailor " under the tutelage of master navigators he will learn how to combine knowledge of sailing stars and geography so as to find his way around hundreds of islands. Gardner argues that there are at least 6 kinds of intelligences : Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Musical, Linguistic, Mathematico Logical, Visual Spacial.

Combining 21st Century Skills, Project Based Learning, and iPads <div class="greet_block wpgb_cornered"><div class="greet_text"><div class="greet_image"><a href=" rel="nofollow"><img src=" alt="WP Greet Box icon"/></a></div>Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to <a href=" rel="nofollow"><strong>subscribe to the RSS feed</strong></a> for updates on this topic.<div style="clear:both"></div></div></div> These are my notes from Felix Jacomino and Inge Wassmann‘s breakout session, “Combining 21st Century Skills, Project Based Learning, and iPads” at the 2012 Mobile Learning Conference in Phoenix, Arizona, on April 13, 2012. “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” St Stephen’s Episopal Day Paradigm shift: 2 ways to deal with the constant of change - fight it - go with it

How to Use Google Search More Effectively [INFOGRAPHIC] Among certain circles (my family, some of my coworkers, etc.) I'm known for my Googling skills. I can find anything, anywhere, in no time flat. My Google-fu is a helpful skill, but not one that's shrouded in too much mystery — I've just mastered some very helpful search tricks and shortcuts and learned to quickly identify the best info in a list of results. Sadly, though web searches have become and integral part of the academic research landscape, the art of the Google search is an increasingly lost one. That search process also included determining when to rely on Google and when to utilize scholarly databases, but on a fundamental level, it appears that many people just don't understand how to best find the information they seek using Google. Thanks to the folks at HackCollege, a number of my "secrets" are out. Infographic via HackCollege Image courtesy of iStockphoto, LICreate

Descubriendo las Inteligencias Múltiples El pasado 10 de mayo tuvimos el privilegio de asistir a la conferencia del Dr. Howard Gardner en el Palacio de Congresos de Cataluña, en Barcelona. La conferencia estaba enmarcada dentro de la jornada de Inauguración del nuevo espacio LEADERLAB del Col·legi Montserrat. Un centro de innovación y liderazgo educativo con vocación internacional que cuenta con el Dr. Howard Gardner como patrocinador. Rodeados de más de 3.000 docentes y familiares, pudimos escuchar la conferencia de unos de los 100 intelectuales más influyentes del momento y padre de la teoría de las Inteligencias Múltiples, con el título: Multiple Inteligencies: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. El Dr. Y, si nos preguntamos, quién fue más inteligente, Einstein o Picasso, Gardner opina que, seguramente, ninguno más que el otro, simplemente sus inteligencias eran diferentes. ¿Qué es la inteligencia? Capacidad de resolver problemas reales.Capacidad de crear productos efectivos.Potencial para encontrar o crear nuevos retos.

Benefits to Project Based Learning and Technology Integration | Technology Integration - TechnoKids BLOG Technology integration and project based learning are a perfect fit. Teachers can design learning experiences that incorporate the use of the computer to complete motivating projects. For example, an environmental technology project may include the design of an information pamphlet using Microsoft Publisher or a rainforest technology project may include the creation of a eco-tourism travel advertisement using Microsoft PowerPoint. Project based learning offers numerous benefits to students. The 6 most important benefits to project based learning are outlined below: Benefits to Project Based Learning and Technology Integration Benefit 1: Technology Projects are Interdisciplinary An interdisciplinary approach connects learning objectives from two or more academic fields of study. Children collaborating to set the stage as part of a video production technology project. Benefit 2: Technology Projects Encourage Collaboration Benefit 3: Technology Projects Promote Inquiry

EmbedPlus - Video editing, chopping, looping, annotations, slow motion, and chapters tool for YouTube embeds and WordPress video plugins PALETA DE INTELIGENCIAS MÚLTIPLES Desarrollada por nosotros A continuación os vamos a dejar este ejemplo de trabajo de Inteligencias múltiples mediante una paleta realizada por MI compañera Azucena Cepedello y Un servidor. Esta paleta puede ser trabajada en todos los niveles de secundaria y puede ser exportada fácilmente a primaria adaptandose a los temas que se tratan en esas etapa. PROYECTO paleta de inteligencias multiples Celula animal VS Celula vegetal CÉLULA ANIMAL vs CÉLULA VEGETAL Justificamos la paleta Dentro de nuestras escuelas nos enfrentamos a un gran reto en estos momentos y es dirigir el proceso enseñanza aprendizaje de nuestros alumnos de forma que el estudiante desarrolle un pensamiento reflexivo ycrítico para que desarrollen estrategias para aprender porsí mismos. Es por ello que, para lograr el objetivo de transformar la educación tradicional en una de Inteligencias Múltiples, hay que partir de un trabajo en equipo en el que intervengan los profesores, alumnos y nuestra propia institución. Objetivos por inteligencias

Project Based Learning Resources (image from Project Based Learning (PBL) is a great way to teach students content, 21st century skills, and engage them in something fun and educational. I spoke more about PBL in an earlier blog ( and we had some great reader comments (Tech&Learning, May 2009, page 14). Today I'd like to give some tips and ideas on how to get started with PBL in your classroom. First of all, PBL can be used in any classroom, in any subject, at any grade level. PBL does take planning. For instance, I teach physics and developed a project for my classes on structures and stress and strain. Another example of PBL is having the students research a topic and present it to the rest of the class through a multimedia presentation, website, or poster. Start small. Another idea for projects is to look at your school or community and see what they need. Some web resources to get you started:

When it comes to Technology, teachers need as much scaffolding as students As teachers, we have come to learn over the years that we should never expect our students to fully understand a new idea without some form of structured support framework, or scaffolding as the current buzzword defines it. If we want them to solve a problem, we tend to provide them with a range of strategies and tools to assist them. The same, of course, should be the case in supporting learning for our fellow teachers. At the moment , I am reading the book, “Leading for Instructional Improvement – How Successful Leaders Develop Teaching and Learning Expertise” by Stephen Fink and Anneke Markholt. “Reciprocal Accountability simply means that if we are going to hold you accountable for something, we have an equal and commensurate responsibility to ensure you know how to do what we are expecting you to do (Elmore’ 2000; Resnick and Glennan, 2002). For me it comes down to these points. Professional Learning Team Meetings (PLTs)
