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SSuite Office Accel Spreadsheet SSuite Accel spreadsheet is a free professional and practical application for everyday use... Minimum System Requirements: 1024 x 600 Display SizeRuns on All Windows operating systems - 32 Bit and 64 Bit - Mac and Linux << Spreadsheet Templates >> This powerful spreadsheet has all the tools you need to calculate, analyse, summarise, and present your data in numerical reports or colourful graphics. A fully-integrated help system makes entering complex formulas a breeze. Dojo & jQuery side by side. Part 1: DOM Basics Dojo is a fantastic toolkit that we have used on many projects here at moresoda. Although we still love and use jQuery nearly everyday, we use Dojo on projects where the front end requirements are more complicated than your average DOM manipulation and HTML5 shims. This article isnt about preaching Dojos benefits though. If you have a read of the features and benefits of Dojo you can make up your own mind. That being said, Dojo can be harder to get into since is it a much larger than jQuery. Hence my aim here is to provide a simple, unbiased side by side comparison of common jQuery operations and how they are achieved in Dojo.

Gnumeric Spreadsheet Portatile 1 [rev2] eliminazione automatica delle lingue supplementari tranne l'italiano con conseguente riduzione dello spazio utilizzato dal programma.[rev3] -Link- [rev4] bug file recenti se X-Gnumeric.exe viene eseguito da \winPenPack\XDrive[rev5] modificata gestione backup gtk-2.0 in %AppData%, disabilitata cancellazione lingue supplementari (da attivare in X-Gnumeric.ini), eliminato x-launcher_en.ini[rev6] modificato backup gtk-2.0 in %AppData%, corretti percorsi in .gtk-bookmarks, abilitate istanze multiple, aggiunta rimozione lingue tranne %LANG% (da attivare)[rev7] bug fix .gtk-bookmarks, cambiato splash screen[rev8] eliminazione codice per rimozione lingue supplementari (troppo rischioso se la variabile %LANG% non è impostata)[rev9] rimosso splash screen, aggiunto traytip, aggiornato launcher 1.5.1[rev10] normalizzazione percorsi per corretta visualizzazione caratteri ( -Link-

Créer une infobulle avec CSS et sans Javascript - Dypso BackOffice Cette section permet de regrouper un ensemble de techniques ou de scripts qui ont l'originalité d'arriver à résoudre une difficulté avec le moindre effort ou qui sont particulièrement efficaces... Techniques / CSS Créer une infobulle personnalisée sans javascript. D'ordinaire afin de pouvoir créer une infobulle il est fait recours à l'attribut legend ou title.

ZoomTags Editor's Rating Reviewed on July 23, 2015 Would you like to create an attractive layout of the unique terms used in a given piece of text? Then ZoomTags is the software you need. The free Windows application makes it easy to create tag clouds that allow you to zoom in on specific sections. It displays the words in different sizes depending on their frequency in the text. Introduction aux tests unitaires avec PHPUnit 3.1 Le langage PHP est un langage de programmation flexible, permissif et facile à appréhender. Les principes et contraintes de conception généralement imposées dans les langages à vocation industrielle (C/C++, Java, etc.) ne s'appliquent pas nécessairement avec PHP. Le programmeur est seul maître à bord, il choisit la précision avec laquelle il souhaite intégrer un paradigme, que ce soit impératif, fonctionnel ou orienté objet, tout comme il décide de structurer ou non son développement par rapport à des processus éprouvés.

A Simple Load Test with JMeter In connection with the recent launch of a high-profile Drupal-based website, one of my responsibilities was to evaluate how well the then un-launched system would perform under the expected load. As a web developer, I don't often have the opportunity to do load testing, so I had to do some research on the topic beforehand. This post is a summary of the steps I took and my findings. The site had been in operation for quite some time, so we had existing statistics that helped us predict how many visitors the site would need to be able to serve. Using JMeter, I tried to replicate the load the server was likely to undergo.

Building a Responsive Two Column Layout UPDATE #2: Added navigation/menu section to the demos. The GitHub repo and CodePen example has been updated. UPDATE: Based on numerous comments about how to include a footer in the layout, I have added a footer to all examples with accompanying styles. Thank you everyone for your feedback! The GitHub repo and CodePen example have been updated as well.

The Shapes of CSS Learn Development at Frontend Masters CSS is capable of making all sorts of shapes. Squares and rectangles are easy, as they are the natural shapes of the web. Add a width and height and you have the exact size rectangle you need. Add border-radius and you can round that shape, and enough of it you can turn those rectangles into circles and ovals. We also get the ::before and ::after pseudo elements in CSS, which give us the potential of two more shapes we can add to the original element.
