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Superheroic JavaScript MVC Framework

Superheroic JavaScript MVC Framework

Why Postgres - Craig Kerstiens This post is a list of many of the reasons to use Postgres, much this content as well as how to use these features will later be curated within If you need to get started check out for Mac, or get a Cloud instance at Heroku Postgres for free UPDATE: A part 2 has been posted on Why Use Postgres Very often recently I find myself explaining why Postgres is so great. In an effort to save myself a bit of time in repeating this, I though it best to consolidate why Postgres is so great and dispel some of the historical arguments against it.

Functional Javascript var Functional; Functional is the namespace for higher-order functions. Functional.install = function(except) This function copies all the public functions in Functional except itself into the global namespace. Dragonfly - Bug control, accelerated Happy first birthday to Blink By Bruce Lawson · Thursday, April 3, 2014 0 Twelve months ago today, I stayed up past my bedtime to blog about the new rendering engine, Blink, being forked from WebKit. As it's Blink's first birthday, let's take a brief look at where we've got to. Read more… Introducing the world’s most useless extension By Andreas Bovens · Tuesday, April 1, 2014 0 We're proud to introduce the world’s most useless extension for your daily use and enjoyment. Read more… Removing showModalDialog() from the Web platform By Mathias Bynens · Thursday, March 27, 2014 0 The showModalDialog() API is being removed from the Web platform.

More AngularJS Magic to Supercharge your Webapp Make way for another amazing article which covers more of AngularJS Due to the popularity of the previous article, Use AngularJS to power your web application, I've decided to cover more of AngularJS to make it fun and easy for all developers to play around with it. AngularJS is an incredible tool, but a lot of the more advanced features are hidden in deep within the documentation and others are too tricky to learn direclty. AngularJS is also a fairly new product and as a result there are many features that are yet to be discovered and blogged about. This article will cover more of the hidden gems of AngularJS and introduce new development tricks and methods to supercharge your AngularJS application. Pleaes read onwards if you wish to become an AngularJS web guru :).

Combined Facebook, Twitter & RSS Social Stats with jQuery, PHP & YQL Martin Angelov As we increasingly depend on more and more social services, there rises the need to provide a simple way to let our website visitors take part of our diverse social presence. In this tutorial we are going to create a simple widget, which combines the number of your RSS readers, twitter followers, and fans of your facebook fan page, to give a rough estimate of your social popularity. We are using jQuery and the tipTip plugin, object-oriented PHP, and Yahoo’s YQL, while demonstrating a number of interesting web development techniques.

Use functional programming techniques to write elegant JavaScript Introduction Functional programming languages have been in academia for quite some time, but historically they do not have extensive tools and libraries available. With the advent of Haskell in the .NET platform, functional programming is becoming more popular. Some traditional programming languages, such as C++ and JavaScript, import constructs and features from functional programming. In many cases, repetitive code in JavaScript leads to clumsy coding. You can avoid all that if you use functional programming.

A Baseline for Front-End Developers 12 Apr 2012 edit I wrote a README the other day for a project that I'm hoping other developers will look at and learn from, and as I was writing it, I realized that it was the sort of thing that might have intimidated the hell out of me a couple of years ago, what with its casual mentions of Node, npm, Homebrew, git, tests, and development and production builds. Once upon a time, editing files, testing them locally (as best as we could, anyway), and then FTPing them to the server was the essential workflow of a front-end dev. We measured our mettle based on our ability to wrangle IE6 into submission or achieve pixel perfection across browsers. AngularJs Tips and Tricks [UPDATED] ☢ These tips were developed in AngularJs v0.10.5 v1.0.1. I'll keep updating this post, so check back often! I've compared a LOT of different javascript frameworks for my company's rewrite, and finally settled on AngularJS because of how rapidly I'm able to produce prototypes. In my opinion, although it's very alpha and fairly lacking on the graphical side, it's excellent for CRUD applications (meaning forms, tables and reports). I'm still trying to lean towards emphasizing reusable widgets and directives instead of just custom-coding everything for your own app.

Simple AJAX Commenting System Martin Angelov This time, we are making a Simple AJAX Commenting System. It will feature a gravatar integration and demonstrate how to achieve effective communication between jQuery and PHP/MySQL with the help of JSON. Step 1 – XHTML First, lets take a look at the markup of the comments.

PHPUnit Support After you set up PHPUnit, Web IDE greatly helps you to run your tests. Namely, to quickly create test run configuration: Right-click the desired target: a directory or a PHP file in the Project view, or a test class/method name in the code editorChoose Run<name> to start or Create<name> to specify additional parameters That’s it! XML configuration file

What JS devs seem to care about After observing the JS “community” for a while and its various skirmishes I have come to the conclusion that, due to their capacity in attracting loud voices, these are the areas that JavaScript developers seem to care most about: Automatic Semi-colon Insertion eval is evil ES5 shimming (e.g. partial/incomplete shims) Browser support JSLint, JSHint, i.e. anything that judges your JS JavaScript vs. CoffeeScript JavaScript vs. Dart ES5/6 features (e.g. the fat arrow) Coding conventions (white-space, curly-braces) MV* frameworks (Backbone, AngularJS, Knockout, Ember, etc.*1000) Node.js Millisecond performance differences OLD: jQuery vs. Dojo vs.

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