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Gamification Design About this course Why Gamification? Games have become the new normal. The Top 27 Free Tools to collaborate, hold discussions, and Backchannel with Students With the advance of web 2.0 technologies, there emerged a wide range of educational tools that we can use with our students in and outside the classroom.Collaborative web tools is one example. Using such websites, teachers will be able to help in holding online and real-time discussions with their students, help them in their projects and assignments, guide their learning, do backchanneling, and synchronously moderate discussion threads and many more. We have prepared for you a list of such tools that you can use with your students, check it and share with us what you think about it.

Web 2.0 Science Tools By Laura Turner The following web2.0 sites would be useful for science educators at the high school and middle school level. Some would also be appropriate for higher elementary grade levels. There are many new ‘tools’ or websites that take advantage of the higher speed and bandwidth of today’s Internet. Web 1.0 tools/websites were text based and web2.0 tools/websites are designed for full-motion video, 3D animations and are generally interactive in some manner. Why Should Teachers Use Infographics? If you read Edudemic regularly, you know that we share a lot of infographics here. There are a number of reasons for that: they’re popular, easy to understand, and quick to read – all important qualities for teachers who don’t have a ton of time on their hands. The combination of text and graphics helps many readers remember the information more easily.

7 Awesome Collaborative Whiteboard Tools for Teachers 1- Groupboard 2- Concept Board 3- Scribblar Scribblar is another great whiteboard tool that is perfect for online tutoring. It is actually used by teachers, students, and schools in over 25 countries. 4- Twiddla Bloom's Digital Taxonomy This is the introduction to Bloom's Digital Taxonomy. The different taxonomical levels can be viewed individually via the navigation bar or below this introduction as embedded pages. This is an update to Bloom's Revised Taxonomy which attempts to account for the new behaviours and actions emerging as technology advances and becomes more ubiquitous. Bloom's Revised Taxonomy describes many traditional classroom practices, behaviours and actions, but does not account for the new processes and actions associated with Web 2.0 technologies, infowhelm (the exponential growth in information), increasing ubiquitous personal technologies or cloud computing.Bloom's Digital Taxonomy isn't about the tools or technologies rather it is about using these to facilitate learning. Outcomes on rubrics are measured by competence of use and most importantly the quality of the process or product. For example.

The Differentiator Try Respondo! → ← Back to The Differentiator Teachers Guide on The Use of Wikis in Education Here are some platforms where you can start your wiki for free. They are among the best available for teachers : 1- Wikispaces : This is a free wiki host providing community wiki spaces, visual page editing, and discussion areas. Indoor Navigation - solutions by infsoft Indoor navigation deals with navigation within buildings. Because GPS reception is normally non-existent inside buildings, other positioning technologies are used here when automatic positioning is desired. WiFi or beacons (Bluetooth Low Energy, BLE) are often used in this case to create a so-called "indoor GPS". Contrary to GPS, however, they also enable you to determine the actual floor level.

7 Tools Students Can Use to Manage Group Projects Any teacher who has assigned group projects to students has at some point had to help those students organize and equitably distribute work. (Or has had to listen to students complaints about other group members not pulling their weight). Here are some tools that you can have students use to manage their responsibilities when working on group projects. Pegby is a good website for organizing the tasks that you and or your team need to get done. Pegby is set up like a corkboard with index cards stuck to it. The corkboard has three columns to place your index cards on.

Localingual map lets you hear people from around the world Google's AI recently made Translate more powerful and capable than ever before. The cloud-based system can now accurately decipher entire sentences based on the context of the language, but while the service will give you the correct words, and for most countries an audio clip of the phrase, there'll still be regional accents and unfamiliar sounds you'll need to contest with. David Ding, a former Microsoft software engineer, has created Localingual to showcase the full range of these voices and highlight the globe's language diversity.

3 Excellent Tools for Backchanneling in The Classroom To help you implement this concept of backchanneling in your classroom, Educational Technology and Mobile Learning has handpicked some great tools for this purpose. Check them out below and share with us your suggestions or additions. 1- TodaysMeet TodaysMeet helps you embrace the backchannel and connect with your audience in realtime.Encourage the room to use the live stream to make comments, ask questions, and use that feedback to tailor your presentation, sharpen your points, and address audience needs.

Teacher's Guide to Teaching Writing through Technology As teachers, when it comes to writing, we can " choose between sentencing students to thoughtless mechanical operations and facilitating their ability to think." ( Syrene Forsman, " Writing to Learn Means Learning to Think " ). I find Forsman saying to speak volumes for the writing crisis in our schools. There are still teachers who teach writing as a mechanical process and probably some of us ,the digital immigrants ,were taught writing this way, but does this make it the right teaching strategy to use with your students ? Definitely not. Five Things Students Can Learn through Group Work March 20, 2013 By: Maryellen Weimer, PhD in Teaching Professor Blog I often get questions about group work. Recently, the question was phrased like this: “Can students learn anything in groups?” And, like faculty sometimes do, this questioner proceeded with the answer. “I don’t think my students can.
