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Tesla - Master of Lightning: A Weapon to End War

Tesla inherited from his father a deep hatred of war. Throughout his life, he sought a technological way to end warfare. He thought that war could be converted into, "a mere spectacle of machines." In 1931 Tesla announced to reporters at a press conference that he was on the verge of discovering an entirely new source of energy. Asked to explain the nature of the power, he replied, "The idea first came upon me as a tremendous shock... I can only say at this time that it will come from an entirely new and unsuspected source." War clouds were again darkening Europe. The idea generated considerable interest and controversy. By 1937 it was clear that war would soon break out in Europe. What set Tesla's proposal apart from the usual run of fantasy "death rays" was a unique vacuum chamber with one end open to the atmosphere. Of all the countries to receive Tesla's proposal, the greatest interest came from the Soviet Union.

Have we found the universe that existed before the Big Bang? First of all, let me say that this is not a comment on the overall article, but a small portion of it included below. I stopped reading at the line "it's not clear whether one can even use the term "before" in reference to a pre-Big-Bang cosmos, as time itself may not have existed yet" There is no such thing as "time" as we see it. Time is not something that exists because time is an entirely human created notion. Emperor 1510 - the workstation on steroids We were blown way by the outrageous design and outrageous price of Modern Work Environment Lab's Emperor 200 Workstation when it first surfaced back in 2009. Since then a model that incorporates many of the same features while being somewhat closer to the means of mere mortals has come on the market - the Emperor 1510. View all The Emperor 1510 has the same tilting, scorpion-like layout as its custom-built cousin, catering for up to three screens from 19-inch to 27-inch in various configurations (3 x 24-inch with a 16:9 ratio is the option on our wishlist, but note that the screens themselves, along with the computer, aren't included in the price of the 1510). The curved tubular frame is made up of Canadian steel with integrated LED lighting and an adjustable keyboard tray and leg rest.

How to Draw Celtic Knotwork The old method These instructions can be followed with pencil and paper or using any computer based drawing or drafting program. I have used Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator, and AutoDesk AutoCad for various projects, but my favorite is Corel Draw. Practical Advances in Everyday Living Heat-Releasing Walls To keep a room cool, just let the walls melt. That's the trick with National Gypsum's Thermalcore, wall panels that absorb and release heat to maintain a comfortable ambient temperature without air-conditioning. At the core of each panel are paraffin-wax capsules made by BASF.

100 Amazing How-To Sites to Teach Yourself Anything Posted by Site Administrator in Online Learning May 7th, 2009 Learning new skills and expanding your knowledge doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. There are loads of free resources on the Web that can help you find instructional videos, tutorials and classes to learn a wide variety of skills from fixing basic car problems to speaking another language. With 100 sites to choose from, you’re bound to find something here that will help you learn just about anything you could want. Is Jupiter Undergoing Massive Climate Change? A Weekend Feature The Hubble Space Telescope and Keck Observatory images may support the idea that Jupiter is in the midst of violent global climate change. This theory was first proposed in 2004 by Phil Marcus, a professor of mechanical engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. The planet's temperatures may be changing by 15 to 20 degrees Fahrenheit, with the giant planet getting warmer near the equator and cooler near the South Pole. Marcus predicted that large changes would start in the southern hemisphere around 2006, causing the jet streams to become unstable and spawn new vortices as has been proven out by the emergence of new swirling red storms. Jupiter's atmosphere has a zig-zag pattern of twelve jet streams which make up its signature pastel-toned bands.

thinking styles - StumbleUpon The following is edited and adapted from It is intended to supplement personal understanding and enhance critical self-examination of yourself as a communicator. Styles of Thinking Einstein for Everyone Einstein for Everyone Nullarbor Press 2007revisions 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Copyright 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 John D. Norton Published by Nullarbor Press, 500 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260 with offices in Liberty Ave., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15222 All Rights Reserved John D.

Victorian Artificial Arm, c.1850-1910 “Made from steel and brass, the elbow joint on this artificial arm can be moved by releasing a spring, the top joint of the wrist rotates and moves up & down, and the fingers can curl up and straighten out. The wearer may have disguised it with a glove. Among the most common causes of amputation throughout the 1800s were injuries received as a result of warfare.” - Science Museum

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Astronomers: A Galaxy of Dark Matter Orbits the Milky Way People used to think that the heavens were a vast clockwork, with planets and moons moving in circular orbits like a vast timepiece. Recent advances have shown us that this stellar machinery is far vaster than they ever suspected - even our galaxy has satellites, mini-galaxies orbiting the Milky Way and some of them could be very interesting indeed. We now know about two dozen of these satellite galaxies. One of the most recent is "Segue 1", uncovered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), whose extremely low light-to-mass ratio makes it a particularly significant cosmic find. Despite having a mass of a million suns it is nowhere near as luminous as astronomers would expect, with only a couple of hundred stars visible.

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