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The Educator’s Guide to Copyright, Fair Use, and Creative Commons

The Educator’s Guide to Copyright, Fair Use, and Creative Commons
Lately, we’ve been hearing more and more about digital copyrights and fair use in the news and online – particularly with the whole SOPA/PIPA uproar that recently swept the web. Also, we on the Edublogs support team have been getting more and more complaints and official requests to remove copyrighted content that users have placed on blogs. The legal jargon with respect to digital copyrights can be confusing – especially since different countries have their own laws and regulations. With this post, we hope to dispel a few myths and pull together a complete list of resources for teachers and students to use when blogging and working with content online. Rule #1: You Can’t Use Everything You Find On the Web Dexter the cat hates those that steal his photos… This may seem obvious, but judging by the notices we have received, many teachers (and especially students) are under the impression that if it is on the web, then it is up for grabs. Rule #2: There Are Resources You CAN Use Images Videos

Productivity Tips - Google Apps for the iPad Productivity Tips To increase efficiency, it helps to add any commonly-accessed websites, such as the Google eBookstore or Google Docs, to the home screen as a bookmark. This allows the shortcut to show up as an app icon, taking users directly where they need to go. To do this, tap the share button at the top of the screen and choose Add to Home Screen. In addition, many third-party apps and software are available to maximize productivity and make tasks simpler for you and your students. iFiles With iFiles, users can save their Google Apps accounts in a list, locking it behind a password. Printopia 2 for Mac If you have a Mac, use Printopia for submitting work. (Be sure to confirm compatibility with your district's network. Flipboard Flipboard is great for Google Reader!

Encyclopædia Universalis Copyright Advice for Teachers (What is Fair Use?) : Teach Digital Copyright is a difficult concept for teachers to grasp as a result of the grey areas associated with its relationship with education, even I don’t completely understand it. Ignorance is bliss! Perhaps if you secretly know you are in breech of copyright then it might be advisable to stop reading this article now! Personally, I think it is extremely important to teach students about copyright and implement good practice in the classroom. This advice is not needed if you have some understanding of the function of Creative Commons and media in the public domain. Most of us know that once a piece of work has been created it is immediately protected by Copyright. Other works can also be in the Public Domain if the copyright owner surrenders their right to the material, which is the general concept of Creative Commons, but again this often comes with conditions that students should be made aware of. Now, lets investigate the grey area of education purposes. US Copyright Law US Fair Use Advice

Creative Commons in the Classroom iPad As.... iPads have exploded throughout schools and classrooms. Their flexibility, versatility, and mobility make them a phenomenal learning tool. As teachers seek ways to integrate these devices, we recommend focusing on specific learning goals that promote critical-thinking, creativity, collaboration, and the creation of student-centric learning environments. In other words, begin with.....

Méthodologie de la recherche sur Internet Faire une recherche, ça s’apprend! Ce site rare est entièrement consacré à la recherche d’information sur Internet : un effort rare, une réalisation de Martine Mottet, enseignante chercheuse en Sciences de l’éducation à l’Université de Laval au Québec. Ce professeur dédie un site entier à la formation à la recherche d’information en bibliothèque et sur le Web, avec la spécificité de s’adresser aux jeunes publics, aux enseignants, aux familles… et aussi aux animateurs multimédia. Cet espace en ligne s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’éducation au numérique et d’un apprentissage pensé en mode pédagogique. Il est ainsi proposé une méthodologie étape par étape de la recherche d’information sur le Web en 6 points chronologiques ; un module diffusé sous Creative Commons : Introduction Ce volet est accompagné de ressources éducatives, de dossiers à télécharger ainsi que de témoignages et activités. Des infographies, schémas explicatifs et tableaux à compléter viennent renforcer ce dispositif. Licence :

Creative Commons Many Flickr users have chosen to offer their work under a Creative Commons license, and you can browse or search through content under each type of license. Here are some recently added bits and pieces: Attribution (CC BY 2.0) » 95102760 photos (See more) Attribution-NoDerivs (CC BY-ND 2.0) » 25148361 photos (See more) Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) » 117814018 photos (See more) Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC 2.0) » 64103165 photos (See more) Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) » 135270441 photos (See more) Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA 2.0) » 49875575 photos (See more) Public Domain Dedication (CC0) » 5026073 photos (See more) Public Domain Mark » 14083587 photos (See more) "Creative Commons is a non-profit that offers an alternative to full copyright." Briefly... Attribution means: You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform your copyrighted work - and derivative works based upon it - but only if they give you credit.

Lucacept - intercepting the Web Today I spent some time with students discussing the issue of plagiarism. It’s an important issue to discuss, and one that I would prefer to cover at the start of the year rather than nearer the end of it, but I take heart from the fact that we are having these important discussions with our student population. I thought I’d share some of the resources I used to put my presentation together. First up, I think it’s important to note that one of the General capabilities that need to be addressed in the upcoming Australian Curriculum is Ethical behaviour. In the Australian Curriculum students develop ethical behaviour as they learn to understand and act in accordance with ethical principles. Understanding the need to behave with academic honesty certainly is an ethical understanding our students need to have. The definition of plagiarism I used came from the Smartcopying website, an excellent source of information about copyright for Australian schools and TAFE institutions. Google+

SmarTots - We recommend the Best Educational Apps for your Child Consignes écrire une critique littéraire 1. Définition et description Le terme « critique » signifie : jugement portant sur une œuvre d’art (par exemple, un roman ) ou auteur de ce jugement. Une critique est donc un texte court (il excède rarement une demi page) qui présente une opinion sur une œuvre d’art, dasn notre cas, une ouvre littéraire. Ce texte comporte en général trois parties : narrative, informative et argumentative dans des proportions variables, en fonction du journal, de son intention et du public ciblé. La partie narrative, quand l'objet de la critique est un récit, présente l'histoire de façon accrocheuse (résumé de l’histoire). Cela aide le destinataire à se faire une première idée de l'œuvre.

Classeur : PUBLIC DOMAIN IMAGES Comic Master 1984 Lies of Nations - 2 + 2 = 5
