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Felix's Node.js Beginners Guide

Felix's Node.js Beginners Guide
« Home / All Guides There is lots of information about node.js, but given the rapid pace at which it is developing, it can be difficult for beginners to find good, current information on how to get started. This guide aims to provide exactly that, whilst staying updated with the latest stable version of node.js. This guide has been updated to reflect the latest changes in node 0.4.x, the currently stable branch of node.js. Learning JavaScript This guide assumes that you are already familar with JavaScript. Hello World Tutorial This tutorial guides you through installing node.js, including the creation of a simple hello world http server. Installation First of all: You should run a *nix operating system in order to use node.js at this point. The most common way to install node.js is to directly compile it from the downloaded source code. You can get the latest source code from $ wget $ tar -xzf node-v0.4.4.tar.gz $ cd node-v0.4.4 $ . Express

How To Node - NodeJS Express Hello world example This is essentially going to be the simplest Express app you can create. It is a single file app — not what you’d get if you use the Express generator, which creates the scaffolding for a full app with numerous JavaScript files, Jade templates, and sub-directories for various purposes. First create a directory named myapp, and run npm init in it. Then install express as a dependency, as per the installation guide. In the myapp directory, create a file named app.js and add the following code to it: The app starts a server and listens on port 3000 for connection. The req (request) and res (response) are the exact same objects that Node provides, so you can invoke req.pipe(), req.on('data', callback), and anything else you would do without Express involved. Run the app with the following command. $ node app.js Then, load in a browser to see the output. An Absolute Beginner's Guide to Node.js There's no shortage of Node.js tutorials out there, but most of them cover specific use cases or topics that only apply when you've already got Node up and running. I see comments every once and awhile that sound something like, "I've downloaded Node, now what?" This tutorial answers that question and explains how to get started from the very beginning. What is Node.js? A lot of the confusion for newcomers to Node is misunderstanding exactly what it is. An important thing to realize is that Node is not a webserver. Installing Node Node.js is very easy to install. I've Installed Node, now what? Once installed you'll have access to a new command called "node". $ node > console.log('Hello World'); Hello World undefined In the above example I typed "console.log('Hello World')" into the shell and hit enter. The other way to run Node is by providing it a JavaScript file to execute. hello.js console.log('Hello World'); $ node hello.js Hello World Doing Something Useful - File I/O example_log.txt

How to Use Node.js with MySQL using Example for Connection Pool In certain situations it’s a good option to use Nodejs with MySQL instead of PHP or any other server-side language. By using Nodejs you can get the advantage of its asynchronous behaviour, which in certain case may increase the performance, and you may not need to migrate an existing MySQL database to some other NoSQL database to gain additional performance. How to Use MySQL with Node.js For using MySQL with Nodejs, we can use the nodejs driver for MySQL. First, we need to install mysql driver with the help of node package manager (npsm). npm install mysql Now, for using mysql client in your javascript application file, add the following code which basically imports the module to your script. var mysql = require('mysql'); Next, we can use this module to create MySQL connection, where we have to specify our mysql server host name, user name and password. Next, the following line of code will open a new connection for you. connection.connect(); Finally, we can now end connection in two ways.

Felix's Node.js Beginners Guide « Home / All Guides There is lots of information about node.js, but given the rapid pace at which it is developing, it can be difficult for beginners to find good, current information on how to get started. This guide aims to provide exactly that, whilst staying updated with the latest stable version of node.js. This guide has been updated to reflect the latest changes in node 0.4.x, the currently stable branch of node.js. Learning JavaScript This guide assumes that you are already familar with JavaScript. Hello World Tutorial This tutorial guides you through installing node.js, including the creation of a simple hello world http server. Installation First of all: You should run a *nix operating system in order to use node.js at this point. The most common way to install node.js is to directly compile it from the downloaded source code. You can get the latest source code from $ wget $ tar -xzf node-v0.4.4.tar.gz $ cd node-v0.4.4.tar.gz $ .

NoFlo: two years of flow-based programming - Henri Bergius in Berlin, Germany NoFlo — the flow-based programming system I started — is now two years old. I pushed the first commits to GitHub on June 5th 2011 from Hacker Dojo in Mountain View. To get us started with the story, I’ll let Wikipedia summarize: Flow-based programming (FBP) is a programming paradigm that defines applications as networks of “black box” processes, which exchange data across predefined connections by message passing, where the connections are specified externally to the processes. These black box processes can be reconnected endlessly to form different applications without having to be changed internally. While flow-based programming is still far from mainstream, it has been great to watch to the community grow around NoFlo. There are several start-ups using it as their base infrastructure, with several of their engineers contributing to the open source effort. Why I started NoFlo I wondered if there could be a better way. Beyond OOP The tools side of things isn’t looking much better, either.

