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MOOC Search Engine and Social Network

MOOC Search Engine and Social Network
Related:  MOOC et SPOC

Teach Yourself Logic: A Study Guide, and other book notes Most philosophy departments, and many maths departments too, teach little or no serious logic, despite the centrality of the subject. Many students will therefore need to teach themselves, either solo or by organizing study groups. But what to read? Students need annotated reading lists for self-study, giving advice about the available texts. The Teach Yourself Logic Study Guide, linked below, aims to provide the needed advice by suggesting some stand-out books on various areas of mathematical logic. The main Guide and its Appendix are in PDF form, designed for on-screen reading. Teach Yourself Logic 2105: A Study Guide (PDF, iv + 94 pp.) If the Guide’s length makes it sound daunting, there are also some supplementary webpages which might help ease your way in: About the Guide Is the Guide for you? And here are some additional webpages: It goes without saying, of course, that all constructive comments and suggestions continue to be most warmly welcomed.

Blog We’ve been working hard over the past four months trying to reimagine Codecademy and we couldn’t be happier to finally unveil it to the world. We have redefined every component under our brand, from a single button on our dashboard to our email template, business cards, slides and even apparel. We had been discussing a design refresh for a while, but somehow it always ended up being pushed to the side. Finally, in October last year, after completing a user segmentation project that brought to live the main user archetypes of, it quickly became apparent that if we wanted to grow and mature as a brand, we required a thorough redesign of our entire product. Why a redesign? Reason #1 – Start fresh First, there was the obvious problem of design incoherence and variation. A random sampling of pages within our old web ecosystem, showcasing some visual design inconsistency. Reason #2 – Brand matureness Our new look Phase 1 Various early directions for our new logo. Our new color palette.

MOOC Research Free Web Development Courses | The Odin Project This course is for anyone who is either starting from scratch or who isn't entirely comfortable with their understanding of the command line, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ruby, web frameworks, Git, or other foundational technologies and practices of web development. We cover a LOT of ground -- by the end of this comprehensive course, you'll be well prepared to take on our deep dive courses or explore further on your own. You Will Learn La Khan Academy en français ~ MOOC Top Free eBooks Trouver son MOOC : 12 plates-formes au banc d’essai Tous les jours ou presque, un MOOC est lancé par une école ou une université. Résultat : des milliers de ces cours ouverts en ligne vous sont accessibles dans le monde entier. Mais où dénicher celui qui vous correspondra ? En visitant d’abord les différentes plates-formes (FUN, Coursera, edX…) où les MOOC sont hébergés. Voici de quoi comprendre vers lesquelles vous tourner selon ce que vous cherchez. Impulsés en 2008 par des chercheurs canadiens comme George Siemens et Stephen Downes, les MOOC (Massive Online Open Courses) ont été popularisés par des établissements d'enseignement supérieur américains de renom : Stanford, Harvard ou le MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), en 2011. L'emballement est quasi immédiat : près de 150 000 inscrits dès les premiers cours mis en ligne, aujourd'hui une dizaine de millions pour une plate-forme comme Coursera, qui propose plus de 700 cours. Après un petit retard à l'allumage, la "MOOC-mania" est aujourd'hui en plein essor en France.

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