2. Politique dans l'enseignement scolaire Amiens Expérimentation dans la Somme «Alors que le Salon Educatec/ÉducaTICE ouvre ses portes (Paris, Porte de Versailles), France Telecom – Orange annonce le lancement d’une expérimentation organisée dans 6 collèges dans 3 départements (Val d’Oise, Yvelines, Somme) autour du « cartable numérique ». C’est un panel de 300 élèves et enseignants qui vont explorer le potentiel de la tablette Samsung Galaxy Tab comme support numérique pour l’enseignement.... Itespresso, 22 novembre 2011 Bordeaux Penser dans le même temps l’outil et l’usage dans le souci constant de la plus-value pédagogique « L’académie de Bordeaux, forte d’une grande expérience pédagogique sur l’usage des TICE se lance aujourd’hui dans le déploiement des tablettes numériques. Principe de l’expérimentation Un pilotage pédagogique primordial : travail conjoint du Catice et des corps d’inspection dans le choix des établissements et des équipes, l’impulsion et le suivi de l’expérimentation, la réflexion sur l’outil et les usages. 1.
5 Former Design Trends That Aren’t Cool Anymore (So Stop Using Them) If you’re like me, looking at your own design work from a few years ago can often result in some laughable or even cringe-worthy moments. Design styles have been steadily evolving and most of us can’t help but be affected by these changes. Who among us hasn’t piled on the cheesy Photoshop layer effects, all the while thinking the result was downright awesome? However, some of us are a little slower to evolve than others. Today we’ll be taking a walk down memory lane and looking at five design trends that used to be super cool, but now simply tend to make your design look outdated and even ugly. If you’re currently still stuck on these trends, it might be time to move along! Let’s Make Fun of Design We designers tend to take ourselves far too seriously. The only way to escape this fact is to be a new designer, then all you’re doing is jumping on the trends of today. What Are Design Trends Good For? The key to analyzing design trends is to remember that they aren’t inherently good or bad.
Lifespan of a tweet and Klout score directly linked Klout, the social influence measuring tool, has analysed a week’s worth of retweet data and unsurprisingly concluded that the lifespan of a tweet is significantly longer for users with higher Klout scores – up to 67 times longer. Klout measures the lifespan of a tweet as the point at which half of all retweets have occurred before a certain point and half of which have occurred after this – the half-life of a tweet. For users with a Klout score of between 40-70, half of all retweets occur within 5 minutes of the initial tweet. With a Klout score of between 70-75 a tweet’s half-life is 25 minutes, between 75-80 a tweet’s half-life is 165 minutes, between 80-85 a tweet’s half-life is 315 minutes and a Klout score of between 85-90 will result in a tweet half-life of 335 minutes.
L'Agence nationale des Usages des TICE - Les tablettes tactiles dans l’enseignement : premières études par Mônica Macedo-Rouet * Les tablettes tactiles ont fait leur entrée dans les établissements scolaires français depuis à peine un an. Le site Educnet recense sept expérimentations au niveau national, qui concernent des écoles, collèges et lycées (consulter le menu « Voir aussi »). Ces études soulignent l’importance des applications logicielles et de leur adaptation à l’enseignement, l’intérêt de la mobilité dans l’usage des tablettes, et la perception positive, mais aussi critique, des élèves vis-à-vis de cette technologie. L’importance des applications logicielles Une équipe du Teachers College de l’université de Columbia vient de réaliser deux études pilotes pour évaluer la perception d’étudiants de licence et de lycéens sur les fonctionnalités de différentes applications de lecture électronique. Mobilité et besoins particuliers Les principaux avantages constatés de l’usage de tablettes étaient : Les expérimentations en France Pistes d’usage Recommandations date de publication : 09/06/2011
