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Pushbullet - Your devices working better together

Monitor anything in your app and improve the experience of your app. Measure App Usage View your app open rates and API request data via the Parse dashboard. See real-time analytics on API requests based on REST verbs, device type, and Parse class being accessed. Optimize Push Campaigns Online Form Creation and Reporting Features Wufoo provides the tools for anyone to easily build and design online forms with our intuitive drag ‘n drop interface. Create beautiful, elegant, customizable forms on the web with our theme designer, add your own logo and colors, or choose from our professionally-designed color palette. Our rule builder allows you to create dynamic forms that follow advanced logic you've specified to perform certain actions like showing and hiding fields, skipping certain pages, or emailing specific individuals based on form field selections. Hosting online forms is easy—our code manager provides a number of copy-and-paste code snippets to help you embed your form into your website, blog post, email newsletter, and Facebook page. In addition to dynamic, customizable form performance reports, our form analytics get you crucial metrics like submissions, bounce rate, time spent on submissions, and more.

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