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Mega Collection Of Cheatsheets for Designers And Developers

Mega Collection Of Cheatsheets for Designers And Developers
Cheatsheets and various quick reference guides are available for almost any type of software and language these days. Unfortunately they’re not always easy to find when you actually need them. This is why I decided to take some time to gather up as many as possible and share them with you here! Hopefully this can be a timesaver for you, along with teaching you a new trick or two. The resources have been divided into various categories to make them easier to find. Below are more than 100 cheat sheets and reference cards for the following topics: CSS3 Cheat Sheet ↓ CSS2 Visual Cheat Sheet ↓ CSS Cheat Sheet (V2) ↓ Css Property Index ↓ BluePrint CSS ↓ HTML 5 Cheat Sheet ↓ HTML5 Canvas Cheat Sheet ↓ HTML5 Glossary ↓ HTML Character Entities Cheat Sheet ↓ Color Codes Matching Chart HTML (Convert CMYK, RGB Hex) ↓ Javascript JavaScript Cheat Sheet ↓ Javascript DOM ↓ JavaScript Reference Card ↓ jQuery 1.4 API Cheat Sheet ↓ jQuery selectors ↓ jQuery 1.3.2 ↓ jQuery 1.3 ↓ jQuery 1.2 ↓ Mootools 1.2 Cheat Sheet ↓ MySQL

250 Quick Web Design Tips (Part 1) As web professionals, we’re always looking for ways to improve our knowledge and skills. Tips, tricks and checklists are often one of the most underused yet potentially useful models of providing great, quick and easy to follow pieces of useful information. You may or may not know some of the tips below — and you may or may not agree with everything listed — but hopefully it will give you some ideas for your own sites or motivate you to create a checklist to help cover your bases. Human photo references and textures for artists - ROYALTY-FREE Licence guarantees that once you download the photos you can use them for any personal or commercial project as long as you wish without any additional payment. UPDATED DAILY Save thousands of dollars on human photo references every month. Gain access to a huge source of more than 354,125 photos updated 29 x per month. 4992 x 3360 PIXELS High resolution images with enough detail for the production of 3D characters for cinematic sequences as well as next generation game characters. Whether you work at Dreamworks or Playstation....3D.SK and their constantly expanding image library is essential to your texture pipe. Peter Levius and 3D.SK have been working closely with Playstation....developing diversity and resloution possibilities for Playstation's goal......achieving an ex ceptional photorealism for PS3, Next Generation, and beyond.

10 Secret Code Phrases to Get What You Want from Your Graphic Designer Pixels, white space, focal points and sans-serif. Designers have their own language, and it’s baffling if you’re not used to it. It’s almost like we have a “secret code,” and we reserve our best work for the clients who know it. When you speak with us, you might feel like you need a translator to communicate what you want and get marketing materials that stand out. But the good news is it’s simpler than it sounds. In the end, you don’t need to know the difference between points and pixels to get the best work from your designer.

Using Symlinks in Windows for Fun and Profit You may have heard of symlinks, or symbolic links, before, but weren't quite sure what they're good for. Symlinks are kind of like a wormhole in your filesystem--they're placeholders on the drive that redirect applications to whatever folder or file you point them at. They're especially handy when an application, like iTunes, doesn't allow you to configure the location it expects to find your music. So, instead of moving all your music to the folder that iTunes wants, you can simply create a symlink from the folder that iTunes expects to the folder that you prefer to store your music in.

20 minutes of advice on how to live from Neil Gaiman In some circles, Neil Gaiman has attained near rockstar status. Twenty years ago Gaiman was making the celebrated graphic novel , and was dabbling in longer-form writing. He went on to write amazing books like American Gods, Coraline, and Neverwhere. He was recently asked to give the commencement speech at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, and the entire 20 minute video is brimming over with good advice.

Web Culture: Grid-based Layout Designs The semantic web has brought on a new generation of Internet technology. As designers and developers work together to redefine the rules of the web, the number of open-source projects and third-party APIs continues to grow. The opinions of web scholars differ on the use of grid systems. Many argue that setting grid points limits the creativity of designers. The Python Script Collection For Windows - Automating Microsoft Outlook For Outlook automation it is nesseccary to use the makepy utility. You do this either from the tools menu of the Pythonwin-Editor (installed with Pywin32 or ActivePython) or you call the file c:\python23\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\ You then have to select the Outlook Object Library ("Microsoft Outlook 10.0 Object Library" for Office 10.0 or known as Office XP). After that Python generates cachefiles into the directory c:\python23\Lib\site-packages\win32com\gen_py or c:\temp\gen_py to tell Python more about the Outlook object library. Here is a well known example which dumps all adressbook entries from your default adressbook:

10 Usability Tips Based on Research Studies We hear plenty usability tips and techniques from an incalculable number of sources. Many of the ones we take seriously have sound logic, but it’s even more validating when we find actual data and reports to back up their theories and conjectures. This article discusses usability findings of research results such as eye-tracking studies, reports, analytics, and usability surveys pertaining to website usability and improvements. You’ll discover that many of these usability tips will be common sense but are further supported with numbers; however, some might surprise you and change your outlook on your current design processes. 1. Forget the "Three-Click Rule"

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