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 Password Haystacks: How Well Hidden is Your Needle?

 Password Haystacks: How Well Hidden is Your Needle?
... and how well hidden is YOUR needle? Every password you use can be thought of as a needle hiding in a haystack. After all searches of common passwords and dictionaries have failed, an attacker must resort to a “brute force” search – ultimately trying every possible combination of letters, numbers and then symbols until the combination you chose, is discovered. If every possible password is tried, sooner or later yours will be found. The question is: Will that be too soon . . . or enough later? This interactive brute force search space calculator allows you to experiment with password length and composition to develop an accurate and quantified sense for the safety of using passwords that can only be found through exhaustive search. <! (The Haystack Calculator has been viewed 8,794,660 times since its publication.) IMPORTANT!!! It is NOT a “Password Strength Meter.” Since it could be easily confused for one, it is very important for you to understand what it is, and what it isn't: Okay. Related:  acallaiinformatique

A expansão dos Formatos Abertos Na última quinta-feira, 11 de agosto, o Jornal da Ciência divulgou a notícia de que a UNESP havia aderido ao Protocolo de Brasília, tornando-se assim a primeira Universidade a aderir ao documento que trata sobre a utilização do ODF (Open Document Format). Ao divulgar a notícia referida acima no TWITTER ( logo recebi perguntas sobre o formato ODF, qual a real importância da adesão ou não das instituições ao dito protocolo e outros questionamentos acerca do assunto... Enfim, para que tudo fique mais claro, seguem algumas considerações que não caberiam em 140 caracteres e que ajudarão a você mesmo(a), de forma prática e objetiva, a formar sua própria opinião: 2 - FORMATOS ABERTOS TEM ALGUMA COISA HAVER COM SOFTWARE LIVRE? Na verdade tem tudo haver! Este assunto é bastante extenso, e até pode ser debatido neste blog em outra ocasião, por hora, seguem alguns links para apreciação: 3 - O QUE É ODF? 4 - COMO FAÇO PARA SALVAR / EDITAR UM DOCUMENTO 'ODF'?

Cracking Siri March 12, 2014 It is getting hard to publish an app where forms are not mandatory. Users are exposed to input data through forms in order to access the service (login, registering), achieve a task (searching, checking out) or complete secondary actions (for instance getting in touch with the editor). Read more March 11, 2014 At Applidium, we love to add animations to our applications. Read more February 04, 2014 This blog post follows this one about the Android Manifest, on the topic of publishing on Google Play. Read more February 03, 2014 Google’s sneek peaks of the GDK (Glass Development Kit) lets us envisage Google Glass as an interesting platform when designing mobile services. Say goodbye to capitalism as we know it - Keynote Speaker By Jeremy Rifkin A new economic system has entered the world stage. The Collaborative Commons is the first new economic paradigm to take root since the advent of capitalism — and its antagonist socialism. The Collaborative Commons is already transforming the way we organize economic life, with profound implications for the future of the capitalist market. The trigger for this great economic transformation is known as Zero Marginal Cost. Tech firms' cash hoard eases meltdown fear The two-month swoon in technology stocks has given investors flashbacks to the dot-com meltdown. Companies never anticipated, however, a technology revolution that might unleash “extreme productivity” bringing marginal costs to near zero, making information, energy, and many physical goods and services nearly free, abundant, and no longer subject to market exchanges. The ‘free’ revolution Jeremy Rifkin

remove adware toolbars pop-up Updated: August 11, 2017 Home » Computer and Internet Security One of the many ways for developers to make money via their free software is to either bundle adware such as OpenCandy, sell your browsing data or nag you with endless pop-up ads. These malware can greatly reduce the performance of your browser, sometimes they will linger on even if your reinstall your Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browser. These ad cleaner removes obnoxious programs that slow and impede your computer’s performance. Related ➤ 6 Free Spyware Removal – Remove OpenCandy, CInstaller, And PerInstallCash ↓ 01 – Google Chrome Cleanup Tool ( All Browser ) Still seeing unwanted pop-ups after you block or allow pop-ups in Google Chrome’s settings? ↓ 02 – Malwarebytes AdwCleaner Malwarebytes AdwCleaner is a free security tool that removes Adware, Foistware, Toolbars, Hijackers (spyware that changes your browser homepage) and PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs). ↓ 03 – Bitdefender Adware Removal Tool

