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19 Herbs for Vision and Eye Health

19 Herbs for Vision and Eye Health
Wake Up World By Tony Isaacs What you consume has a tremendous affect on the health of your eyes, and vision problems can often be addressed by giving the body what it needs. A largely plant-based diet that provides ample amounts of vitamins, minerals and carotenoids is the first step in maintaining and restoring your eyesight. When that is in place, the next phase is adding herbs and remedies that support and heal the eyes. Here is a list of the top herbs for vision and eye health. Herbs that keep eyes healthy * Pycnogenol is a powerful antioxidant derived from French maritime pine tree bark and the subject of more than 180 studies. * Coleus forskohlii, Pilocarpus jaborandi, and Triphala have all been used to lower intrarocular pressure via parasympathetic relaxation of the body. * Saffron is better known as the kitchen spice that gives curry its yellow color; however, it can have wonderful results for eye problems, including cataracts. Remedies for the eyes Remedies especially for cataracts


The Top 8 Cooling Spices for Summer 12th August 2015 By Dr. Edward Group Guest Writer for Wake Up World To keep the body cool during the summer months, ancient Indian medicine (Ayurveda) recommends consuming spices that promote cooling. After Reading This You Will Never Throw Your Banana Or Orange Peels Away Again Did you know the peels of some fruits hold some of the most powerful nutrients in the world? There are many uses, both medicinal and practical, for orange and banana peels that aren't known by many. So, next time you think about throwing away one of these peels, you may want to remember this information. Orange Peels It's always a good idea to minimize pesticide levels by choosing organic oranges. Oranges tend to be grown with lower pesticide usage than most fruits but a good cleaning with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of white vinegar in 1 cup of water will remove almost any pesticide with ease.

Gather rose hips for health by Gail Butler Vitamin C-rich rose hips can be found in dried form in most health food stores, but why not gather your own? You'll save money and you'll know where they came from and the conditions in which they grew. Furthermore, you'll be adding to your own self-sufficiency by locating and gathering a nutrient-dense food source to nourish yourself and your family. Flowers Used in Chinese Herbal Medicine 25th October 2015 By Dr. Joseph Mercola

California Poppy Seed As Effective As Prescription Pain Killers - Living with chronic pain can be a daily struggle. On top of the physical discomfort, there is the endless cycle of medication. Prescription pain medications can also become addictive, posing additional health risks when taken in excessive doses for extended periods of time. California poppy seed is a natural alternative to pain medication that is non-addictive while producing the same life-changing results.

Hemp: Uses and Cures... Ghee and Herbal Extract Recipes Included! By Yolanda Bertaud Guest Writer for Wake Up World Hemp, Cannabis sativa, is one of the world’s oldest sources of food and medicine, with a history that dates back at least ten thousand years. It relieves glaucoma, epilepsy, migraines, insomnia, asthma, the nausea associated with AIDS and chemotherapy, and a host of other conditions. Herbal birth control, sterility promoters, implantation preventers, menstrual promoters, emmenagogues, uterine contractors, abortifacient www.susunweed.comPlease ask for permission to use this article, write to us at Note: Ab*rtion is a controversial subject, and herbal ab*rtions are not an easy solution to the issues involved. Any ab*rtion is physically, emotionally, and psychically stressful. If you decide that you are not going to nourish a life growing within, please seek a woman wise in the ways of bodies and feelings to help you.

Six natural alternatives to ibuprofen - Phoenix Alternative Medicine The saying used to be, “Take two aspirin and call me in the morning,” but many people turn to ibuprofen to relieve inflammation, pain, and fever. This nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), available both over the counter and by prescription, is commonly used to treat arthritis, menstrual symptoms, headache, general aches and pains, and various inflammatory conditions. Side effects of ibuprofen Although many people think of ibuprofen as being rather benign, it is associated with an increased risk of heart and circulation problems, including stroke and heart attack, as well as gastrointestinal problems, such as bleeding or perforation of the stomach or intestinal tract.

Dandelion Please Share This Page: Other names for Dandelion, past or present: English - Swinesnout, Dashelflower, Pissa-bed Latin - Taraxacum officinale; also Taraxacum Leontodon, Dens LeonisFrench - Dents de LyonGerman - Löwenzahn. (Pfaffenblatt, Runnichstopff - archaic)Dutch - PapencruytSpanish - Diente de LionItalian - Dente di Cane, Piscia al letto Dandelion (Taraxum officinale / Taraxacum erythrospermum) is a very well known plant that grows all over the world. Medicinal Herbs sorted by Herbs names Medicinal Herbs sorted by Common Names Medicinal Herbs sorted by Latin Names Information about more than 4000 medicinal herbs Top 13 Herbal Treatments For Toothache Top 13 Herbal Treatments For Toothache Please be sure to Join our email list and receive all our latest and best tutorials daily – free! 4K+ herbs background image © Africa Studio – (Note – this post is not medical advice nor substitute for a professional evaluation.)

The Best Way to Help Your Body Protect Itself Against Ebola or Other Viruses and Bacteria Derek Henry, Natural NewsWaking Times With the threat of the Ebola virus spreading, there is a need to understand what natural options are readily available to you in case you don’t want to be subjected to conventional medical treatments and infected patients in hospitals. The only proven system to help eradicate the Ebola virus is your body’s immune system, and it is of primary importance to start strengthening its response now to give yourself the best chance of successfully fighting off an infection. Work with your body’s natural defenses The only way to work with your body’s natural defenses is to give it what it requires in order to function at optimal performance. Conventional medical wisdom claims that man-made remedies such as vaccines are superior to those provided by nature, but it doesn’t take a scientist to understand that the toxic chemicals and preservatives injected into the body along with antigens is not a legitimate way to improve immunity.

Wildfoodsandmedicines Our modern palate oscillates between the addictive flavors of salty and sweet, but we have lost an essential ingredient to optimal health: bitter plants. They are so rare in our diet that many people cannot name anything with bitterness except coffee. Historically, humans valued bitters for their digestive stimulating and medicinal properties. Oregon grape is a quintessential bitter plant that has the capacity to cleanse, clarify and enliven body and spirit. Lame name: Mahonia spp. Oregon grape is in the barberry or Berberidaceae family

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