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Aaron Koblin - Work

Aaron Koblin - Work

H 2112: DEC 6-9:CHICAGO ++ GLI.TC/H is an event that celebrates the glitch! Artists, thinkers, performers, makers && breakers gather to intentionally Fâ–²C▄▀SH.*UP↓ ⟁ Alerts! ⟁ GLI.TC/H NEEDS YOUR HELP! ✍ Style this site! this year GLI.TC/H is styled by YOU! ✍ GLI.TC/H/ WORKINGGROUPS [ participate now! ✍ GLI.TC/H/WIKI [ linx + resources ] You want to show your glitch art? In previous years, the have exhibited/curated works from an open call. geoloqi/MapAttack - GitHub Trajets interactifs à raconter l'événement - Netdeclic | Des liens sur la créativité interactive du web i-pédago L'utilisation du trajet pour raconter est une entrée en matière attendue pour le voyage. Les possibilités d'une exploitation interactive autorise une application plus large : le fil narratif que constitue naturellement le début et la fin d'un parcours impose l'approche synthétique et le suspens. Petit florilège d'exemples géographiques, historiques, journalistiques et hors-norme. Trajet et voyage Le trajet du voyage organisé par la marque de bière Corona pour 7 personnes d'une région reculée de Chine pour leur permettre de découvrir la mer. Site : Corona China. Un documentaire sur Zurich organisé à partir de la progression d'une rue principale de la ville. Site : SF Dok - 360° Langstrasse Zürich. Trajet improbable que celui menant à la découverte de territoires vus du hublot d'un avion de ligne. Site : Hidden Journeys: explore the world from the air, RGS-IBG. Un traitement assez répandu, le parallèle entre le carnet de voyage et le parcours suivi. Trajet et histoire Trajet hors-norme

A sequence of Circles... : clementvalla ← Older posts Princeton or Prison: Which is More Expensive? Each month, when over $400 is automatically deducted from my checking account, I can’t help but wonder… why did I choose to go to a private university that cost in excess of $20,000/year (with scholarships)? And why did 17 year-old me think it was okay to imprison then-future me to 17 years of debt? So, it’s not particularly surprising that when I came across this infographic on Fast Co. Design comparing the cost of ivy league higher education and incarceration, I took pause. It’s prison. That’s right, according to this thought-provoking infographic from, an online resource for students and professionals in public administration, the state of New Jersey spends more to lock away a prisoner in Trenton ($44,000) than it does to send someone to Princeton for a year ($37,000). New Jersey has an inmate population of 26,757.

Inauguration de l'espace immersif « Gouraud-Phong », plateforme mutualisée dédiée à la réalité virtuelle Michel Cosnard, président-directeur-général de l’Inria et Gérard Giraudon, Directeur du centre Inria Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée inaugurent l'espace immersif «Gouraud-Phong» aux côtés de Francis Lamy, Préfet des Alpes-Maritimes et Michel Vauzelle, Président de la Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. Sont également présents : Eric Ciotti, Député-Président du Conseil Général des Alpes-Maritimes, Jean Leonetti, Président de la CASA, Député-Maire d'Antibes Juan-les-Pins et Jean-Pierre Dermit, Maire de Biot, Vice-Président de la CASA et Henri Gouraud. Une salle immersive à dimensions variables La réalité virtuelle est depuis longtemps un des axes de recherche important du centre Inria Sophia Antipolis – Méditerranée. S’adapter aux besoins des utilisateurs Cette plateforme mutualisée de recherche permettra aux chercheurs de l'Institut et à leurs partenaires européens, régionaux, académiques ou industriels de tester leurs logiciels ou de visualiser leurs données en 3D. À propos de l’Inria

The Message Google Maps Mania Le Solar Generation Feature story - June 1, 2004 Who are we? Young people who want to change the world! What do we want? Renewable Energy! 15,000 postcards from the public calling for renewable energy are delivered in a ball of ice to the Bonn Renewables conference. Young people have the most to lose from global warming but also the most to gain from the urgent action that is needed now to prevent the worst impacts. Now members of Solar Generation are facing possibly their biggest challenge. They made a start with the chance to make a speech to the first day of the conference. "With what we are experiencing, we, the members of Solar Generation are putting our feet forward against climate change and are pushing for renewable energy. Back in China, Henry has been busy with Solar Campus projects to spread the word on renewable energy to students and lobbying Chinese energy companies to invest in renewable power: "We believe that our actions and passion for our environment could make waves in our world! More:

Interactive Comic - NAWLZ - SEASON 1 : DISTORTION REIGNS SUPREME - Journalism technology + information design Design Archives Vignelli Associates (1962-2008) 50 Books/50 Covers of 2010 The 50 best-designed books and book covers published between January 1 and December 31, 2010.View Collection Chermayeff & Geismar (1960-2006) AIGA 365: Design Effectiveness (2011) Push Pin Graphic (1957-1980) 50 Books/50 Covers of 2009 The 50 best-designed books and book covers designed and/or produced in North America between January 1 and December 31, 2009.View Collection 50 Books/50 Covers of 2008 The 50 best-designed books and book covers designed and/or produced between January 1 and December 31, 2008.View Collection Fifty Books of the Year (1930) Communication Graphics (1969) Just Type Work published in 1978-1982 that relies solely on type or handlettering as illustrative elements.View Collection Graphic Explanations: Charts, Diagrams, Graphs and Maps Print charts, diagrams, graphs and maps designed to aid the reader's comprehension of complex information, published in the United States or Canada in 1978-81.View Collection Packaging
