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Broadening Public Awareness on Fluoride.

Broadening Public Awareness on Fluoride.

Vous Aimez les Sushis ? Le P'tit Truc qui Devrait Vous Faire Changer d'Avis ! J'adore les sushis ! Enfin, j'adorais... jusqu'à ce que le gouvernement Norvégien déclare récemment que son saumon d'élevage était toxique. Faut-il continuer à manger du saumon norvégien ? Et mes sushis au saumon dans tout ça ? Le saumon, on le croyait bon pour la santé. Everything About Colloidal Silver Two thousand, three hundred years ago, Alexander The Great was surveying his battlefield and drinking water from silver urns. He knew nothing about bacteria, but he knew that silver containers have a seemingly miraculous way of keeping water fresh. Silver has been used for thousands of years in different forms for its health benefits. Throughout the middle ages, the wealthy gave their children silver spoons to suck upon to stave off illnesses.

3 Dangers du Coca Cola pour la Santé : Ignorez-les à vos Propres Risques. Grands consommateurs de Coca, attention dangers ! Des études publiées récemment par diverses ONG, dont le Centre pour la Science et l'Environnement (CSE), prouvent que cette célèbre boisson gazeuse est nocive pour la santé. Presque 2 Milliards de canettes de Coca-Cola sont vendues chaque jour dans le monde. Pourtant, plusieurs composants de cette boisson s'avèrent potentiellement dangereux pour la santé.

The Illusion of Choices in Choosing a Restaurant – Toxic Factory Food from a Handful of Suppliers The illusion of food choices at different restaurants. by John P. ThomasHealth Impact News There are dozens of chain restaurants from which we can choose when we go out to eat. Some are fast-food eateries with counters for ordering, and others are traditional sit-down table service restaurants. PROTEINE LE SCANDALE The Nature of Vitamin C There are a surprising number of well-intentioned people among the alternative medical community who now believe that ascorbic acid isn't the real vitamin C. The dietary substances which causes scurvy when missing and cures scurvy when present is by definition vitamin C. Linus Pauling was unequivocal in his belief that the ascorbate fraction of ascorbic acid (called the ascorbate ion) is vitamin C. Referring to scurvy in his landmark Vitamin C and the Common Cold (1970), Pauling stated, "Ascorbic acid is an essential food for human beings. People who receive no ascorbic acid (vitamin C) become sick and die."

L'aluminium contenu dans la nourriture, les vaccins et les produits cosmétique Notre Poison quotidien (full-length) documentaire
