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¿Sabes cuál es tu signo zodiacal? Probablemente estás equivocado. Casi todos sabemos cuál es nuestro signo zodiacal pero, ¿sabías que 86% de nosotros realmente nacimos bajo una constelación distinta a la que le dio el nombre a éste?

¿Sabes cuál es tu signo zodiacal? Probablemente estás equivocado

Las fechas de los signos zodiacales fueron fijadas hace más de 2.000 años. En esa época, correspondían a la constelación de estrellas que aparecía detrás del Sol el día que uno nacía. Pero un fenómeno astronómico, desconocido en aquella época, ha hecho que las constelaciones se hayan corrido con el tiempo. Más precisamente... Para entender el zodiaco, hay que tener en cuenta las estrellas que están detrás del Sol. A medida que la Tierra orbita alrededor del Sol, aparece una constelación diferente cada mes. Los antiguos astrónomos nombraron esta franja celeste con la palabra "zodiaco", que significa "círculo de animales". Fueron los griegos los que tuvieron la idea del signo zodiacal personal, que determina características de la personalidad según la constelación bajo la cual nacemos.

Y no sólo eso... HTC News. Nasa releases the largest picture ever taken – and it’s mind-blowing. The Daily Star Nasa has released a 1.5 billion-pixel image of the Andromeda galaxy, our nearest galactic neighbour, which contains over 100 million stars and spans more than 40,000 light-years.

Nasa releases the largest picture ever taken – and it’s mind-blowing

The image of Andromeda galaxy was captured with the Nasa/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. It is the largest and sharpest image ever taken of the galaxy. Andromeda, otherwise known as M31, is two million light years away from the Earth, according to Hubble Space Telescope, which is a project of international co-operation between Nasa and the European Space Agency. This is a cropped version of the full image and has 1.5 billion pixels. It is the biggest Hubble image ever released and shows over 100 million stars and thousands of star clusters embedded in a section of the galaxy’s pancake-shaped disc stretching across over 40,000 light-years. This image is too large to be easily displayed at full resolution and is best appreciated using the zoom tool.

Mysterious 'Planet X' may really lurk undiscovered in our solar system. "Planet X" might actually exist — and so might "Planet Y.

Mysterious 'Planet X' may really lurk undiscovered in our solar system

" At least two planets larger than Earth likely lurk in the dark depths of space far beyond Pluto, just waiting to be discovered, a new analysis of the orbits of "extreme trans-Neptunian objects" (ETNOs) suggests. Researchers studied 13 ETNOs — frigid bodies such as the dwarf planet Sedna that cruise around the sun at great distances in elliptical paths. [Meet Our Solar System's Dwarf Planets] Theory predicts a certain set of details for ETNO orbits, study team members said. For example, they should have a semi-major axis, or average distance from the sun, of about 150 astronomical units (AU). (1 AU is the distance from Earth to the sun — roughly 93 million miles, or 150 million kilometers.)

But the actual orbits of the 13 ETNOs are quite different, with semi-major axes ranging from 150 to 525 AU and average inclinations of about 20 degrees. However, the pair also stressed that other explanations are possible as well. Giant Gas Bubbles Erupting from Milky Way's Core at 2 Million Mph. Giant bubbles of gas that erupted from the core of the Milky Way galaxy millions of years ago are expanding out into space at mind-blowing speeds, according to new observations that may help reveal how the strange balloon-like lobes formed.

Giant Gas Bubbles Erupting from Milky Way's Core at 2 Million Mph

Scientists using the Hubble Space Telescope have clocked the speed of gas bubbles, known as Fermi bubbles, at a whopping 2 million mph (3.2 million km/h). The giant structures now extend 30,000 light-years above and below the plane of the Milky Way. "A few million years ago, there was a very energetic event at the galactic center, and we're seeing a remnant," lead author Andrew Fox, of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, said at a press conference this month. [The Strangest Things in Space] This is the most crystal-clear image of space ever taken. Twelve grey towers rise up from the fields of wheat and barley near the village of Drax in North Yorkshire.

This is the most crystal-clear image of space ever taken

As you approach, the oak and ash trees that line the road briefly obscure the cooling stacks and their plumes of steam. Then you round a corner and there they are, looming over you, dwarfing everything around them, like a child’s illustration of a belching power station. But Drax, the biggest power plant in England, isn’t the coal-hungry beast it once was. Half of the plant continues to run on fossilized carbon, and the other half has been converted, in a multi-million pound project, to burn biomass—pellets made from wood. Drax is trying to ensure its survival by moving away from fossil fuel and towards a technology that, it says, is more sustainable.

Drax’s conversion, while allowing it to sidestep closure, has opened it up to a whole new set of pressures. Big biomass Superlatives, noted Pauline Butler, Drax’s encyclopedic head guide, quickly fail. There are the cooling stacks.