State of the Blogosphere 2011: Part 2 - Page 3 - Technorati Blogging We heard from marketers who are just getting started in social media, and veterans who are using every available tool. We also received detailed examples and case studies, which we’ll be profiling in upcoming articles. We also asked them about the most significant developments in social media in 2011 and their predictions for the coming year. Overall, advice was centered along these main themes: Encourage and enable sharing across platforms. Here are some of the responses that best summarized what we learned: “Social Media is a channel that we continue to integrate into all aspects of a marketing campaign. “We see blogger outreach as the opportunity to leverage influencers and connect with a new audience. “I would start off by saying that I believe in taking a different approach to social [media]. “We consider how social media would fit into any campaign, but it's all based on what we're trying to achieve. “Social media is the glue to the mass messages. - Use it. Google+ Facebook Pinterest
Measuring the Social Influence of Your Employees - 2 Examples of Why It's Hard to Do... By now, a lot of your have heard about Klout, which is an online tool that measures your social influence, or the ability to drive action via social tools. It's a cool tool, but let's face it, this is still very much a work in progress. Here's are 2 examples of why tools like Klout still have a long way to go, both taking a look at people I know and respect in the HR and business world. My Klout score is a 50, which is fine. I write daily and do a fair amount on twitter, but really don't do anything at all on Facebook. 1. 2. Great people that I love to follow. Just goes to show you that as we start to look at social influence related to the candidates we consider for certain roles, one number won't do.
Qui sont les Digital Natives ? (étude Kantar Media) Lancée en mars 2011, l'Etude SIMM-TGI Youth est l'outil indispensable des marques pour décrypter une nouvelle génération en construction : les " Digital Natives ". L'étude s'appuie sur le contexte familial, les principaux lieux de vie, les piliers de leur mode de communication, leurs expériences émotionnelles, leurs habitudes médias, leur mobilité et leur vie "en réseau". L'Etude analyse également leur relation aux marques et aux communications, et éclaire tout particulièrement la manière dont se construisent les actes d'achat dans des domaines de consommation clés (multimédia, apparence, alimentation…). Catherine Ducerf, Responsable SIMM-TGI Youth chez Kantar Media commente : " Le digital offre un monde de connexions que les plus jeunes surinvestissent. Les marques, qui ont ancré le digital au cœur de leurs stratégies, se doivent aujourd'hui d'analyser le comportement de cette population en mouvement permanent afin de mettre en place les offres de demain. Une génération connectée !
Maria Popova: In a new world of informational abundance, content curation is a new kind of authorship Editor’s Note: Maria Popova is the editor of Brain Pickings, a curation of “cross-disciplinary interestingness” that scours the world of the web and beyond for share-worthy tidbits. Here, she considers how new approaches to curation are changing the way we consume and share information. Last week, Megan Garber wrote an excellent piece on whether Twitter is speech or text. Yet despite a number of insightful and timely points, I’d argue there is a fundamental flaw with the very dichotomy of the question. While Twitter can certainly be both, it’s inherently neither. And trying to classify it within one or both of these conventional checkboxes completely misses the point that we might, in fact, have to invent an entirely new checkbox. I, of course, make no claim to using Twitter as it “should” be used. Twitter as discovery Like any appropriated buzzword, the term “curation” has become nearly vacant of meaning. And lest we forget, text itself is an invention, a technology.
How Investing In Your Social Skills Can Make You Rich | Under30CEO “85% of your social & financial success in life is determined by your social & communication skills”– The Dale Carnegie Foundation. When I first came across the quote above, I began to question the link between social skills and financial success – What’s the link? After hours of research and questioning the answers began to surface. The reason why such a large percentage of your financial success is attributed to social skills is because for money to change hands from one person to another there must be human interaction. Selling a product or service to customersBeing paid by an employerCreating business deals with business partnersDoing paid chores for a family memberReceiving advertising revenue from advertisers to reach readers All of the decisions above for money to move from one person to another require a person to make a decision to transfer that money. The financial benefits of improving your social skills are vast and in many cases quite tenuous. Awesome People + Awesome Places