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Three Ring

gClassFolders - EdListen-Resources Create a paperless classroom by automatically create shared folders for students (or search gclassfolders from the template gallery) also available in the script gallery under gClassFolders I want to thank Dee for creating the SLAM video. This script was created to accompany the Google Class Model that I recommend for teachers to help organize the classroom: Google Classroom Model Each Classroom set up a Class Edit, Class View, and Dropbox folder. Class Edit ~ These will be files that are editable by everyone in the class Example: Group Assignments Class View ~ These will be files that are only viewable by everyone in the class Example: Syllabus, worksheet templates Student Dropbox ~ This is only between the teacher and the particular student. Example: Handing in homework Formative Assessment can be provided through the use of comments within the page. gClassFolders Instructions Student Instructions Other resources related to this: tags: paperless classroom, gclass folders,

This is the best free site for student eportfolios! It is much easier than creating a google site for each student, and it can be very comprehensive! by egstout Dec 28