Decision REPORT Decision Report 16/08/2011 A Stefanini comemora o 15º ano de atuação em Minas Gerais com investimentos de RS 1,2 milhão na operação. Uma das novidades é a criação do CETIMS – Centro Tecnológico para Indústria, Mineração e Siderurgia, com sede em Belo Horizonte. Atenta a um dos mercados que mais cresce no país, a consultoria está dedicando um time de 55 profissionais qualificados para atender as necessidades de venda consultiva para estas verticais de negócio. Todas as atividades do CETIMS são orientadas pela norma ISO/IEC 62264/ISA 95 e melhores prática recomendadas pela MESA(Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association). Outras iniciativas compõem o investimento da Stefanini na capital mineira, onde a consultoria já atua há 15 anos. Dentro de sua estratégia a Stefanini também está anunciando, em Belo Horizonte, o Centro Compartilhado de SAP e BI. *Por Josiel Santos

Scraping for Journalism: A Guide for Collecting Data Photo by Dan Nguyen/ProPublica Our Dollars for Docs news application lets readers search pharmaceutical company payments to doctors. We’ve written a series of how-to guides explaining how we collected the data. Most of the techniques are within the ability of the moderately experienced programmer. These recipes may be most helpful to journalists who are trying to learn programming and already know the basics. If you are a complete novice and have no short-term plan to learn how to code, it may still be worth your time to find out about what it takes to gather data by scraping web sites -- so you know what you’re asking for if you end up hiring someone to do the technical work for you. The tools With the exception of Adobe Acrobat Pro, all of the tools we discuss in these guides are free and open-source. Google Refine (formerly known as Freebase Gridworks) – A sophisticated application that makes data cleaning a snap. Ruby – The programming language we use the most at ProPublica.

The 50 Free Apps We're Most Thankful For speed up google chrome reduce ram usage Updated: August 13, 2017 Home » Desktop Computer Software » Internet Web Browser How to make Google Chrome faster on Microsoft Windows 10? Chrome has the biggest market share when it comes to browser, however, it also uses an awful amount of RAM. If moving to Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox is not an option, here are 4 methods guarantee to work in optimizing Google Chrome for faster speed and a huge performance boost. Related ➤ 5 Freeware To Remove Unwanted Browser Toolbars On Chrome And Firefox These tips work for both Mac and Windows (and some even work for Linux!). ↓ 01 – Chrome Cleanup Tool As time goes by, your Chrome browser will be bloated with lots of plugins and extensions, not to mention unwanted toolbars and adware. ↓ 02 – Disable / Remove Web Apps And Extension The advantage of using Google Chrome is the ecosystem, however, without proper housekeeping, your Chrome browser will eventually be bloated with Apps and Extension. ↓ 03 – Enable Experimental Features

Ap_Recife e Caruaruense sobrevoando os quarentões da capital pernambucana e orla de Olinda. Thread de boas vindas ao I Encontro Nacional SSC - Recife Ap_Recife e Caruaruense sobrevoando os quarentões da capital pernambucana e orla de Olinda. Thread de boas vindas ao I Encontro Nacional SSC - Recife Amigos, uma das contas chegou no limite de donwloads, devido a isso vou usar algumas fotos de outro site. Zona norte do Recife. São minhas as fotos 1 até a 14.3. As zonas norte e oeste voltam a aparacer nas fotos do centro (sempre ao fundo). Vamos agora à zona sul da cidade, como fotos by Ap_Recife e Caruaruense. 15. Foto by Caruaruense 16. Ap_Recife 17. Caruaruense 24. 26. 28. 30. 33. 34. 35. 36. 38. . 39. 40. 43. 44. 50. 51. 52. 53.

CUPP – Common User Passwords Profiler – Automated Password Profiling Tool A while back we had Wyd – Automated Password Profiling Tool but the guys at remote-exploit seem to have superseded this with CUPP. There are other similar options too – The Associative Word List Generator (AWLG) and also RSMangler – Keyword Based Wordlist Generator For Bruteforcing. People spend a lot of time preparing for effective dictionary attack. Going through different combinations and algorithms, CUPP can predict specific target passwords by exploiting human vulnerabilities. You can download CUPP v3.1 here: cupp-3.1.tar.gz The best free online conference platforms - Freelancers Union Source: Mike Licht Only half of freelancers work in their local cities and communities, so millions of independent workers across the country rely on online virtual meeting platforms to talk to clients and collaborate with other freelancers. Setting up a virtual meeting is the kind of thing that shouldn’t be complicated -- but always seems to be. We’ve compiled the most popular services and reviewed each. But most importantly, they all provide free plans (not just free trials) that probably have everything you need! Google Hangouts You can’t beat free. This is a virtual meeting application that focuses on sharing your screen, not on giving you face-to-face with your client. I used extensively in virtual training at a previous job, and found it to be extremely reliable. GoToMeeting GoToMeeting provides video conference for up to 3 people for free. If you like GoToMeeting, you might also want to consider using GoToWebinar if you ever want to upgrade. MeetingBurner UberConference