Create a REST API With Node.js - Labs at Big Spaceship For a pitch, we prototyped one of our concepts with a Natural Language search feature. I quickly implemented a REST style GET call on search submit with Node.js via major article skimming. I still didn't have a clear mental map of how Node.js worked with a REST API, so I broke it down into a presentation for the BSS Tech team. You can follow along, or skim. PHP vs Node.js REST Components If you've come from PHP, your brain may already hold a diagram of what a REST API looks like in that language. Apache - HTTP server.php controllers - Controls what your app does with dataContent-Type JSON Headers - Sends your data back readable.htaccess - Map URLs to controller action methods for pretty URLsMySQLi - Interfaces with DataMySQL - Stores data Node.js Node.js - HTTP ServerJavaScript modules - Controllers for what your app does with dataExpress - Framework to easily build for web with Node.jsRoutes - Map URLs to actions for pretty URLsMongoose.js - Interfaces with dataMongo - Stores data Try it

The Node Beginner Book » A comprehensive Node.js tutorial Flow-based Programming In computer programming, Flow-Based Programming (FBP) is a programming paradigm, discovered/invented by J. Paul Rodker Morrison in the late '60s, that uses a "data processing factory" metaphor for designing and building applications. FBP defines applications as networks of "black box" processes, which communicate via data chunks (called Information Packets) travelling across predefined connections (think "conveyor belts"), where the connections are specified externally to the processes. These black box processes can be reconnected endlessly to form different applications without having to be changed internally. FBP is thus naturally component-oriented. FBP is a very different paradigm from conventional programming, being more of an "assembly line" image of data processing. FBP is described in J. If you have come across Flow-Based Programming by way of NoFlo or Flowhub, it is recommended that you read FBP vs. Links: Video Interview with J. Google group on Flow-Based Programming

NodeJS REST API with MySQL and Express NPM Modules Expressfelixge/node-mysql - Source Most articles about building a REST API for NodeJS will be based on MongoDB, I'm going to show you how to do it with MySQL. Implementing the REST API To implement all the routes required by the API, the full REST API for the node application will be a single file server.js which consists of the following methods: Structure Require your modules and create a http server based on express framework. var express = require('express'), app = express(), mysql = require('mysql');app.listen(3000);console.log('Rest Demo Listening on port 3000'); DB Connection Setup your database and create a pool of connections to MySQL server; Where the configuration uses your host, username, password, and database name of course. Routes Your application will only need five REST routes to cover the methods table above. Each route takes a callback function with request and response objects. You may also notice we are going to be sending json Content-Type as a response always.

NoFlo | Flow-Based Programming for JavaScript enginpost / node.js MySQL microsite example Sample abstract: This sample code demonstrates a few important node features: - How to setup a RESTful API using node.js express. - How to serve up static HTML via HTTP from a subfolder as the default URL root folder in your project. - How to connect to MySQL database and communicate via queries with that database. - How to send results from a MySQL query in the JSON format. - How to consume the RESTful API JSON results using jQuery in the static pages. To fiddle with this example, you will need: - A MySQL Server running with the ability to create a new DB and run a script to add content. - An understanding of basic SQL syntax (if you want to mess with the resultset). - Node.js up and running Note: You will use Apache to run phpMyAdmin for administration of your new MySQL database, but node.js will not use Apache to serve any pages. Once the example application is running, you should not need Apache running, but you will need MySQL up and running with your database.

Automated deployment of node.js apps – Carbon Silk - Developing ideas by James Broad This article has a simple aim to improve the process of developing and deploying node.js web applications. The Continuous Integration folks will refer to what I am covering as an aptly named Automated Deployment. As you explore this guide you will learn: How to run a node.js script using Upstart.How to manage Jenkins (was Hudson) with Git.How to make and use Makefiles. Lets crack on… I have detailed an environment scheme below which works well for me. Getting a working node.js app and environment You will need to have an environment to run your app in. You can run node.js apps on your localhost but for this article we are just focusing the deployment process to an integration server ( The correct development flow for a node.js app should be that you test on localhost, then checkin when you are happy with your changes. Setting up your virtual machines It is fairly straightforward (and free) to get a Linux virtual machine up and running these days. Configuring Login to
