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Stonehenge : Wiltshire : South West : Find a property by map : P

Stonehenge : Wiltshire : South West : Find a property by map : P - Imperial Forums Official Website - Rome, Italy Benvenuto al sito ufficiale dei Fori Imperiali di Roma per l'anno del giubileo 2000. Questo progetto partì nel 1999 per celebrare il traguardo del nuovo millennio dell'area archeologica dei Fori Imperiali e Romani, vicini al Colosseo di Roma. Questo sito web fu creato con il patrocinio del Comune di Roma e del suo sindaco, grazie alla sponsorizzazione di Canon e Microsoft Italia. Il sito contiene oltre 1.000 documenti. Benvenuti a Roma! Benvenuti nel più grande cantiere moderno dell’antichità, nella più vasta area di scavo, di studio e di ricerca aperta in questo momento al mondo. Per questo è nato questo sito, la voce ufficiale degli scavi. Qui potrete trovare i dettagli tecnici degli scavi e dei ritrovamenti, il racconto storico dell’età degli Imperatori, la riproposizione di momenti della vita quotidiana degli antichi romani, immagini dal vivo e d’archivio. E' una ricchezza che deve essere messa a disposizione degli studiosi ma soprattutto del grande pubblico.

Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre Tour & Exhibition - Visit for Free with a London Pass Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre is an open-air playhouse built as a reconstruction of the building where the great playwright penned many of his plays. The Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Tour and Exhibition introduces visitors to all aspects of the Globe, historical and contemporary, including Sam Wannamaker's epic struggle to recreate the theatre from the 1599 original. Highlights: Reconstruction of the original Elizabethan playhouse built In 1599Authentic timber frame building with an open-air stageTo maintain the true sense of a Shakespearean play and experience, there are no spotlights, microphones, speakers or amplification and all music is performed live on period instruments Did you know: Don't miss: Exhibitions There are a number of temporary and permanent exhibitions and galleries at the Globe throughout the year. Open air stage The stage is open to the elements which can make drizzly performances in the summer even more exciting (no umbrellas allowed!) Sam Wannamaker Theatre

British Museum - Welcome to the British Museum Gothic Dreams - An Appreciation of Spiritual & Architectural Leg here is no mistaking the invitation. Standing before a Gothic cathedral, you are called forth to a visual exploration. But, where does one begin to look, and how? There are new images vying for the eye's attention at every turn. It is as if, with firm intention, no single space was left vacant or absent of ornament! The more time we spend within these elder structures the more our curiosity becomes intrigued by the sense of intent which cathedral explorers so often seek to comprehend.

Price Guide and Tipping Tipping is appreciated but not always appropriate in London. There are some situations where it is customary, for example in restaurants. Here are a few guidelines, although ultimately tips (or gratuities) are discretionary and depend on the quality of the service you receive. Tipping in London's Restaurants It is customary to leave 10-15% of the bill when eating out. Top tip: Although restaurants (and other businesses) should make their policy clear, it's worth checking with your waiter that he/she will personally receive your tip rather than the company – particularly if you're paying by credit card. Tipping in Bars and Pubs People generally do not tip in pubs in London. Tipping in Hotels in London Like restaurants, most London hotel bills include a service charge, usually 10-12%. Tipping Taxi Drivers It is polite to tip 10-15% of the taxi fare for black cabs and licensed minicabs in London. Read about British currency

The National Gallery HistoryNet - From the World’s Largest History Magazine Publisher Top 10 London Attractions From the modern London Eye to the historic Tower of London, the top 10 tourist attractions in London are a must-see on any London sightseeing trip. Even better, many London landmarks are free to visit. Use the London attractions map to find them all. There are also plenty of kid-friendly places to visit in London. Get up close and personal with underwater creatures at SEALIFE London Aquarium or explore the Science Museum, London's interactive hub of science and technology. You could also soak up some culture at London museums, visit the Queen at Buckingham Palace, or take the perfect picture with Big Ben, just some of the many iconic places to go in London. The top 10 free London attractions list is based on visitor numbers: start your sightseeing in London now with these popular spots. Coronavirus information: London is currently subject to a four-week national lockdown from 5 November, which means attractions are temporarily closed. Warner Bros. The London Eye Tower of London

INNI, CANTI, CANZONI POPOLARI E CORI DELLA PATRIA ITALIANA Quelli che fecero l'Italia nel Risorgimento, che cantarono i nostri nonni e i nostri padri, nella grande guerra, nel ventennio fascista, nell'ultima guerra e in RSI. Le canzoni popolari di varie Regioni d'Italia. Prima che l'entropia culturale se li porti via... Il testo di ogni brano appartiene ai rispettivi autori anche dove non indicato esplicitamente. Welcome to Ashdown Forest Originally a deer hunting forest in Norman times, Ashdown Forest is now one of the largest free public access space in the South East. It is a great place for walking and enjoying spectacular views over the Sussex countryside and is known the world over as the 'home' of Winnie-the-Pooh. The Forest is at the heart of the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and has national and international protection because of its wildlife. The Forest Centre is the headquarters of the Conservators of Ashdown Forest who are responsible for the management the Forest.
